[I said it earlier, let you eat the fruit of face and become a real face person].

In that case, even the white-bearded old man will give you face

[This is good, the cowhide is blown out, let the newcomers see the joke is not


Qi Yu shook his head and thought to himself, with a helpless face.

Shanks: “??? ”

From the previous landing to the present.

He really didn’t hear Qi Yu’s mind again.

He had thought that nearly half a month had passed.

Qi Yu was already able to control his ‘strange’ voice ability.

Who would have thought.

The ‘bamboo shoots’ from the damaged friends are late but late!

It’s time to come after all!

Shanks couldn’t help but start to get upset again.

What is the face of the fruit of the face?

I don’t want to be that inexplicable face-saving person!

The more Shanks thought about it, the more upset he became.

Raise your glass and plan to take a sip of wine to suppress the shock.

But as soon as it was delivered to his mouth, Shanks paused again.

Because he suddenly thought of something.

In the present time of Qi Yu’s return.

He could no longer drink as hard as he had been in the past half a month, and he was drunk like mud.

Vigilance and sobriety must be maintained at all times.

The root of everything is naturally still on the fruit of the face of Narausch.

He hadn’t forgotten yet.

That day, Qi Yu had thought in his heart about the fact that he was going to give him ‘medicine’.

This friend of his own family is an iron heart that wants him to become a face fruit ability.

Had to be defended!

“Chief, do you hear me?”

“That white-bearded old man tore off your autograph!”

“I tore it off without even looking at it, and I really didn’t have any emotional face!”


The little fat man Raziru, Jesus Bu and others all laughed.

For the whitebeard does not give face to his own captain.

Instead of being angry, they laughed happily when they openly tore up the letters.

This is the style of the red-haired pirate group, the most joyful of the four royal groups.


“This is the style of the old man with the white beard!”

Red-haired Shanks was also laughing.

He didn’t care at all about the fact that he had been left to face.

Compared with.

The degree of disturbance of being torn up by Whitebeard was not as good as Qi Yu’s casual spitting!

“Boss, everyone, why are you still laughing?”

“That white-bearded old man didn’t give me any face at all!”

Locke Star’s eyes widened in puzzlement.

“New man, you are new to the city now, and when you get along for a long time, you will know why we are laughing!”

Jesus Cloth patted Locke Star’s shoulder.

“Let’s talk about what happened after that!”


Locke Star nodded stunnedly.

He sorted out the language a little.

Keep talking.

“Just as the white-bearded old man tore up the head’s handwritten letter, I had a clever move and looked at the sun!”

“And guess what? It was exactly twelve o’clock in the afternoon, so I decisively woke up Qi Fu from his nap! ”

Locke Star said triumphantly.


Listen to him mention that he woke up Qi Yu at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Everyone in the red group was subconsciously shocked.

Beckman glanced at the red-haired Shanks and then grinned.

An ominous premonition comes true.

Sure enough, it crashed into the worst point of the meeting.

“Newcomer and newcomer, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon, that is the ultimate arrogant posture of the Qi Vice!”

“What the hell happened next?”

“Did Vice Qi and Whitebeard get into a fight?”

The people of the Red League asked curiously.


Locke Star sold a pass, almost attracting a violent beating.

Honestly, he didn’t dare to hang his appetite anymore.

“Good fellow, you didn’t see that!”

“Qi Vice is a step by step, almost stepping on the white-bearded whale boat!”

“…… There are guys who don’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth who want to stop it, and as a result, they are thrown away before they get close, which is also natural, after all, how can a mere mortal get close to the sun at will…”

“…… The old hair of the white-bearded man soared, and against Qi Fu, even the sky was cracked…”

“And guess what’s the final result? The white-bearded old man even got rid of his weapons! ”

“In this duel, in the end, we have won together!”

“Qi Vice is really the strongest in the world!”

Locke Star is passionate.

Painted and colorful, he danced with his hands and feet to tell the people of the Red Troupe about the legendary experience he witnessed with his own eyes.

Especially the ultimate collision between Qi Yu and Whitebeard that cracked the sky.


The whole red-haired pirate group is boiling!

“It’s really worthy of being Vice Captain Qi Yu!”

“At twelve o’clock at noon, Qi Vice is invincible!”

“The white-bearded old man is already in the past tense, and the strongest is of course Qi Fu!”

“It’s heaven and earth, only the second sub-respect!”


Listening to the story of Locke Star, they only felt immersed in the scene and witnessed the great collision of the century.

The hot blood in the body gradually stirred.

Even the ice and snow of Winter Island are melted by their boiling blood.

Listen to the admiration of your partners.

Qi Yu just smiled and said nothing.

Everything is taken for granted.


“With such a powerful co-captain, I’m really stressed!”

Shanks laughed happily.

There was no strange thought in the slightest because Qi Yu’s strength and prestige surpassed his.

Like the other captains, he was afraid of his subordinates and taking advantage of the opportunity to seize the captain’s position, but he did not have any worries.

This is due to his own personality.

At the same time, it is out of trust in his best friend Qi Yu.

Let’s be honest.

The casual Qi Yu really didn’t think much about the position of captain of the red-haired pirate group.

But to the captain’s wife…

Qi Yu’s gaze subconsciously looked at Shanks’s waist.


[Shanks these two goods did not bring their wives today? 】

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow not without surprise.

“Ahaha… Gah”

The red-haired Shanks’ laughter came to an abrupt end.


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