I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

20: Everything Is Ready, Just Waiting For The Opening!

"Just go ahead and do it, I still have things to do." Lu Li waved to Miss and asked her to close the office door.

It's not that Lu Li doesn't want to talk to Miss anymore, but that Lu Li really has something to be busy with.

At present, everything about the League of Legends game conference is proceeding step by step. Lu Li only needs to wait for the arrival of March 25th.

But the League of Legends game itself still has some small areas that need to be added.

For example, the novice tutorial of League of Legends, and in the previous life, League of Legends had a very traditional weekly free hero setting, etc.

Ice shooter Ashe, wandering mage Ryze, and Demacia's power Garen, these three are permanent free heroes in League of Legends, but because of the first version, Lu Li has not yet released Garen, so for the time being Instead of setting up these three permanent free heroes, we first set up ten weekly free heroes for players to experience.

As for the mall, Lu Li naturally set it up quickly. All twenty heroes were set with corresponding prices and placed in the mall. As for the skins, Lu Li did not plan to do it yet.

As for the League of Legends login device, Lu Li’s settings are not as complicated as in the previous life, requiring selection operations. Instead, players from all over the country are directly divided into one large area, because in this way, it will affect the level of the League of Legends professional division LPL in the future. , will be a great benefit.

After Lu Li worked hard all day to set up everything, in the next two days, although Lu Li had nothing to do, his mood became more and more nervous.

Because March 25th, the day of the game launch, is getting closer!

"Mr. Lu, I am the person in charge of Black Bow. The holographic projection has been completed. When will we go to the venue for rehearsal?"

And on the evening of March 23, when the person in charge of Heigong called Lu Li, Lu Li's eyes finally lit up.

"Can you go to the Magic City tomorrow morning?! Then tomorrow morning, of course, the sooner the rehearsal, the better!"

Lu Li said excitedly on the phone, and even couldn't wait to see the holographic projection effect on site!

At nine o'clock in the morning on March 24, the Black Bow team in the capital finally arrived in the capital city with their equipment after a long night train!

Although Lu Li asked the Black Bow team if they wanted to take a break, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the holographic projection as much as possible, the Black Bow team went directly to the Mercedes-Benz Center with Lu Li and began to build the holographic projection room. Equipment needed!

Because the rent at the Mercedes-Benz Center is not cheap, the construction team actually entered the venue at midnight on the 24th to start setting up the stage for the game conference tomorrow night. After a night of hard work, , the stage construction is coming to an end, so there is no conflict with the Black Bow team.

"Mr. Lu, what is the use of such a big line among you? What's underneath?"

When the person in charge of Hei Gong saw that there were no seats in the center of the venue, but a large square stage, the person in charge of Hei Gong was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, let's keep it secret for now. You can see it tomorrow night...but the top of this thing is used for holographic projection."

Lu Li said to the person in charge of Black Bow.

Since Lu Li doesn't say anything, then as Party B, they can't continue to ask questions and have no choice but to continue working.

After about two hours, the construction of the equipment was officially completed, and then, it entered the debugging stage of the holographic projection!

"Mr. Lu, it's time to witness the miracle!" The person in charge of Heigong walked to Lu Li with a mobile phone and said to Lu Li with a smile.

And the next moment, the content of the CG animation appeared out of thin air on the mobile phone of the person in charge of Black Bow!

But what's different from CG animation is that Lu Li can clearly see the place where Annie is sitting under her butt on the phone of the person in charge of Black Bow!

"Awesome, awesome!" Lu Li said in admiration. Although he knew that the Black Bow team had the ability to complete such a large-scale holographic projection, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes!

"See it with your own eyes? How can you see it with your own eyes when you watch it on your mobile phone?" But at this moment, the person in charge of Heigong smiled.

"However, if you wear the holographic glasses we developed, you can see these holographic characters even at the scene!"

What? !

Can you see holographic characters on site? !

Lu Li was really stunned, because as far as he knew, every previous holographic performance, although it was indeed holographic, the audience at the scene could not see anything, only air!

But the Black Bow team actually made so-called holographic glasses? !

And when Lu Li put on a pair of glasses that were obviously more advanced than 3D glasses, Annie, Thain, or other heroes actually appeared in front of him!

"Oh my god... you guys are so awesome!" Lu Li praised the person in charge of Black Bow in amazement, and then asked, "How many glasses like this have you brought in total? Tomorrow night, there will be about five thousand An audience.”

"Tickets are sold out?!"

"It's free, and of course it sells quickly."

"...We only brought a thousand pairs of glasses in total, and there are no more, because this is still in our experimental stage and has not been mass-produced."

If there are only a thousand copies, then the other four thousand viewers can only be wronged.

"Miss, wait a minute and ask the official blogger to post on Weibo and explain that the first 1,000 viewers to arrive at the scene tomorrow will get a mysterious reward."


After finishing this matter, Lu Li invited everyone in the Black Bow team to have lunch. However, in the afternoon, he did not leave because of the success of the holographic projection. Instead, he called the coser team over.

"When the holographic projection is performed tomorrow night, I need each of you to perform a real-time performance on the spot when your hero appears. So this afternoon, your task is to practice walking. When the time comes, you must be precise. The worse one appears in the middle of the holographic projection of the character!"

Lu Li said this to the coser, and at the same time, he called Pang Xinxin over and asked her to rehearse the coser... Although she was not professional, she had no choice but to make do with it.

As for Lu Li himself, he walked to the podium at the front of the venue alone.

Tomorrow night, there will be five thousand spectators sitting in front of the stage, and under the gaze of ten thousand eyes, Lu Li will officially release the League of Legends game to the world tomorrow night!

"Success or failure depends on this!" Lu Li looked into the distance and clenched his fists!

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