In the next hour or so, it was completely a scene of Qin Chuan's one-sided"torture" of Pikachu!

At that time, it seemed that the man and the pet were no longer companions who lived together day and night, but real enemies! It was natural that Pikachu was no match for Qin Chuan.

Because as an elf, even if it was better at fighting than Qin Chuan, the gap between the three-star high stage and the elite high stage was still difficult to make up!

Use the shadow clone to confuse Qin Chuan's instant movement; use the flash of lightning to dodge the knife foot and the divine finger; even use the reaction force of the steel tail to avoid the spiritual energy column......

Pikachu tried his best to deal with Qin Chuan's continuous and varied attacks.

He was agile and nimble at the beginning, but became slower and slower as time went by.

Then he got hurt for the first time, fell down, and got up.

Then he got hurt again, fell down again, and got up again.......


He was knocked away again.

Pikachu, who had made no sound the entire time, couldn't help but groan.

He bounced up and rolled a few times on the ground.���

Pikachu was in pain all over his body, and his energy was almost completely consumed. However, he still gritted his teeth and barely opened his left eye, which was less injured but still a little swollen. He climbed up with his eyes narrowed. He got on all fours.

He got into position!

He whispered in the direction of Qin Chuan:"Pikachu,......Pika~Pikachu!"

The four eyes met.

Qin Chuan's eyes flashed with a trace of pity.


But he still exerted force on his feet and rushed straight towards Pikachu!!!


At eleven ten,

Pikachu finally dodged another small aura column from Qin Chuan, and staggered to the ground, unable to get up.

Looking at Pikachu, who was like a dead rat at this time, Qin Chuan quickly stepped forward and held Pikachu in his arms.

Although Pikachu had some superficial injuries on his body,

Qin Chuan still took out a full recovery medicine and used it on it.

Familiar light and shadow effects flashed by.

Pikachu seemed to be reset and returned to its previous state. After opening its mouth and eating the top-quality energy block specially prepared by Qin Chuan, the little guy curled up his furry body and nestled in Qin Chuan's arms. The next second, he fell asleep.

Although the full recovery medicine is powerful and has cured all its injuries, Pikachu is still physically and mentally exhausted at this moment.

It is tired.......

"Go to sleep, you have done very well."

Qin Chuan gently dragged Pikachu's light body and stood up.

At this time, Lucario had already stood up straight.

Looking in the direction of Pikachu.

There was a long silence.

The frog stared at Pikachu with an inexplicable look, full of shock and admiration.

Looking at the expressions of the two elves.

Especially the puzzled eyes of Lucario.

Qin Chuan chuckled and said:"Don't look down on Pikachu because of its usual appearance, and think that it is really just greedy and lazy."

"Pikachu is my original partner, who has grown up with me and made a vow with me."

""He is an absolutely qualified elf companion, there is no doubt about that!"

Qin Chuan's tone gradually became serious. He looked down at the Pikachu sleeping in his arms, and suddenly raised a gentle smile. I really look forward to the day when you can fully master Gilsanda's power and publicize your strength to the world.

I think this day will not be far away.......

【Pokemon: Pikachu】

【Additional Character: Gilsundar (Silver Level)】

【Attribute: Electricity】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Lightning Rod, Thunder Emperor (Exclusive Feature: Freely Control Lightning)】

【Qualification: Perfect】

【Level: Four-star beginner】

【Combat power: Five-star high】

【Fusion degree: 30%】

【Tacit understanding: 100%】

【Intimacy: 100%】

【Exclusive skills: Thunder Emperor's Hammer, Thunder Beast's Chase, Thunder Emperor's Sword】

【[Normal skills: Electric shock, 100,000 volts, Shadow clone, Lightning flash, Iron tail, Tail shake, Electric ball]

Although it was just a training camp, Pikachu's level and fusion have increased significantly.

During this period, he even comprehended a new move - Thunder Emperor's Sword!

It greatly increased its melee means!

It can be said that he has gained a lot.

But this is also as it should be.

With Pikachu's current perfect level of super qualifications, there will be almost no bottleneck before entering the quasi-king.

The growth rate is naturally much faster than other elves with average qualifications.

What's more, Pikachu is still so desperate in training. You get what you sow. It didn't surprise Qin Chuan that he could achieve such results.

"Well, it's almost time, we should go back and have lunch, just in time for a good meal."

Qin Chuan stretched lazily, took out another energy cube and fed it to the frog, rubbed its head, and said gently:"You have worked hard today, frog."


The frog replied a little embarrassedly.

Seeing the actual training of senior Pikachu, it was deeply shocked, and also felt ashamed of the complacency of its own achievements today.

"Then, Frog and Lucario, both of you should come back."

Qin Chuan nodded to Lucario again, then took out the Poké Ball and picked them up, and walked towards Baihua City.


Just as Qin Chuan left the White Moon Forest, this open space.


An Eevee crawled in from the bushes.


It jumped onto the boulder where Qin Chuan had been sitting for a while, stretched out its hand and pressed it, then tilted its head.

After making a cute cry, it leaped towards the direction where Qin Chuan left.

The next second, the sound of wings flapping in the air came.

On the ground, the silhouette of a bird Pokémon flew by quickly.


Because he was not sure whether his parents would come to his room,

Qin Chuan did not rashly move back home.

Instead, he set the coordinates at the 223rd fork in the road not far from his home.

Anyway, his home was located in the suburbs, and there was only one family nearby, Qin Chuan and his family.

He was not afraid of being discovered by others.

"Phew~ This time I have made great progress. Not only do I feel no discomfort, but my accuracy has also been greatly improved. Not bad, not bad."

The white light shone slightly, and Qin Chuan's figure appeared in it. After looking around, he nodded with satisfaction.

And just as Qin Chuan thought.

There was indeed no one at the No. 223 intersection near his home.

It can even be said that not even a spirit can be seen.......


"Well, there is still one elf."Looking at the first generation of home bird that was perched on the treetop above his head and flapping its wings, Bobo.

Qin Chuan smiled helplessly and changed his words.

Then he walked towards home.

On the treetop.

Bobo, who tilted his head and adjusted the feathers on his left wing, suddenly stopped.

After watching Qin Chuan walk away, he covered his beak with his wings and made a strange sound, like a little girl's giggle.

------------ ps: The first true mythical beast is about to appear, or rather, a fantasy beast~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

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