“Your overlord color domineering is still far behind, Miss Emperor!”

Qi Yu grinned.


Listening to Qi Yu’s ridicule, the female emperor couldn’t help but feel annoyed in her heart

“No, it’s not time to concede.”

Poyahan Cook stubbornly said to himself.

She bit her silver teeth lightly and used all her strength to get back on her feet.

The head still maintains a backward posture.

However, it was not caused by the impact of Qi Yu’s overlord color.

This is the signature posture of the proud female emperor –

Because of excessive arrogance, so that the head is completely thrown back, while pointing at the opponent with a green and white hand.

“Rude man, if you bow your head and apologize now, the concubine can forgive your rudeness, and even give you a chance to stay with the concubine.”

Poyahan Cook arrogantly opened his mouth.

If other men had heard Poyahan Cook’s words, they would have been ecstatic.

Instead of feeling ashamed, it was impossible to refuse to squeeze out the head and want to become a close servant to the female emperor.

It’s just that

Pretending to be arrogant in front of Qi Yu?

It’s a hundred years early!

Because Qi Yu is the most arrogant man in the world.

Even if it’s not noon.

Qi Yu could never be arbitrarily slighted by others.

Compared to being conquered, Qi Yu prefers the feeling of conquering others.

Especially a woman as proud as Poyahan Cook.

The sense of accomplishment brought by it is completely incomparable to the average ordinary woman.

“Miss Poyahan Cook, who do you think I am?”

Qi Yu grinned and took a strong step forward.


The entire Perfume Snake pirate ship shook violently.

Two pull-boat sea snakes with frightened faces.

“Sweet and sweet”

For Qi Yu’s response, Poyahan Cook was not surprised in the slightest.

Superman is powered by the Sweet Fruit Ability.

Poyahan Cook’s white hands posed in a heart shape.

A pink petrified glow was released from the palm of her hand.

Those who are mentally unfit or seduced by her beauty will be thoroughly petrified by the sweet power of Poyahan Cook.

In the face of Poyahan Cook’s insoluble ability to sweeten fruit, Qi Yu did not shy away.

Let the light fall on his body, and the corners of his mouth always have a faint curve.

Poyahan Cook also showed a confident smile.

No one is immune to his beauty, and Poyahan Cook is confident in it.

That one four years ago.

For some unprepared reasons.

She didn’t even have the ability to use the sweet fruit against Qi Yu.

But this time.

She was ready.

It’s just that

The development of events was still very different from what she had imagined!

Her ability to sweeten the fruit was invalid???

The first time in the world!!!

“This… How can it be? ”

Looking at Qi Yu, who did not change in the slightest under her sweet and sweet wind.

Poyahan Cook’s eyes widened, and his beautiful face was filled with unparalleled shock and disbelief.

As a person with the ability to sweeten the fruit, she knows the power of this fruit better than anyone.

“Could it be that this man has no idea about me at all?”

“How is this possible?”

“The beauty of a concubine should be absolute!”

Poyahan Cook’s heart was in turmoil.

Since getting the ability to sweeten the fruit.

It was the first time she had encountered such an unexpected contingency.


Sandassonia, Marie Groede and other cadres.

At this moment, each face also had a ridiculous expression like a ghost.

Can’t believe it.

In this world, there are really men who can be immune to the sweet fruit ability of the female emperor Han Cook.

Don’t say men.

Even women.

You can’t be indifferent to your sister’s beauty.

“Oh well”

Looking at the shock on the faces of Poyahan Cook and the others, Qi Yu couldn’t help but smile.

He is not a second fool like Luffy, and of course he will have some ideas in the face of such a beautiful woman as the female emperor.

Just thinking about ideas, this does not mean that Qi Yu will be captured by her beauty.

Those who will petrify the female emperor, in the final analysis, are just not strong enough.

As long as the spirit is strong enough, the ability to sweeten the fruit will not have any effect.

To rely on ability is to defeat the power of the Sea Emperor.

At the end of the day, it’s too whimsical.

Frustrated again, Poyahan Cook felt only his head rumble.

Her pride, everything about her seemed to be crushed at this moment.


With a squeal, Poyahan Cook once again slumped into Sarome’s chair.

She put her hands on her forehead and fell into thought.

“Sister Hancock!”

“Sister, are you all right?”

Sandarsonia and Marie Groed rushed forward to check on the situation.

“I… It’s okay. ”

Defeated, Poyahan Cook waved weakly.

Next second.

A huge shadow suddenly shrouded it.

“Wow, ah, ah”

“You, you, you… What do you want to do! ”

“Don’t get close!”

Look at Qi Yu who suddenly walked closer.

Both Sandarsonia and Marie Groede narrowed their eyes in shock and waited in a tight line.

Ignoring the intimidation of the Poiya sisters.

Qi Yu came to the frustrated and collapsed Poyahan Cook.

The head jerked down.

The strong wind that brought it made Poyahan Cook’s pretty face only feel pain.

However, compared to the fierce wind.

What made Poyahan Cook care more was the manly breath that came from the nose.

There was also Qi Yu, who was close at hand, and there was only less than a centimeter left with her.

As if just a little closer.

Their lips were about to touch.

“This man, he… What exactly did he want to do to his concubine? ”

Poyahan Cook thought nervously.

The gorgeous red lips couldn’t stop trembling slightly.

While his heart was throbbing, he also carried a strange emotion that had never been seen before.

The female emperor Han Cook suddenly discovered.

It seems… Heartbroken!

To a man!

In fact.

This is not the first time.

Four years ago.

She had experienced it once.

It’s just that the feeling at that time was far less clear than it is now.

“What the hell is wrong with the concubine?”

The female emperor Han Cook subconsciously covered her restless heart.

She closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

However, the imaginary feeling of the lip flap being taken away did not appear.

Qi Yu grinned, and his head tilted sharply toward the python Sarome seat on the side.

Before, in a flash.

All he felt seemed to be a flash of golden light in front of him.

This is the way forward, to be sure.

It turns out.

Qi Yu was not mistaken.

After successive defeats of the haughty Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook.

The golden legend, sure enough, shines again.


When Qi Yu did see the golden legend.

The system beeps up.

【Congratulations on winning the S-class charm】


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