I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

09: The New Song Is Online And Is A Hit On All Platforms!

Under Linkin Park's Weibo, those fans who have been waiting for them for two years are going crazy!

"Are you finally releasing a new song?!"

"Is the new song a Chinese song? Why is there no news on your Instagram?!"

"I have been waiting for two years to release a new song!"

Tens of thousands of Linkin Park fans left messages on their Weibo, but after Linkin Park posted this Weibo, it disappeared again, and no one gave the fans a specific response.

Seeing how anxious Linkin Park fans were, netizens who had just come out of the official League of Legends website left messages on Weibo.

"I just heard a song on the official League of Legends website. It seemed to be sung by Linkin Park... I don't know if it's their new song..."

A netizen who came from one of Pang Xinxin's fans left a message on Linkin Park's Weibo.

At first, this message was only noticed by a small number of Linkin Park fans, but more of them were skeptical.

"League of Legends? What is this? Linkin Park's new song is for such an unknown thing? Isn't it a joke?!"

And these people did not go to the official website of League of Legends for verification, and thought these passers-by were Internet scammers.

"Mr. Lu, do we want to add fuel to the flames?" However, this situation was quickly noticed by Guan Bo Niang, and she ran over to Lu Li and asked.

"I remember there is a super chat community on Weibo, right?" Lu Li did not answer directly, but asked in return.

The official blogger immediately understood what Lu Li meant, and directly changed a new Weibo account. Then, she went to Linkin Park’s Weibo post, first followed it, and then posted a short audio clip. , with the words "Tao" at the same time.

"I just heard a suspected Linkin Park song on the official League of Legends website. Which Linkin Park song is this?"

As crazy fans of some singers, they really like to educate new fans, so they just clicked on this audio.

But what makes Linkin Park fans frown is that they have never heard of this intro!

But what surprised them even more was that when the lyrics "I'm tired of what you expect me to be" sounded, they instantly recognized that this voice belonged to Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park. sound!

But why, as idiot fans, have they never heard of this song? !

And just when the fans wanted to listen longer and confirm again, they suddenly found that the audio stopped abruptly, and it was only thirty seconds long.

Where can I hear enough? !

"Is this what you heard on the official League of Legends website...lol.com..."

A Linkin Park fan entered this website address on his computer, and immediately after, the official website of League of Legends came into view, and then, the familiar music just now sounded.

But this time, when this fan listened to Linkin Park's new song in its entirety, he burst into tears!

"Linkin Park has actually released a new song!"

If they are not star-chasers, people may not be able to understand the feelings of fans. When a singer sounds his voice again after a long time, he does not need to say anything at all. He may only need one lyric to make him feel. Fans burst into tears!

I'm tired of what you expect me to be. Under the pale disguise is a soul with lost faith... Linkin Park, are you really coming back? !

And when more and more Linkin Park fans logged on to the official League of Legends website and heard Linkin Park’s new single, all the fans went crazy!

"What the hell is this song?!"

“Why does Linkin Park sing for League of Legends?”

"This song is so nice!"

The back and forth, just a few sentences, attracted more and more Linkin Park fans to follow the League of Legends Weibo account, hoping to find some clues about Linkin Park's new song.

And when Lu Li learned about this from Guan Bo Niang, he directly allocated 100,000 yuan to Guan Bo Niang and asked her to take advantage of the popularity and start building momentum for the League of Legends!

"Miss, have Linkin Park recorded the song?"

"It has been recorded and is being prepared to be uploaded to major music platforms."

"Guan Bo Niang, take action!"

Lu Li gave an order, and with the help of the official blogger, the words "Linkin Park" and "League of Legends" were directly listed on Weibo's hot search list!

At the same time, Linkin Park was quite cooperative and posted a new message on their Weibo account.

"New song, Numb, will be released at midnight tonight!"

And when this series of news began to bombard Weibo, users on the entire Weibo platform were instantly attracted to this matter!

After all, although Linkin Park is almost out of fashion, they are still a powerful European and American group, and they once sang the theme song for Transformers!

And this time, Linkin Park came out again, for a game called "League of Legends"? !

This game, which doesn’t even have an official website, is actually rich enough to hire Linkin Park to come out with it? !

So, in just a few hours, more and more people began to follow the League of Legends Weibo account, from 20,000 followers to 50,000 followers, from 50,000 followers to 100,000 followers...

As for Lu Li, when he heard the number of fans rising steadily, he was naturally very happy. After all, some of these fans will definitely become the first batch of League of Legends players in a month!

When the time slowly came to midnight, major music platforms such as NetEase Cloud Music, KouKou Music, and Kugou Music also launched Linkin Park’s new song, Mumb!

Song title: Numb

Lyricist: League-Of-Legends

Composer: League-Of-Legends

In the dead of night, when Linkin Park fans finally heard Linkin Park’s new song in high quality, everyone couldn’t sleep!

In this song, they seem to hear the hardships and pain that Linkin Park has suffered in the past two years... But today, through this Numb, they have completely released them. Come out!

At midnight, Linkin Park’s Weibo account updated another Weibo post.

"Thank you @League of Legends for giving us this opportunity. The spirit of the League of Legends game, just like what is sung in this song, can allow everyone to transform and become themselves!"

Immediately afterwards, Guan Bo Niang also immediately forwarded Linkin Park's Weibo and commented at the same time.

"Thank you @linkinpark for singing. I believe that inspired by your singing, every summoner in League of Legends will move forward in the game!"

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