This is a winter island shrouded in snow and ice all year round.

The Red Haired Pirates Regiment territorial sea of the sixty-sixth uninhabited banquet island.

Right now.

Led by the Four Kings Red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired pirates all stood up.

Welcome Qi Yu’s return!!!



The waves lapped against the reef.

Small sailing boats flying the free double-knife flag moored on the shore.

Qi Yu and the newcomer Locke Star landed one after the other.


The red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors laughed as much as ever.

He strode forward and gave Qi Yu a big hug with open arms.

“Welcome back, Qi Yu, this trip is really hard!”

“Hurry up, the feast for the celebration is ready!”

“Let’s talk about your experience of this trip while we drink!”

After nearly half a month of healing, the red-haired Shanks has fully recovered.

Restored to its previous grinning state.

“Hard work is not enough, this is what I should do!”

“After all, I’m also a member of the Red-Haired Pirates!”

Qi Yu nodded seriously.

“It’s really worthy of our co-captain!”

“It’s so reliable!”

“Vice Qi, hurry up!”

“Just wait for you as the protagonist to appear!”

“This time, you should tell us about the legendary experience of this trip!”

“How the hell did you convince Whitebeard?”


The little fat man Raqilu, Jesus Bu, the cadre Lao Jin, the braid brother and others all opened their mouths one after another.

“Hahaha, let’s get started!”

Qi Yu waved a big hand and immediately gave the order.


The Red Regiment crowd cheered in unison.

Red-haired Shanks: “??? ”

Obviously I am the captain of the ship!

“Shanks, today’s protagonist is Qi Yu!”

“You should also want to know what Qi Yu actually said, so that the stubborn old man with the white beard was all relaxed!”

Beckman spat out a smoke ring.

“Ahahaha, that’s what it says!”

The red-haired Shanks touched the back of his head.

Hurry up and keep up.

The red-haired pirate group special happy banquet began.

The melodious pirate song of Binks’s wine floated under the sky.

It is customary to drink a lot before saying something serious.

The wine has passed three rounds, and the dish has passed five tastes.

The sun sets and night falls.

The drunken red-haired Shanks grinned broadly on Qi Yu’s shoulder.

Qi Yu’s eyelids jumped.

Silently removed the redhead’s large hand.


The red-haired Shanks who drank too much didn’t care.

“Then again, now it’s time to talk!”

“Qi Yu, what did you do on this trip to the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment?”

“That stubborn old man was really moved by you!”

The red-haired Shanks looked at Qi Yu and asked with a surprised face.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Vice Qi, how did you do it?”

“I know more or less about the stubborn temperament of the white-bearded old man!”

“I didn’t expect that old man to actually send someone to find Ace!”

Everyone in the Red Tuan looked at Qi Yu curiously, waiting for his answer.


Unexpected by all.

For their questions, Qi Yu also looked confused and raised an eyebrow.

“Ah this…”

“Qi Yu, don’t you know?”

Beckman asked.

“What do you know?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“The Whitebeard Pirates have already begun their move!”

“Several support troops have been sent to the other side of the paradise, presumably to recall Ace!”

Jesus Bu answered.

“Isn’t this your masterpiece?”

As early as five days ago, the intelligence network of their red-haired pirate group had received news of the operation of the Whitebeard gang.

It’s just that Qi Yu, who was still entangled with Gion at that time, didn’t know it.


Qi Yu responded with a surprise sigh.


Qi Yu probably knew everything.

“What, I didn’t expect that old man with a white beard to be a dead arrogant and upright man!”

Qi Yu couldn’t help but smile and shake his head.

That day.

When on the whale boat, the white beard is a blushing face with a thick neck.

The voice was loud as if even the sky could roar down.

As a result, wait for him to leave.

The backhand is a look back.


“Qi Vice Qi Vice Qi”

“What does it mean to be honest with the mouth?”

Someone asked puzzled.

“It is a model of disgust in the mouth, but the body is very honest!”

Qi Yu casually explained.


“So it was, so it was!”

Red-haired Shanks nodded thoughtfully.

He held aloft the wine glass in his hand.

“Everyone, it seems that tonight’s banquet, we have many stories to listen to!”

“Next, we will ask our co-captain to tell us in detail about the legendary experience of his trip!”

“In the future, when you go outside, you can also brag and brag!”

Red-haired Shanks coaxed.


The crowd echoed loudly.

“It’s just a few small things, nothing to say!”

Qi Yu waved his hand and resigned.

Telling stories or something, it’s too much trouble.


“Don’t be so modest! Qi Vice! ”

The Red Regiment is not without loss.

That’s when it happened.

“I’ll come and I’ll talk!”

The newcomer, Locke Star, shoved a piece of meat into his mouth and raised his hand with interest.

“Ahahaha, then let the newcomer describe it for you!”

Red-haired Shanks said.

Locke Star wiped the oil stains on his hands.

“Cough cough”

He cleared his throat.

Majestic and energetic, he stepped forward to the stage.

A face of unfathomability.

It wasn’t until I was almost beaten that I finally spoke.

It begins with his own embarkation.

But he didn’t finish his part.

I don’t know whose slippers flew over.

“Speaking of the point, newcomer!”

The crowd shouted.


Locke Star whimpered, only to end the process of adding oil and vinegar to shock the white dough.

However, there is one thing that cannot be left unsaid.

“Chief, your face doesn’t work at all!”

“That whitebeard tore your handwritten letter apart as soon as he came up!”

Locke Star Road.

The smile on the red-haired Shanks’s face stagnated.

But it’s not just because of the demolition of Locke Star.


[Look, look, I said it earlier].

[Let you eat the fruit of the face you don’t eat, now the face is not enough].

Heartfelt spit attack from a close friend——

Late but !!!


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