I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

10: Cg Animation Partner, Xuanji Technology!

Lu Li, as the boss, naturally does not need to take care of the operations on Weibo, so at night, no matter how big things happen online, it will have no impact on Lu Li in his sleep.

But when the next morning, Guan Bo Niang ran up to Lu Li excitedly with huge dark circles under her eyes, and told Lu Li excitedly that the official account of the League of Legends actually changed in one night. When the number of fans reached 500,000, even Lu Li, who had seen a lot of people in the world, was already a fan.

"Half a million fans? Are you sure you don't have a zero more?!" Lu Li asked in surprise.

And when he personally logged into Weibo and really saw the number 501593, he realized that it took less than a week for League of Legends to successfully build momentum!

"That's right, there are two more songs from Linkin Park. Just wait and see when they will be released." Lu Li smiled at the official blogger with great satisfaction, and then walked into his office.

Lu Li has already completed the production of all 20 heroes in the first version of League of Legends in the LOL system, and he does not plan to continue to produce new heroes for the time being. After all, now, for League of Legends, it is more important The thing is, let these players who pay attention to League of Legends know what kind of game League of Legends is!

"Miss, what is the nearest Internet cafe near us?" Lu Li asked Miss.

"Internet cafe."

"Go to their boss, hire their Internet cafe for a day, and let the customers of the Internet cafe play games for free. The premise is that you have to gather ten people to play two League of Legends together."

Lu Li said this to Miss, thought for a while, and then added: "Remember to ask the Internet cafe owner to record every game and everyone's perspective game video. We are going to use this to promote the game. Filmy."

Miss took the order and left.

Although playing games is quite tempting for Lu Li, especially playing League of Legends, Lu Li is now a boss after all, and he still has to leave time for more important things.

After Miss left the company, Lu Li had to do the next thing by herself.

Three hours later, Lu Li met with Xuanji Technology, the largest animation production company in the country, in Lujiazui, the Magic City.

"Boss Lu, why do you suddenly have time to come to us? Could it be that your father wants Baida to enter the animation industry recently?!"

The person in charge of Xuanji Technology nodded and bowed and asked Lu Li... Linkin Park may not know Lu Li, and ordinary people may not know him either. After all, Lu Li has just returned to China. But how could a moderately successful businessman in China not know Lu Li, the son of the richest man?

"No, I want to ask your company for a favor... help my game company to make a game animation CG!"

Lu Li looked at the person in charge of Xuanji Technology and said solemnly.

The reason for looking for Xuanji Technology is that Lu Li could not think of a more powerful animation production company in China for the time being. Although there are many such companies abroad and are more powerful, Lu Li does not have the time.

As for Xuanji Technology, as a company that has produced countless excellent Chinese comic works such as "Qin Shi Mingyue" and "Nine Songs of Heaven", Lu Li is still willing to believe in their level.

"Do you want to make a game CG... It seems we haven't tried this yet..." The person in charge frowned.

But then, Lu Li raised his right index finger towards the person in charge.

"The requirements are not high. It only takes five minutes to do CG. As for the reward... it is 50 million!"

When the person in charge of Xuanji Technology heard Lu Li's offer, he almost fainted without taking a breath.

"What?! Boss Lu, did I hear correctly? Fifty million in five minutes?! This investment is too big!"

After all, for Xuanji Technology itself, they currently produce the most sophisticated animation, with an episode of twenty minutes, and the investment is only one million at most.

"Of course I have requirements." Lu Li smiled at the person in charge, "Fifty million in five minutes, which is 10 million in one minute. The CG effect I require is far beyond your current level... At the same time, I need this video to be produced within ten days!”

And when the person in charge of Xuanji Technology heard Lu Li's request again, he almost recovered from his coma and almost got whiplash again.

A 10 million-level CG per minute was completed in ten days... This is probably only possible with the full strength of all the employees of Xuanji Company!

"Would you accept it? If not, I'll go find Huaqiang Digital, which produced "Bear Infested"."

Without giving the person in charge time to respond, Lu Li asked again.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, please wait a moment. Let me ask our boss..." After saying that, the person in charge hurried to the side and called the boss. After about ten minutes, he returned to Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, our boss said that we can cooperate with Mr. Lu. This is something worthy of Xuanji Technology's celebration!"

After Riot Games and Xuanji Technology discussed the production of CG for the game, Lu Li said goodbye to the person in charge. After returning to the company, he found Pang Xinxin again.

"Both original paintings have been finished, right?" Lu Li looked at Pang Xinxin and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I am currently helping programmers with the UI design of League of Legends." Pang Xinxin said to Lu Li with a smile.

"Leave the UI design to Xiaomeng after she finishes the second one. You recently helped me on a business trip to Hangzhou Xuanji Technology to supervise their progress in making CG for the game for us. As for the CG I will send the content and effect to your email tonight. If you don’t understand anything, please call me and ask me.”

Lu Li said to Pang Xinxin that this really flattered Pang Xinxin. After all, he was now entrusted with an important task. It seemed that Lu Li wanted to reuse him!

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I'll leave now!"

Pang Xinxin left the company, and Lu Li walked into his office and opened the LOL system again. Of course, there was a CG maker.

However, some of the ready-made CGs are not suitable for early promotion of League of Legends, because there are some heroes that will never appear in the first version.

Of course, the most important reason is that game CGs in Europe and the United States are completely different from Chinese culture!

In the previous life, the content reflected in the animated promotional CG of League of Legends was more about the confrontation and hatred between people, but what Lu Li hoped to be reflected in the first promotional CG was It is the friendship between heroes and the protection of the concept of "home" in Chinese culture!

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