I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

21: Linkin Park’S Third League Of Legends Theme Song

In the following time, Lu Li spent all his time rehearsing for the game conference.

The opening remarks, game introduction, gameplay, etc. all need to be done by Lu Li himself!

As the founder of League of Legends in this parallel world, Lu Li has also thought about making himself the Steve Jobs of the gaming industry, letting everyone in the world know that there is a relationship between Lu Li and League of Legends. Equal sign!

On the afternoon of the 24th, rehearsal.

On the morning of the 25th, rehearsal.

On the afternoon of the 25th, we were still rehearsing!

The game conference will start at 8 o'clock in the evening, and the rehearsal for the game conference will not end until 6 o'clock.

What made Lu Li a little unexpected was that Miss said that outside the Mercedes-Benz Center, at three o'clock in the afternoon, a team had already been filmed, and they wanted to be among the first 1,000 spectators to enter the venue to collect the tickets. Mystery gift!

"There are five thousand spectators. How many people are here now?" Lu Li asked Miss.

"About six or seven thousand..." Miss curled her lips, "The extra part is the players who don't have tickets, and the other part is the scalpers who sell the tickets..."

? ? ? cattle? !

"Go, contact the nearby security team. If you see someone selling high-priced scalper tickets, arrest them directly, and then give the tickets to the players for free!"

Lu Li said to Miss that he hated these scalpers deeply!

Outside the venue, when the security team took action, it instantly caused a commotion among the players outside the venue. However, when they learned that this was the League of Legends official arresting scalpers, they all cheered!

Although I still don’t know whether the League of Legends game is as fun as advertised, but at least the League of Legends official will definitely consider the players!

The commotion outside the venue happened quickly and subsided quickly, and some lucky players successfully obtained free tickets from the arrested scalpers.

Although it is definitely impossible to be one of the first thousand people to enter the venue at this point, at least you can enter the venue and see what League of Legends really looks like!

And when the time came to 6:30 pm, the ticket inspectors guarding each door finally got new news!

You can let people in!

There are a total of ten entrances to the entire Mercedes-Benz Center, and at each entrance, the ticket inspector has 90 pairs of special holographic projection glasses in his hands to distribute them one by one to the first spectators to arrive.

"Sister, what are the mysterious rewards for the first 1,000 spectators to enter?!" asked a boy who got glasses but didn't know why.

"This is the secret reward."

"Huh? Just a pair of glasses?"

"You'll know when you get in."

Although Lu Li said he would give mysterious rewards to the first 1,000 viewers, in fact, there were only 900. Lu Li kept some of the remaining 100 and gave them to Riot Games employees. Others were given directly to guests in the VIP boxes of the Mercedes-Benz Center.

Today's game conference was indeed invited by Lu Li, and some heavyweight guests came.

In the gaming circle, there are, for example, the executive vice president of Paixun Games and the executive vice president of NetOne Games. In the film circle, there are the famous director Guo Xiaosi, the director of the famous movie "Dream Showbiz" Bi Zhifei, and some singers in the music circle. For example, JJ Lin, the most popular singer from Hong Kong and Taiwan, Zhang Jie from mainland China, etc., will also perform on stage during the game conference.

Singers can be invited if they are given enough appearance fees. Two famous directors, Guo Xiaosi and Bi Zhifei, contacted Lu Li and asked to come themselves, saying that they wanted to learn. As for the two giants in the gaming industry, But they didn't send Ma Huateng and Ding Lei because they didn't think much of the bullshit League of Legends!

But for Lu Li, it was actually acceptable. After all, the vice presidents from both sides were here, which was a great favor to Lu Li, or in other words, to his former father.

"Miss, are everything arranged for the VIP side?"


"Where's Linkin Park's JJ Lin and his show?"

"Also ready."

"Have all the audience arrived?"

"They should all be here in ten minutes."

"Will there be an earthquake today?"


"Mr. Lu, don't be nervous. Just think of it as a student speech at the United Nations. You were not nervous when facing Trump. Why are you nervous now?"

Miss looked at Lu Li and said helplessly, but she could also understand Lu Li's mood. After all, he went to the United Nations to give a speech. For Lu Li, it was just a task assigned to him by the school, but today, the League of Legends game conference , but it is Lu Li’s own career!

"I want to go to the toilet. Pour me a glass of water to calm my shock."

"Mr. Lu..."

"Okay, okay, just kidding, I'm going to take a deep breath."

Lu Li smiled sheepishly at Miss and said she was not nervous, which was a lie, but after a while, Lu Li must not show any nervousness.

After all, I am the founder of League of Legends!

And amid such thoughts, Lu Li finally slowly calmed down, and her mood became more and more stable.

When there were only five minutes left before the official start of the press conference, the lights of the entire Mercedes-Benz Center slowly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of music sounded throughout the scene.


It's a long sound!

When the sound sounded, some viewers who had downloaded the League of Legends client in advance and tried to log in immediately heard that this sound was the official sound effect of the League of Legends login!

What sounded next was the light music played on the login interface, solemn but unwavering!

When the light music finally finished playing, the whole place suddenly fell into darkness again, and then, the prelude of "Numb", which had brainwashed countless audiences, sounded!

Misao rice knife, Misao rice knife suck...

When this extremely brainwashing voice sounded in the minds of the audience, the next moment, a spotlight suddenly lit up in the center of the stage, and immediately after, the five members of Linkin Park appeared there!


Enough of being your doll


No faith, lost myself under the mask

The next moment, the whole place was boiling and screaming!

Among the fans of League of Legends, there are many fans of Linkin Park. When they were there and saw Linkin Park performing live again after two years, how could they describe how moved they were? !

What made fans even more excited was that in addition to the two official theme songs released by League of Legends, "Numb" and "Crawling", Linkin Park also sang their third theme song at the scene! "BlackOut"!

"This night was already worth it..." A Linkin Park fan said with tears in his eyes as he looked at Linkin Park rocking out in the center of the stage. But what he didn't know was that tonight, he was "worth it" too early. Got some!

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