I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

106: League Of Legends Mobile Game Production! 【1】

As we all know, the operating mode of League of Legends PC game is mouse and keyboard.

Summoners can perform many dazzling operations through the QWERDF and other keys on the keyboard, plus the left and right keys of the mouse.

For example, after the Prince of Demacia appeared on the scene in early July, players in the professional league used a combo of EQ flash, which could directly knock the enemy away from thousands of miles away!

But on mobile phones, there are no keys for summoners to operate. In fact, there are basically no more operations for a mobile game besides clicking on the screen!

Therefore, Lu Li had to simplify the operating mode of the League of Legends mobile game!

In today's mobile game market, because some action mobile games have occupied the mobile game market early, players are actually used to familiar operations when playing mobile games.

In the lower left corner of the screen, there is a small circle. Players can slide the circle 13 to make the game character move left and right. As for the lower right corner, there are corresponding skill buttons. Adding the two together, it is quite fun to play.

For example, mobile games such as KouKou Speed ​​​​and Exciting Battlefield all use this operating mode.

Therefore, when this operating mode has matured, it is naturally best for Lu Li not to modify it and challenge the players' patience.

Therefore, the League of Legends mobile game also adopted the same operation, with a roulette wheel in the lower left corner and four skill buttons in the lower right corner.

The game modes of League of Legends mobile games and PC games naturally need to be the same, with the goal of overthrowing the enemy's base crystal.

But in terms of the game mode of mobile games, Lu Li still decided to take simplified measures. After all, it takes more than half an hour to play a game on the PC. In the minds of players who are already familiar with fast-paced mobile games, on mobile phones If you wasted half an hour on this, it would be better to play a local game instead!

Therefore, in the PC game, the soldiers will leave the base in one and a half minutes, but in the mobile game, the soldiers will be dispatched in thirty seconds.

In terms of last hit, you need to make the last hit in the PC game to get the money. In mobile games, this is not required. Even if the minions can't hit the last hit, they can be given to the player. However, if you have good skills and can make up the last hit, the money will be slightly higher than the last hit. Normal money is more.

In terms of defense towers, the defense towers in mobile games must be easier to destroy than in PC games, so as to speed up the speed of players to push down towers. Three highland crystals? All canceled! Two incisor towers? Also cancelled. The total ability of the incisor towers is directly provided to the base crystal!

It takes 20 minutes to surrender in a PC game? It takes 6 minutes in a mobile game!

It takes 20 minutes to clear the Baron in the PC game? It takes 10 minutes in the mobile game!

In short, in terms of all the contents of the PC game and the mobile game, the two are the same, but in terms of time, they are all greatly shortened!

Of course, the most important point is that in the PC game, all the active effects of the equipment that can be used by pressing the 1-6 number keys have to be canceled in the mobile game, so in the PC game, it is quite The essence of real eyes and fake eyes will not exist in mobile games.

In this way, the gank efficiency of both junglers will be greatly improved, but in fact it is not bad, because the three lines in the mobile game are very short, and it is easier to escape.

However, this incident has slightly affected one hero...that is the blind monk Li Qing who has not appeared yet, but will definitely shine in the future!

In the PC game, the blind monk can perform various eye-touching spinning kicks and other operations. However, in the PC game, the blind monk without the eye position cannot perform such operations and can only use a flash. R and the like.

Of course, if some mobile game players are fast and can use R flash in mobile games, Lu Li must admit that they are awesome!

After modifying the hero content, operation mode, and game mode of the League of Legends mobile game, Lu Li, the head of the League of Legends mobile game, has completed all modifications.

As for the next content, it is some content outside of the game.

The interface of the League of Legends mobile game naturally needs to be consistent with the client interface of the PC game, including human-machine, ranking, matching, etc. As for the voice blackout function of the League of Legends box, Lu Li has built it into it. In the team channel, as long as the summoners complete the team formation, they will directly enter the team voice channel.

The team formation interface is consistent with the PC game, but Lu Li has to modify the hero selection interface.

Because the mobile phone screen is too small, Lu Li must maintain the five avatars on the left and right sides of the hero selection interface, and shrink the hero selection box in the middle to give the summoner skills and runes at the bottom. Choose to leave a little space.

As for everything else, everything remains unchanged.

In other words, the League of Legends mobile game and the League of Legends client game are actually almost the same game except for the rhythm of the game.

But Lu Li is not prepared to unify the data of the League of Legends mobile game and the League of Legends client game. After all, for high-end players, the small gap between the mobile game and the client game can be regarded as two different games.

Of course, for Lu Li and for Riot Games, another more important point is that when the League of Legends mobile game and PC game do not share data, they can use one piece of promotional content 170 to earn two pieces. of money.

Once the data is connected, Riot Games will make a lot less money!

The entire production process of the League of Legends mobile game took Lu Li a full week before it was finally completed. Although Lu Li was not ready to launch the League of Legends mobile game immediately, within the Riot Games company, Lu Li still asked The employees conducted a game display of the League of Legends mobile game.

“When the League of Legends mobile game will be launched, I am actually not sure about this matter. After all, our client game is still quite popular. We don’t need to launch a mobile game to extend the life of the client game...but If something unexpected happens during this period, we might launch the mobile game ahead of schedule."

Lu Li said calmly, because the mobile games have already been completed, so Lu Li can almost ignore the crises that may come!

"So, Guan Bo, I need you to prepare a promotional plan for the League of Legends mobile game as soon as possible. It may not be used for the time being, but you must be prepared to nip it in the bud!

Lu Li looked at Guan Bo Niang seriously and said, and Guan Bo Niang nodded easily. After all, she only needed to slightly modify the publicity plan of the previous few months to use it in the mobile game! .

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