After thinking for a while, Zeref stared at Natsu: "Even if we join forces, we can't beat Acnologia!"


Natsu didn't wait for Zeref to say the rest, and said, "That's fine! I'll go to Acnologia right now, and I was killed by his magic. I hope you still have the ability to resurrect me!"

What Zeref was going to say Natsu couldn't have been clearer, and for the sake of it, he was so stubborn that Natsu didn't bother to be polite to him!

People around you look at me, I look at you, and no one knows how to interrupt.

A character like Zeref can only talk to him unless he is willing to talk.

If he didn't take you seriously, he wouldn't listen to him no matter how much he said!

Zeref was stunned, Natsu was obviously playing a rogue, but there was nothing he could do.

Natsu's ability to absorb God's curse is beyond his conception of end.

If he really tried to make Acnologia dead, even if he could be resurrected, there's a high chance that the power he has now won't appear.

I do feel a little immersed in my own world, completely ignoring the feelings of others.

Natsu's method is the most suitable method.

Killing Acnologia is making him kill himself!

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly sensed something and looked up at the sky.

There was nothing there, but Zeref sensed: "Come on! He'll be on the island soon."

Natsu hurriedly greeted "Happy": "Leave with Seilah, and use your fastest speed to get the others away before the black dragon arrives!"

The speed of "Happy" is the fastest among the three surpassers, and it is the most guaranteed for him to lead people away.

Seilah, this cute little devil, can only rest assured that Natsu can only let him take him away!

Seilah also knows that he is still here and can only drag Natsu's hind legs. Zeref's God's curse has a stronger support effect on Natsu.

"Happy" caught the moment of flying, looked at Natsu and whispered: "I'll wait for you to come back!"

Natsu smiled and waved his hand. With Zeref and himself against the black dragon, there would be no danger to his life.

Carla with Bob, Pansali with Goldmine.

Only Makarov and Bob can't leave for now!

A few minutes later, Natsu also sensed the existence of the black dragon and whispered: "So soon!"

From the appearance of the black dragon in the perception to the determination of his identity, it is only a few breaths of time, and the speed of the black dragon can be inferred from this...

Natsu's eyes gradually widened!

Faster than "Happy"'s current fastest speed!

At the speed of Heilong, it is completely impossible for him to catch up with him!

To know that this is only the speed of his rush!

Makarov and Yajima looked dazed, one was the Holy Ten Great Magi and the other was an expert in ancient script magic.

Both of them have good perception ability, but they can't perceive the existence of the black dragon, so they can only follow the direction Zeref and Natsu are looking at.

Suddenly a spot of light flashed across the sky.

After the light flashed, a black spot slowly enlarged.

"Acnologia!" Makarov hummed.

"Hasn't "Happy" come yet?" She shouted anxiously, looking in the direction of "Happy" leaving.

It doesn't matter to him!

Natsu teamed up with Zeref and Black Dragon to fight, and Sirius Island will definitely not be able to stay.

This is the holy place of the Fairy Tail guild. As the president, I have to live and die with Sirius Island!

Makarov needs "Happy" to take Yajima away!

This young friend cannot die on Sirius Island.

"Makarov! You underestimate me!" Yajima looked at Makarov with a bit of displeasure.

After so many years of friends, how could he not know what Makarov thinks?

Want to let "Happy" escape with him!

Zeref teamed up with Natsu and the black dragon to fight. This scale of battle can be said to be the first time in history!

At this age, Yajima is not afraid of death at all.

As a sorcerer, to be able to witness such a battle, even if you die in the aftermath of a magic spell, you won't be a sorcerer in vain!

"There are still spells I adapted on this island. You can't hurt the black dragon, and you can still disturb his sight!"

"In a battle of this scale, a little mistake can make the Black Dragon doom forever!"

"Yajima!" Makarov looked at Yashima with a bit of shame.

"You think too much!" Zeref whispered.

Yajima was stunned for a moment, although Zeref didn't look at him, he knew that Zeref was speaking to him.

In other words, the spells on Sirius Island are completely ineffective against the black dragon!

A little annoyed!

Ancient script magic was handed down from ancient times, and things from that time have some effect on the life of dragons.

I don't want to be able to cause damage to him, as long as the black dragon can make a little error in judgment, this battle will have a better chance of winning.

Not to mention killing the black dragon, as long as you can drive him away!

The black dragon in the line of sight is getting bigger and bigger, and the entire outline can be completely seen.

The black wings spread nearly 100 meters, and the sturdy dragon body brings a strong sense of oppression.

I can't feel the magic of the black dragon!

Not one level!

Cold sweat slid down Makarov and Yajima's cheeks, looking at each other and seeing the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

I have no idea how strong the black dragon is!

Such beings are no longer in the same dimension as mages.

The gap is too big!

Natsu's fists gradually clenched, staring at the black dragon, his breathing gradually became heavier.

He can sense the magic of the black dragon!

Just because he sensed the magic power of the black dragon, Natsu felt fear in his heart.

Absorbing Zeref's curse of God, his magic power has increased more than ten times compared to before.

But this kind of magic power is only a drop in the ocean compared to the magic power of the black dragon.

All magic is powered by magic.

The stronger the magic power, the stronger the explosive power.

With the magic power of the black dragon, any magic can cause devastating damage.

Destroying Sirius Island can be done with just a sneeze from the black dragon.

"Natsu! Look!" Zeref took a step forward, all the magic powers working, forming a magic ball covered with black incantation in his hand.

Seeing this, Natsu's pupils shrank sharply.

Zeref's magic has no special profound meaning, it's just an ordinary magic bullet.

But Zeref condensed all his magic into this magic bullet, and this magic bullet became unusual.

Definitely stronger than the magic that Natsu unleashes with all his strength!

Zeref said solemnly: "Your magic power is very strong, and magic is also very strong, but you don't know how to control."

"As a result, your random magic can destroy a large area, and it works well for targets that are much weaker than you."

"For an enemy of the same level as you, or stronger than you, it will make your magic power not concentrated and not be able to cause effective damage."

Natsu nodded, unable to refute Zeref's words.

The worst thing he has ever done is control!

The faster you improve, the less control you have.

It's easy to let him destroy the world, but it's hard to let him focus his power on one target without hurting others.

Quietly watching Zeref's control method, teaching on the spot, and absorbing Zeref's experience in battle, such a teacher will never have a second one.

The magic is in motion, learn Zeref's method to control the magic.


The red pillar of fire rushed out of Natsu's mouth and instantly turned into a pillar of fire several hundred meters thick!

The whole world was discolored by the red fire column, and the sea water was directly evaporated by more than one meter!

Most of the plants on Sirius Island are lit by Natsu's dragon fire!

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