
A cold and majestic scolding sounded from the cabin.

“Lord Han Cook!”

“Lord Snake!”

Listening to the beautiful female voice coming from the cabin, a group of Nine Snake Regiment warriors suddenly looked happy.

“Everybody back off!”

The majestic scolding rose again.

“Yes! Lord Snake! ”

All the warriors shouted in unison and retreated to both sides of the cabin at the first time.


The vermilion door of the cabin opens.

Dressed in a close-fitting purple pattern high-forked cheongsam, the posture is cold and colorful.

The tall woman who is absolutely beautiful and invincible steps out with pride.

She is known as the world’s first beautiful woman in the pirate emperor – Poyahan Cook.

For the female emperor Han Cook, Qi Yu is no stranger.

Compared to the name of the Seven Martial Seas.

The title of the world’s number one beauty is much louder.

As one of the three most beautiful women in the Pirate World hand-picked by Oda.

Poyahan Cook does indeed deserve the title.

She is a good looking.

Plus the ability of Superman to sweeten the fruit.

Whether it is the face or the posture, it is unique.

This is a woman who is enough to drive ninety-nine percent of the world’s men crazy.

The waves crashed on the hull of the perfume snake, making a rattling sound.

The deck of the pirate ship Perfume Snake is very quiet.

The Nine Snake Female Warriors did not say a word.

Just looking at the ‘Heavenly Fairy’ who slowly appeared from the cabin.

It was their captain, their emperor, and their faith, the pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook!!!


Poyahan Cook kept walking.

The slender heel of ten centimeters collides with the deck to play a beautiful music.

A few seconds later.

Poyahan Cook stopped.

It was about ten meters away from Qi Yu and looked at each other.

Four eyes opposite.

Qi Yu and the female emperor Poyahan Cook’s eyes met at the moment.

The air on the whole ship seemed to freeze at this moment.

Invisibly, there seemed to be sparks bursting and splashing.

It was an invisible clash of momentum between Qi Yu and Poyahan Cook.

Even knowing that the man in front of him is one of the terrifying beings standing at the apex of the world.

Even if you know that even you don’t have much of a chance of winning.

But Poyahan Cook’s response remains strong.

Because she is the proud One Piece Emperor.

At the same time, she is also the world’s number one beauty.

Whatever she did would be forgiven, it was her conceit.

No matter what kind of opponent she faces, she will not easily lower her high head, which is her strength.

The humiliation of four years ago is absolutely not allowed to reappear today.

This is her firm belief at this moment.

It’s just that

The female emperor Han Cook forgot the most important point.

That’s her conceit, her strength, and her overlord.

In front of Qi Yu, it was not worth mentioning at all!!!


Suddenly, a rootless wind blew on the surface of the sea, blowing Poyahan Cook’s dark hair.

At the same time, it is accompanied by an indescribable depressive momentum.

“This is the Overlord Domineering !!!”


Feel the sudden burst of powerful momentum in Poyahan Cook’s body.

Sandarsonia and Marie Groede were shocked.

The other Nine Snakes cadres also waited in strict formation, preparing for the worst.

It was the decision of Poyahan Cook, who was the captain of the ship.

Naturally, they only swore to follow them to the death.


At this moment, the mighty overlord color domineering spirit rushed out of Poyahan Cook’s delicate body.

Under the overlord color domineering impact of Poyahan Cook’s full bloom.

The Nine Snake warriors on the ship were all holding their breath, their looks full of tension and uneasiness.

If it is an ordinary enemy, it is enough.

They must have clapped their hands and cheered long ago.

However, standing in front of them now was Qi Yu!

Even if it is domineering, it will certainly not play a half role for such characters.


It’s just that it doesn’t work.

The minds of Sandassonia, Marie Groed, and more.

Memories of four years ago are pouring in like a tidal wave.

They remember it clearly.

Four years ago.

Poyahan Cook also tried to frighten Qi Yu with his overlord domineering power.

But what about the end result?


Big bad!

“To come…”

Sandarsonia’s shouting of reminder had stopped abruptly before it could be exported.

Next second.

A domineering tsunami that is more violent than the sea has descended on !!!

“Stupid Pirate Emperor, have you forgotten?”

“Between you and me, in the domineering color of the overlord, that heavenly gap!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Even the whitebeard, who has the title of the strongest man in the world, is invincible!

Reach the level of overlord color domineering!

And one of the passives that is triggered after encountering the impact of the overlord color of others – the majesty of the king!

At this moment, do as much as you can to start!


A momentum so powerful that the heavens and the earth changed color rushed out from Qi Yu’s body.

Horizontal pressure square!!!

Just for a moment.

The momentum that originated from Qi Yu was the overlord color domineering spirit that completely overwhelmed Poyahan Cook.

Next second.

More alarming changes have occurred.

All you can hear is the cracking sound of ‘clicking’.

Sandarsonia, Marie Groed, and other Hydra cadres were horrified to see it.

Under Qi Yu’s domineering spirit that seemed to materialize the overlord color.

The fence of the pirate ship Perfume Snake appeared cracked and then exploded.

Dense cracks also appeared on the deck and cabin.

What should have been just a spiritual overlord color has actually affected reality!!!

It’s unheard of for them!

“Just like four years ago, it was only a moment that overpowered my sister’s overlord color!”

“This man’s domineering color is indeed unusual!”

“It’s simply not a dimensional power!”

Sandarsonia cried out.

“How can this be?”

“The overlord of the elder sister has obviously become stronger, why is the gap still so large?”

“It’s like the difference between heaven and earth!!!”

Mary Groed’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“I’ve never seen such a horrible overlord and feel like my breathing is going to stop.”

“Snake Hime…”

Gentian, Purple Fanhua, Cosmos and other Nine Snake cadres gasped with difficulty and unconsciously retreated.

As for the young Nine Snake girls, at this moment, they didn’t even hum and looked up.

His eyes rolled white, he completely lost all consciousness, and fell unconscious.

It only took a few seconds to go before and after.

The Perfume Snake deck hula fell a slice of people.

In the end, he was able to barely support the lack of hands.


After holding out for more than ten seconds under the impact of Qi Yu’s furious dragon-like Overlord roar.

Poyahan Cook finally couldn’t hold on any longer and let out a squeal.

Her head jerked back.

The footsteps of the high heels are chaotic.

I was about to fall to the ground.


The large python Sarome, covered in pink spots, first parades in.

A chair hovered behind Poyahan Cook prevented her from falling to the ground.

“How can this be? The overlord color of the concubine is still like this… Vulnerable! ”

Poyahan Cook leaned back against Sarome, his white hands supporting his smooth forehead, only to feel a sense of trance

This was the second time since she had become the Nine Snake Emperor that she had felt such a frustrated emotion.

And it was planted a second time on the same man.

I thought it had been a four-year ascension.

Her overlord color domineering spirit has grown strong enough.


Until now, it once again collided with Qi Yu’s overlord color.

She finally knew.

The gap between yourself and the real sea overlord.

Her overlord color was in front of Qi Yu’s Overlord Breath.

The weak are like three-year-old children.

“Your overlord color domineering is still far behind, Miss Emperor!”


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