I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

169: Are There Anyone Named Ben? 【2】

After conceiving this "skill battle" mode, Lu Li started the production stage of this mode.

Outside of the game, banning people and other things, just like the matching mode, Lu Li does not require that there should be no comparable heroes on both sides. Anyway, in this mode, you don't know what "weird" heroes will appear as you play. .

The main production difficulty of this mode is the skill picking process in the game.

After the enemy dies, the enemy's skills are also made into a box for the summoner to choose?

But this matter is actually a bit unrealistic, because in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, whenever people lick the box, they can find some bunkers or something to ensure their own safety, and there may even be enemies that are not easy to see.

But in League of Legends, the Summoner's Rift is so big, and someone could be killed on the spot in a flash of lightning!

Therefore, at the stage of skill picking, it is definitely impossible for Lu Li to design a link like "store page".

After thinking about it, Lu Li decided to use mouse clicks to quickly pick up skills.

The mechanism is like this.

Once the summoner kills the enemy, he needs to step on the enemy's body. At this time, the enemy's four QWER skills will appear above his skill bar list instead of the ordinary plus sign... Of course, if there happens to be a plus sign, then line it up in two rows.

After popping up the enemy's four QWER skills, if the summoners are not sure what the function of the skill they are about to pick up is, they can hover the mouse over the icon and the corresponding skill introduction will pop up. If they are sure, click the icon , and drag it to the skill you want to replace.

However, all of this needs to be completed by the summoners before the enemy is resurrected. Once the enemy is resurrected, the stage of picking up skills will end!

At the same time, there is a prerequisite for picking up skills, which is to step on the enemy's corpse!

In other words, summoners may even lose their lives in order to pick up a skill... As for the opponent, they can also drive the enemy away in order to prevent them from picking up the skill.

In this way, the gameplay of the entire "Skill Battle" mode is happiness plus happiness, with twice the happiness. Just thinking about it briefly, Lu Li probably heard that in the Internet cafe, the five black gay friends or It's a scene of wild laughter or yelling.

After setting up these contents, Lu Li was also a little lucky. When this mode was launched, the transformed heroes of the League of Legends, such as Spider, Jace, Udyr, etc., had not yet been put on the shelves. If they had waited until they were put on the shelves, , if such a mode is launched again, then the entire Summoner's Rift will really be in chaos!

At this point, the skill battle mode has been completed.

Mirror mode and skill battle mode are obviously more interesting, so this time, it is certainly impossible for Lu Li to release both entertainment modes at the same time. After all, in that case, the number of players in mirror mode may be Very few.

Therefore, Lu Li will also release the two entertainment modes one after another for summoners to play.

After setting these two entertainment modes, Lu Li stretched and shrugged his shoulders.

In the past few days, the continuous work has really made Lu Li's shoulders hurt, which made Lu Li start to think about whether he should go downstairs to get half a fitness card.

After taking a look at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Lu Li stopped what he was doing and went downstairs to have dinner with Miss. At the same time, he also raised his confusion to Miss.

The question remains, what kind of activities are they going to launch in the next game conference to make the entire game conference look "earth-shattering"!

"Mr. Lu, do we have to make earth-shattering every game launch? In this case, isn't it too tiring?" After hearing Lu Li's words, Miss also curled her lips, because she could clearly see him. For a week, Lu Li looked troubled by worries all day long.

Lu Li also frowned: "I don't want to be so tired, but what if the summoners think that we have exhausted our talents in Riot Games?"

"Is your talent exhausted? Mr. Lu, I think you don't need to think so much. Just your workload in the past year has fully demonstrated your talent! What's more, you will have a movie this year How can the big movie summoners of League of Legends think that you are exhausted?!"

…Please give me flowers…

Miss looked at Lu Li like this and said with some distress, because Miss also understood that sometimes, people's pressure is actually brought on by themselves, and if you don't do some psychological persuasion, then this kind of pressure may even have a negative impact on you. Cause some bad damage to your own spirit!

Lu Li was silent for a long time.

This earth-shattering plan indeed made Lu Li think that he was going to be bald, but Lu Li was still unwilling to give up.

"Let's do this. Let's do something earth-shattering for the last time. From now on, we will just let it happen and release it if it happens, and forget it if it doesn't." Lu Li said to Miss.

This left Miss speechless for a while, complaining to Lu Li. How great would it be if this press conference released the summoning of heroes? After all, there was no need for Lu Li to launch so many earth-shattering things in the last celebration ceremony.

The two of them had a heart-wrenching dinner, but until the end, neither of them discussed anything earth-shattering.

Therefore, the two of them had to rest for a night and prepare to think about it another day.

However, what Lu Li never expected was that when she got up the next day, Lu Li was still squatting in the toilet, and Miss rushed in extremely excitedly!

"Mr. Lu, good news, good news!" Miss said excitedly.

"What good news... Can you wait while I lift up my pants..." Lu Li was speechless.

"Someone helped us think about that earth-shattering event!" But Miss didn't seem to hear Lu Li's words at all.

"Who has thought it through for us?" Lu Li raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened, filled with surprise and expectation.

"It's a Mercedes-Benz, a Mercedes-Benz!" Miss said excitedly again.

"Benz? Is there anyone else named Ben?" But after Miss finished speaking, Lu Li frowned and thought about his entire knowledge base. He didn't know if there was anyone named Ben... At....

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