“This is good!”

“Bring that too!”

“And all of this and those, move them all to my ship!”


Right now.

Perfume Snake pirate ship.

Extremely rare and unusual images happen again.

Not long ago, the Nine Serpents Pirate Regiment was also commanding and plundering merchant ships.

Now, anti-looting.

He was even called by the marauders to drink.

Bring all the best of the spoils of war.

In the history of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

This is the first time in the world.

Yet to this.

The girls who fought the Nine Snakes did not resist in the slightest.

For now it is the terrifying Emperor of the Sea who is plundering them.

Just one look almost overwhelmed them.

Even the captain they trusted and admired, the Pirate Female Emperor, was overwhelmed by Qi Yu and could not lift his head.

At this time, they are still in autism.

With his head bowed, sat Sarome, a python seat.

Silence about everything on the ship now seems to be the default.

The fiery looting and handling lasted about half an hour.

When the little sheep Merriam’s cabin and deck are almost all filled for fine wine.

Qi Yu’s plundering of the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment had come to an end.


“I’ll be here first this time!”

Qi Yu nodded satisfactorily.

With that, he jumped back to his boat and grabbed a pot of fine wine and drank it happily.

“Girls of the Nine Snakes, see you next time!”

Say goodbye.

Qi Yu controlled the small sheep boat and gradually drifted away.

“Goodbye Mr. Qi Yu!”

“All the way!”

“Next time!”

The Nine Snake Girls, who had always been fierce, were all smiling and saying goodbye to Qi Yu at this time.

It was as if it was not a thief who had plundered them, but a distinguished guest.


Until Qi Yu’s boat came out far away.

The girls of the Nine Snakes finally withdrew their gaze, and one by one they shrank their heads in sorrow.

“Hell goodbye, better never see again!”

Cadre Cosmos Road.

“This is already the best result, at least we are still alive!”

Purple fan flowers long out of breath.

“Hahaha, then again, did you find out?”

“Sure enough, that gentleman is very handsome~”

Cadre Daisy spoke.

“Yes yes yes”

“I feel that way too!”

“I didn’t feel it at first!”

“I seem to have been a little moved before!”

“I’m the same and I’m the same!”

“Mr. Qi Yu feels the same as Lord Han Cook!”

Like a stone stirring up a thousand layers of waves.

The girls of the Nine Snakes began to talk about it.

The reason for this.

Nature is inseparable from the golden legend that Qi Yu burst out of the female emperor Han Cook.

S-class charm add-on!

Now Qi Yu is equivalent to the male version of the sweet fruit ability.

The lethality to women is no less than that of the female emperor Han Cook.

No matter how feminine.

The first time you see Qi Yu, you will unconditionally have a good feeling.

As for whether it can be overcome, it depends on whether the individual’s spiritual will is strong enough.

This is the real power of the S-Class Charm addition.


The Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment plundered Qi Yu not only for fine wine and goods.

At the same time, many of the Nine Snake Girls were also taken away.

The Nine Snakes had already fallen into Qi Yu’s charm.

“Go and go”

“What are you still doing here?”

“Don’t hurry up and do your own thing!”

Poire Marigrud couldn’t help but reprimand out.

Can’t stand the heated discussion of the partners who have just caused them a huge loss.

“Sister, that monster man is gone!”

“We have … It’s okay! ”

Sandarsonia comforts the still ‘depressed and autistic’ female emperor Han Cook.


“What do you say, is he gone?”

Until the sister reminded.

Poyahan Cook learned the fact that Qi Yu had left.


That beautiful white face was occupied by anxious colors.

“Why didn’t you tell the concubine earlier, how can you let him just go?”

“No, you can’t let him go!”

The female emperor Han Cook opened his mouth repeatedly.

“But my sister, that man is too dangerous!”

“We can’t handle it!”

Sandassonia Road.

“Yes, yes, sister~”

“Just letting that man go is already the best outcome!”

“As for the lost goods, just go to the next place and loot them!”

Mary Groed had a look of panic on her face.

I’m afraid that Poyahan Cook is angry.

Prepare to find Qi Yu back and fight again.

If it really angered the Sea Emperor.

Then their Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment may really be capsizing here.

“No way”

Poyahan Cook’s slender hands covered his heart.

The mouth is slightly open, and there is a sharp wheezing.

“Can’t go! Don’t go! ”

Looking at the sheep ship that was gradually going away, the female emperor Han Cook only felt a pain in her heart.

So that the smooth forehead is involuntarily oozing fine beads of sweat.

An unprecedented panic occupied her whole body.


Her pretty white face suddenly turned red.

Like a cooked prawn.

It is accompanied by an amazing amount of heat.

“Sister Lord”

“Lord Han Cook”

Look at Poyahan Cook, who suddenly looks in pain and has a high fever.

Sandarsonia and the others were all flustered.

“Sister, what’s wrong with you?”

“Could it be what the man did to his sister earlier?”

Mary Groed cried out in exasperation.

“Quick… Hurry up and keep up! ”

Poyahan Cook weakly opened his mouth.

“Hurry up and get up at anchor and get ready to sail!”

Sandarsonia was the first to react.

“If it really was the man who made any small moves, he absolutely couldn’t let him go!”

“Absolutely let him hand over the antidote!”

Mary Groed opened his mouth firmly.

‘Summer Cheerlead’

Two poisonous swimming snakes swallowed the snake letter and marched at full speed.

Chase after the sheepboat that turns into a small black dot in the distance.

Just three minutes later.

The Perfume Snake of the Nine Snakes was only the last fifty meters away from Qi Yu’s sheep ship.

It was at this time.

Strange things happen.

Poyahan Cook, who had a high fever and was dying a second ago, was already calm.

The heat of the pretty face gradually faded.

When the perfume swimming snake re-borders Mianyang Meili.

Poyahan Cook’s face had been completely restored.

“What’s wrong? Nine Snake girls, is there anything else? ”

“Don’t you want me to leave?”

Qi Yu asked with a smile.

“How come!”

Mary Groed narrowed her eyes.

She was stopped by Sandarsonia, afraid that she would say the wrong thing in a hurry.

“Mr. Qi Yu, my sister suddenly had a high fever!”

“If you know the reason, please rescue one or two!”

Sandarsonia earnestly opened his mouth.

There was no first time to attack Qi Yu and accuse.

One is that I am afraid of making a fuss.

In case the symptoms of the female emperor Han Cook had nothing to do with Qi Yu.

Then they must pay the price for groundless accusations.


If it was really Qi Yu who did something.

Unable to force Qi Yu by force, they could only whisper a request.


Anger is not the best way to solve the problem.

“Please, Mr. Qi Yu, if you know the reason why your sister suddenly fell seriously ill, please let us know.”

Sandarsonia asked again.

“Your sister suddenly fell seriously ill?” Fall down? ”

Qi Yu’s face appeared a little strange.

Listen to these two key words.

Unconsciously, a picture appeared in his mind.

It’s full of visual sense.

Couldn’t it be done、、、

What happened in the next second further confirmed Qi Yu’s guess.


The familiar sound of high-heeled footsteps sounded.


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