I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

107: Planning For The Third Game Conference Begins! 【2】

After Lu Li showed the League of Legends mobile game to the employees, he directly found nine employees in the company who were temporarily idle and completed two mobile games with Lu Li.

As the mobile version of League of Legends, everyone's evaluation of the mobile game of League of Legends is naturally quite good, especially for female employees. They play more effectively when they don't need to pay attention to last-hitting or warding. A little happier.

"Mr. Lu, I think we should launch the mobile game as soon as possible... In this case, you can just take out your mobile phone and play mobile games anytime and anywhere. It will feel great!"

"Yes, yes, it feels like I can easily become the king in a mobile game!"

The employees said confidently, but it left Lu Li speechless.

The game mode of the mobile version of League of Legends is naturally much simpler, but this "simplicity" is the same for all players! And when the ranks are calculated based on percentages, even if It's the king of mobile games, but it's not easy to get up there.

To give a simple example...the world champion of minesweeper can finish a game of advanced version of minesweeper in less than ten seconds, but ordinary people may be killed by mines in less than a minute!

"Mobile games are indeed very convenient, but we don't need to launch mobile games unless it is absolutely necessary." Lu Li said to the employees again, "But when you are in the company, if you want to play, you can play together, but you must It cannot be leaked.”

Lu Li once again told the employees that he was very relieved about this, because the employees had no reason to betray Riot Games.

Of course, Lu Li still has protective measures in place, such as signing a high confidentiality agreement, and if employees want to play mobile games, Lu Li needs to open the server, which prevents employees from secretly taking out the possibility of going.

After completing the League of Legends mobile game project, Guan Bo Niang began to conceive a promotional plan for the League of Legends mobile game. As for Pang Xinxin and her artists, there was no need to do any new work.

And Lu Li himself, after completing the production of the League of Legends mobile game, can finally refocus his work and return to the second expansion pack of League of Legends!

The current time is August 18th, and there is only one week left before the tenth episode of the first season of "La La La Demacia", which is also the last episode to be broadcast on August 25.

September 2nd is the day when most schools in China start school, and it is a Monday. Therefore, Lu Li had planned early that the third game conference of League of Legends would be held on the evening of Saturday, August 31st.

"In this half month, we can start preparing for our third game conference~!" Lu Li said to Miss, which also shocked Miss!

Because nothing big happened in League of Legends in the past month or so, M was actually a little bored.

Just before Lu Li announced the next action to Miss, Lu Li also asked Miss to give him a work report since July.

From July 1st to August 17th, League of Legends launched a total of 7 heroes, namely Garen, the Power of Demacia, Jarvan IV, Prince of Demacia, Xin Zhao, the German Steward, and Katt, the Ominous Blade. Linna, Kenan the Furious Heart, Pantheon the War King, and Sona the Piano Fairy.

Because of the popularity of "La La La Demacia", these seven heroes are quite popular. When each hero was launched on the League of Legends client mall on the first day, the sales were frequently refreshed. Record!

However, the record holder is still Galen, the power of Demacia!

Not only because of Garen's popularity, but also because the hero's skill mechanism is really simple and crude!

As long as the Q is up, activate the W, and then use the E skill, which is simply good news for the handicapped! And more importantly, the hero Garen is not easy to die!

"Each version is a god, and each generation is playing Galen!"

And this sentence frequently appeared in major online media in the month after Galen's debut, and it added a lot of popularity to Galen!

How popular is it? Not to mention anything else, just the first limited edition skin of Galen, Ares Galen, God of War, has reached a sales of 50 million in the past month and a half!

"This is almost one share for each person." Lu Li said with a smile.

In addition to this, the data of League of Legends' ranking matches, matching matches, and the Super Smash Bros. mode are also growing day by day. However, the data of the Super Smash Bros. has slowly begun to decline. Except for some Except for players who focus on entertainment, most players have returned to matching or ranking matches.

".々The freshness of Super Smash Bros. is about to wear off. After our third press conference, we will launch the next entertainment mode." Lu Li nodded and concluded.

In addition to the League of Legends game itself, Riot Entertainment has also achieved good results in the past month and a half.

In mid-July, the lawsuit between Riot Games and Douyu Live officially opened. The winner was naturally Riot Games. When Riot Live signed all League of Legends anchors such as Wuhu Da Sima and Northeast Big Quail to Riot Live, , Riot Live's data is booming, and it is already on par with Douyu Live's market share. In time, it can become the new live broadcast leader.

As for Riot Entertainment, with the efforts of several commentators, the "Fist Really Plays" series of video programs has also achieved quite good results, frequently dominating the playlists of video websites after its launch.

However, the casters' self-made programs have not yet grown, mainly because the casters have focused their energy (for Zhao) on how to play with fists.

The League of Legends e-sports league has entered a relatively stable stage.

On the LPL side and the Riot Performing Arts Center in Magic City, every game is full. As for the other four home stadiums, although they are not as popular as the Magic City side, the situation is still improving. I believe that it will be possible in the near future. Really achieve the four words "home field atmosphere"!

As for the LSPL, although there are no spectators, the competition between the teams is in full swing. It is also a good thing to add up to something small.

"That's probably it." Miss finished reporting to Lu Li, feeling very happy. After all, "everyone can agree on these achievements."

"Not bad, good, keep up the hard work." Lu Li said with a smile, feeling very satisfied, and then, Lu Li immediately told Miss what he thought was a good location for the third game conference!

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