Zeref rolled his eyes, he just said let Natsu learn to control magic, and just after the words fell, he came to kill in a large area.

It would be hell for such magic to be useful to a black dragon!

Natsu's face darkened to the extreme, obviously Zeref's way of using magic was clear.

I already know that feeling in my heart, and when I use it, it becomes like this.


This is too frustrating.

Acnologia didn't even look at the breath that Natsu released, and charged directly at the red pillar of fire several hundred meters thick.

With such scattered power, he completely ignored it.

The only thing he cared about was the tiny black magic ball. Although it wouldn't hurt, it would hurt a lot.

He turned his body away from Zeref's magic and charged down directly at the crimson fire column.

There was a sneer at Zeref's mouth: "Is my magic so easy to avoid?"

With a thought, the black magic ball that was going straight turned a corner in the air and slammed into the black dragon.

Full of depression, Natsu looked at the fire dragon rushing into the breath, without uttering a word, his face became even darker to the extreme.


This is too disrespectful.

Anyway, this is dragon slaying magic with added magic power, and the powerful magic that the four kings of Ishgar will peel off their skins even if they don't die.

Acnologia, you should hide for a while!

If you rush over like this, you look down on people in addition to looking down on them!

Looking at Natsu's expression, Makarov felt inexplicable sympathy for some reason.

The contrast is so stark.

A magic ball as small as Zeref, almost useless magic, and Acnologia has to hide.

Natsu added the magical dragon slaying magic, and Acnologia completely ignored it.

This will be frustrating for anyone!

There is a difference in strength between Natsu and Zeref, but one is full force and the other is very random magic, the contrast is too strong.

"Natsu! You still have a lot to learn." Makarov couldn't help muttering.

"I see!" Natsu whispered in a sullen voice.

Yajima glared at the two of them and roared angrily: "You two! It's not too nervous, it's the black dragon, it's Acnologia, how can you be so leisurely?"

Natsu scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling that as long as he participated in the battle, no matter what kind of enemy he faced, he couldn't get nervous.

Such is the character, who can do anything about it?

never mind!

No matter how much.

Do it!

"Ow!!" Acnologia roared, magic power gathering in his mouth.

He's too big to hide from Zeref's little magic.

Although it didn't break the defense, it was a little painful.

What annoys Acnologia the most is being beaten by humans!

I don't know what pain feels like for so many years, Zeref's magic completely made Acnologia angry.

Spit straight up!

Only by sinking this Sirius Island, destroying all the humans on it, and then by the way to destroy a country, can the anger in my heart be quelled.

"Natsu! You have to be serious this time, I can't handle this magic of Acnologia!" Zeref shouted.

He certainly won't die in Acnologia's breath, but Sirius Island and everyone else on the island will die.

"I'm serious, hey!" Natsu couldn't help shouting loudly.

The ability is not good, the control of magic is only to that extent, how can it be changed in a short time?

"Don't want to die! Give me twelve points of strength!" Zeref looked at Natsu and shouted.

"Damn it!" Natsu muttered.

The majestic magic gathered towards the mouth of Acnologia, and a magic storm appeared over Sirius Island.

Just the magic power consumed by this magic has already surpassed all the magic power of Natsu by too much, it is not a level at all!

There is only one thing that can make Natsu stand in front of the black dragon!

Taking a deep breath, all the magic power in the body is fully activated.

"end mode!"

Twelve black streamers were scattered in all directions with Natsu as the center, and the body was covered with black incantations, but the shape did not change.

"Is this the new end mode?" Zeref couldn't help but glance.

After absorbing God's curse, Natsu's magic power has changed.

It cannot be regarded as a complete curse of God, nor can it be regarded as a complete curse.

Not necessarily weaker than God's curse!

That's a whole new power that belongs entirely to Natsu!

Humans fuse the curse of God and use it for the first time in the history of magic.

Even Zeref has no idea what the nature of this power is.

The magic he used himself, although mixed with the curse of the gods, was less powerful than the curse of the gods.

The curse of the gods was upon him, but it was not his, nor was it Zeref's will to mingle with magic.

That's the passive effect of God's Curse!

Destroy all life Zeref faces!

is punishment!

Not an assistant!

And Natsu's curse of God is completely integrated into his magic system, it can no longer be regarded as the curse of God, it is completely his own power.

The power that can be controlled freely is definitely stronger than the curse of the gods that cannot be controlled on Zeref.

But it's also possible that God's Curse is weakened by incorporating too much of Natsu's body!

Everything is unknown.

Just waiting for Natsu to use this magic will know whether the curse of God has become stronger or weaker on him!


Natsu's thoughts moved, and the twelve streamers around him gathered, closing his eyes and carefully recalling the feeling of Zeref's use of magic.

Twelve streamers gathered where Natsu put his hands together, gradually turning into a pure white ball of light.


The body is huge, with a diameter of 100 meters.

The corners of Zeref's mouth twitched, and he said softly, "It's better than before."

Makarov and Yajima, who were standing behind them, tensed up.

Acnologia's magic is about to fall, are you still in the mood to evaluate Natsu's magic here?

You will not die, we will all die!

Natsu has just started learning control magic, and he can't handle the magic of Acnologia.

Please serve some snacks and give Natsu the greatest help.

Or if you are the main attacker, it's not impossible to let Natsu assist you, don't be so leisurely.

"If you need the curse of the gods, I will give you more curses of the gods. Even if you don't know how to control, you have enough curses of the gods to make Acnologia dare not look down on you!"

Zeref's low drink gave Makarov and Yajima a shot in the heart.

Zeref didn't care about his own life or death, he wouldn't die anyway.

The only thing for sure is that he will never let Natsu die here!

As long as Natsu doesn't die, he won't die, and Sirius Island will be fine.

The curse of God was released little by little, all injected into Natsu's body.

"I can't control it!" Natsu yelled.

Originally lacking control, Zeref injected him with so many gods' curses, and he couldn't control it even more.

"If you can't control it, don't control it, and let out all the curses of the gods!" Zeref yelled.

"Om!" A roar came from the air.

Natsu managed to compress to a white ball of 100 meters, and instantly expanded to a kilometer in diameter, and continued to grow stronger because of the curse of the gods that Zeref injected into him!

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