The changes of the Frog are very obvious.

Not only has it added a mutation feature with a very cool name and introduction - Sea Contract, but its level has also successfully entered the two-star threshold.

And it is obvious that the affinity between Senju Tobirama and the Frog is very high.

The first addition.

It has reached a 20% fusion degree!

It has mastered a set of basic three-body techniques and two water-style ninjutsu at once!

It can be said to be quite good.

"How is it, do you feel the changes in your body? This is the power I gave you." Qin Chuan, who put away the Data Eye, smiled at the stern-looking frog after the addition.


The croaking frog jumped to Qin Chuan's leg and gently rubbed it.

He raised his head, and his calm face was filled with tears and gratitude.

He was a natural king, with an innate desire and pursuit for power!

Get stronger!

Get stronger! The strongest!

Suddenly, it seemed that the figure of a stern ninja overlapped with the croaking frog.

The eyes of the two gradually overlapped.......

Qin Chuan smiled

"It seems that there are some questions I don’t need to ask anymore, so get ready, Frog, because my training from now on will not be easy at all."

In this world, generally speaking, with the same qualifications and race, Pokémon with trainers are generally stronger than Pokémon in the wild.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Because you cannot guarantee that every Pokémon's trainer is qualified.

Just like in the wild, some individuals in the same group can become powerful Pokémon overlords, but there are also those who have made no progress.

But the influence of an excellent trainer on Pokémon is quite far-reaching.

Some people say that the qualifications of Pokémon determine the lower limit of Pokémon, and the trainer will determine the upper limit of Pokémon!

Although it is a bit biased, it is not without reason.

And if we talk about this point, Qin Chuan feels that with the many bug-level abilities of the additional system and the wolf-like nature tempered by decades of wandering in society in his previous life, he is afraid that he has already left his peers far behind!

Because no matter how talented these people are or how noble their origins are, it is impossible for them to have the strength to fight the four kings' main Pokémon with all their strength at this age like Qin Chuan!

Although there is indeed a system blessing for this, Qin Chuan's ability cannot be ignored.

Of course, an indispensable point in this is hard work!

The current time is 9:20 in the morning.

Qin Chuan's family usually has lunch at 12:00 noon. Because his parents have the habit of taking a nap at noon, Qin Chuan will not go home too late.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to rush back around 11:30.

By this calculation, there is about two hours left for training.

There is still plenty of time for training.



Qin Chuan clapped his hands lightly,"First, it's Bubble Frog. Since this is your first day of training, the first thing you need to do is to learn to adapt to your body and exercise your physical fitness. As for skills, don't worry about it. You can try to feel the water factor in your body first. I believe that Bubble Frog, you already know some basic knowledge of ninjas, right?"


The frog recalled the life of the powerful ninja in his mind and nodded calmly.

"Very good, then from now on you will go around the edge of this open space and jump between the trees. Don't go too fast, first practice your sense of balance."......

"Yes, maintain a steady speed and learn to use different terrains to adjust your body shape without being disturbed."......

"That's it. Now you can speed up a little! Faster! Faster! Faster! You should be able to walk in the woods as if you were walking on flat ground! In this process, try to feel the energy factor in your body."......

"Don't slow down! Keep going at full speed through obstacles while learning to mobilize your energy! This is part of your body! Don't treat them as different individuals!"......

"Very good! You can do it, Bubble Frog. Put your energy into your feet and imagine that they are countless suction cups that can stick to the surface of the tree and be retracted and released freely......."

The training time always goes by quickly.

Although for the newborn Frog, Qin Chuan only trained its physical fitness and its sense of balance.

And the"treading water" technique that can improve energy control.

But by the time the Frog could move smoothly and quickly through the woods, the time had turned to nearly ten o'clock.

After instructing the Frog to train itself.

Qin Chuan turned his head and looked at the huge rock that had climbed to the middle of the open air in the forest.

Under the warm sunlight, the round yellow little figure with its belly facing up, Pikachu was sleeping soundly at this time.......

"This guy......"

Qin Chuan held his forehead with a headache. He took two steps forward, bent his knees, and jumped onto the boulder. He stretched out his hand to grab Pikachu's tail.

It was a sure thing.

But he didn't expect it to be a miss!

"Pika, Pika, Pika~!"

Pikachu appeared at the edge of the boulder, covered his mouth with his paws, and laughed.

He looked very energetic, even pulling his lower eyelids and shaking his head to make faces at himself.

How could he just wake up?

He was just pretending to sleep!


Are you kidding me?

""Okay, you little guy, you have a strong revenge mentality. Who did you learn this pettiness from?"

Qin Chuan scolded with a smile, but suddenly found that Lucario, who was leaning against a tree not far away, suddenly looked at him with a strange look.

Even Pikachu stretched out his little paw, raised one paw, and pointed it at him.


Qin Chuan's mouth twitched suddenly, and he lowered his head and wiped his nose awkwardly.

"Did he really learn it from me?"

Qin Chuan whispered


But then, Qin Chuan shook his head and denied it.

After all, how could a gentleman like him who has mastered the Five Constant Virtues, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, be a petty person?

It must be Pikachu who is shirking responsibility!

After all, a lazy and greedy guy like it can't be trusted at all!

As for Lucario's eyes?

It must be that he is standing up for me, his master!

After a moment.

Qin Chuan, who finally convinced himself, raised his head, smiled widely in the direction of Pikachu, and said"gently":"Pikachu, let me think about it, the training goal remains unchanged, it is still the development of the exclusive feature 'Thunder Emperor'"

"However, I decided to add one more"

"Gilsanda was originally a Diamond-level Paladin with a strong body. Later, he was strengthened to Silver level through cards, and his various abilities increased greatly!"

"Pikachu, you have inherited the additional card enhancement of the enhanced version of Gilsundar, and your physical strength is also very potential......."

"So I decided to do both and be strong in both!"

"However, considering that time is running out, I plan to let you master it in actual combat." Qin Chuan's smile gradually became perverted:"As for your opponent, I will take the trouble to be your opponent myself."

"One more thing, resistance is not allowed during training......."


Oh my god, I'm going to die.~!Σ(△|||)ノ

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