I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

168: Mirror Mode And Skill Battle! 【1】

The "earth-shaking" content is really not easy to think about, but in terms of entertainment mode, Lu Li is much better at thinking about it.

More than two months have passed since the last time Lu Li launched an entertainment model. If the new entertainment model is launched on April Fool's Day, this pace should still be acceptable.

So far, Lu Li has launched four entertainment modes: unlimited firepower, destiny showdown, clone mode, and peak battle, so next, Lu Li has to think of two new entertainment modes.

The first one is the easiest to copy an entertainment model from the previous League of Legends. This time, Lu Li decided to bring back the "mirror mode" from the previous life.

Because when the clone mode appeared last time, the players' enthusiasm was also quite high. As an upgraded version of the clone mode, the mirror mode, Lu Li also believes that it can create greater glory!

In the clone mode, the game mode is that the five heroes on one side are exactly the same, and in the mirror mode, this "copied" content has also been upgraded, becoming ten heroes on the red and blue sides, all exactly the same!

Just imagine, if ten Sun Wukongs on both sides zoom in at the same time, ten princes use their ultimate moves at the same time, ten Galen zoom in on their swords at the same time, and ten Ices throw out magic crystal arrows at the same time...

This kind of scene is quite exciting even if you think about it!

In this mode, there is nothing you need to pay attention to. Just keep fighting with the opponent and it will be over. But the only thing you need to pay attention to is to find your position in the team battle... After all, in the usual platoon, In a team battle, most people don't know where they are.

And this time, the summoners have to find their place among ten identical people...

After determining the "mirror mode", Lu Li started working on the mirror mode.

The production of mirror mode is relatively simple. Lu Li only needs to modify the contents of clone mode.

In the selection stage, both red and blue still have the right to ban three heroes each, but during the selection, Lu Li will let both sides see each other's hero selection this time.

When the final hero is determined, Lu Li will no longer use the voting mechanism, but will adopt a minority-subordinate-majority mechanism!

In this case, it is just the selection stage, and the ten summoners on both sides need to scheming, because not only do they have to get the heroes they want to use in their own teams, but they also have to let their opponents not use them. Get the hero they want to use!

"Am I too bad for doing this?" Lu Li thought of this and laughed to himself, but he directly set the selection rules for mirror mode without asking for anyone's opinion.

At the same time, in order to prevent summoners from really not being able to find their people in the game, Lu Li also set a "highlight" for each summoner in the game, that is, at any time, The hero controlled by the summoner will be surrounded by an obvious circle, making it easy for the summoner to identify.

At this point, the setting of mirror mode is officially over.

Next, the second entertainment model that Lu Li needs to conceive is the one that requires complete originality.

After the two game modes of Peak Battle and Destiny Duel ended, Lu Li actually wanted to launch the League of Legends Auto Chess game, because this thing, just like playing mahjong, is absolutely addictive.

But after thinking about it, Lu Li still gave up. After all, in his previous life, Lu Li had vividly remembered the "lessons learned" about auto chess.

Because Auto Chess is so fun. The fun level cannot be compared to that of "Summon Heroes". It is also because it is so fun that in the previous life, Dota 2 suddenly became Auto Chess. Move chess starter!

In this parallel world, League of Legends has just been in its booming stage. If Auto Chess is launched at this time, then Lu Li's approach will really be digging his own grave.

Therefore, Lu (bdbb) Li had to conceive of a new entertainment model.

As for this model, Lu Li has already thought about it, and it’s called...

Skill battle!

In this game mode, the map is still a normal Summoner's Rift map, and the gameplay is still a normal matching game, but the characteristics have changed.

If summoners have ever played the chicken game mode, they will definitely be familiar with the matter of "killing and licking equipment"!

And this time, Lu Li also decided to move this mechanism directly to League of Legends!

In the opening stage, all the skills of the hero selected by the summoner are original. However, once the summoner kills the opponent, the skills owned by the opponent will fall to the ground. As long as the summoner's hero leaves, When you go to the top, you can choose and pick up one of the skills, and supplement or replace the skills you already have!

In other words, if a first-level Q-learning Galen kills a first-level Q-learning prince, then Shanzi's Q skill Dragon Impact will fall to the ground.

At this time, Galen at level one will have a Q skill Silent Strike, and a W or E or R skill Dragon Crash at level one!

But if a level 4 Galen kills a level 4 prince, then when Galen wants to pick up one of the prince's skills, he must replace his original QWE skill with one.

In other words, at level six, a hero can have the ultimate moves of four heroes!

For example, there is clearly a prince on the opposite side, but suddenly a magic crystal sword is shot at you, and a prince's flag appears and a giant dragon hits you. After flying you, Galen's big sword strikes you directly. Use your own strength to create a group-opening effect!

However, it should be noted that the CD time picked up by heroes will not be modified in any way. In other words, if a person is really greedy enough to pick up four ultimate moves, it means that he Need to wait more than one minute [to play a set of skills.

At the same time, the summoner who is killed does not need to worry too much, because the skills replaced by the other party will be automatically added to his own.

However, if in the first level group, the opponent picks up four skills... this will be a disaster for the enemy!

Although Lu Li named this entertainment mode "Skill Battle", in fact, it is a real melee!

Because at that time, no one will know whether the other party's summoner is a human or a ghost, and they will also not know whether they have an advantage in the early stage, but in the later stage, they suddenly die and are picked up by the enemy after a skill, which will lead to Our side was overturned by a strong force!.

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