
"I received a death notice!"

Hu Xiaoyan hesitated and finally told the story.


The other party was taken aback.

Death notice!

These five words were like thunder, deeply shocking Luo Sheng's soul.

Of course he knows what a death notice is!

"When did this happen?"

Luo Sheng asked.

"just now……"

Hu Xiaoyan was already crying.

"Don't be nervous, we can find a way!"

Luo Sheng replied.

He comforted Hu Xiaoyan for a while and then hung up the phone.

Next, Hu Xiaoyan called several other good friends.

Want to seek help from the other party.

Some of them expressed their willingness to help Hu Xiaoyan, but some said they were powerless.

There were even a few people.

After hearing what Hu Xiaoyan said, I hung up the phone immediately!

She called again, but the other party didn't answer at all.

He probably put her on the blacklist and cut off all contact with Hu Xiaoyan!

It seems these people have developed a fear of death notices.

I don’t plan to contact Hu Xiaoyan anymore!

Fortunately, a few people expressed their willingness to help Hu Xiaoyan.

This also made her feel a little calmer.

But this night.

Hu Xiaoyan couldn't sleep at all.

A remote rural area.

A dilapidated house.

On the shabby bed, there was an old lady lying quietly.

Beside her, an old man sat.

Under the dim light inside the house.

Both of them looked very depressed.

The old lady was sleeping, while the old man looked sleepy in his clothes.

He dozed off with his head on the table.

But suddenly.

The old lady screamed, but the old man woke up.


The old lady's voice was even a little hoarse.

She suddenly opened her eyes.

The old man immediately looked at her and asked with great concern: "Old lady, what's wrong with you?"

The old lady looked at the old man with her cloudy eyes, and then said in a slightly helpless tone: "I just dreamed of our son again."

When she said this, her tone was a little choked.


After hearing this, the old man couldn't help but ponder for a while.

their son.

Li Minghao.

Originally, his grades were very good and Yu-Gi-Oh was able to get into a prestigious university.

But he has a good relationship with Hu Xiaoyan from the same village.

In order for Hu Xiaoyan to have a bright future, he chose to go out to work to complete Hu Xiaoyan's education.

Moreover, Hu Xiaoyan also promised in front of their two elders.

I will definitely marry Li Minghao in the future.

The couple's biggest hope is that Li Minghao can get married and start a family safely.

But what I didn't expect was.

Li Minghao actually killed someone.

The day they learned that Li Minghao was a murderer.

My mother couldn't bear it for a while and fell ill directly.

Later, when she learned of Li Minghao's death, she never got up again.

This is the only child in the family.

Now that I have lost my backbone, my life has suddenly collapsed.

"Minghao stood in front of me covered in blood and told me that he was in so much pain..."

"He also said that he was not a murderer, but that he was framed and wrongly accused..."

The old lady was crying and talking.

The old man sat silently aside, smoking a dry cigarette.

inside the house.

Very quiet.

The mood of the two elders was extremely complicated.

"Old man, do you think Minghao will be the murderer?"

The old lady suddenly asked, breaking the silence in the room.

The old man didn't answer.

"I don't think he is the murderer. Minghao is such a good kid, how could he be the murderer?"

"I think this is Minghao giving us a dream!"

The old lady said again.


Finally, the old man sighed: "So what if Minghao has a dream? We are just ordinary people..."


They are just ordinary people with no power.

So what if Li Minghao is not the murderer?

They can't make any big waves!

Only accept your fate!

Inside the house, it was very dark.

Only the smoke is lingering, as if the souls of injustice are telling their grievances!

the next day.

After she got up, she was still groggy and listless.

I went to the appointed restaurant with a few sisters to have dinner.

When eating, I was always absent-minded.

The sisters also noticed her abnormality and asked with concern: "Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so bad!"

Hu Xiaoyan sighed: "I received the death notice..."

Just like those old friends.

The sisters were somewhat surprised after hearing this.

"Xiaoyan, why did you receive the death notice?"

"That's right! You didn't do anything heinous or bad, right?"

Some people expressed doubts and worries.

Although they have a good relationship with Hu Xiaoyan, Hu Xiaoyan will never tell outsiders about the things she does.

Whether it's your best friends, sisters or those you are in love with.

These things are the deepest secrets in Hu Xiaoyan’s heart!

In the eyes of those sisters.

Of course Hu Xiaoyan will not be a perfect person.

After all, who has never done anything wrong since childhood?

But if you just did something wrong, it shouldn't be noticed by the judge at all!

The judges are targeting heinous people!

This makes them feel speechless!

Could it be that the judge made a mistake?

Everyone thought it was strange.

But now is not the time to think about this.

Death notices have been issued.

They have to come up with countermeasures!

"Xiaoyan, what should we do?"

"I heard that the judge who issued this death notice is very powerful!"

"Maybe it's not a human being at all, but some kind of supernatural being!"

One of my best friends, Xiao Luo, said nervously.

"I don't think this is anything serious! There are no ghosts or gods in this world. This death notice is simply a lie!"

Another best friend, Xiaoling, spoke.

"But the death of the Zhao father and son is indeed very bizarre!"

Another bestie was confused.

"If that judge is really a supernatural ghost, then you can find some monks and Taoist priests to help suppress it!"

"But I think this must be a prank!"

Xiaoling added another sentence.

Including those things that are making a lot of noise on the Internet, in Xiaoling's opinion, they are mostly exaggerations!

She doesn't believe these things at all!

She asked Xiaoling to find a monk and a Taoist priest for help, which was just a joke.

Since everyone thinks that the judge is a supernatural being.

Then use supernatural power to deal with it!

However, the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

Hu Xiaoyan's eyes lit up, as if she had really thought of something.

She felt very uneasy during this meal.

After finishing eating, we originally wanted to go shopping. But Hu Xiaoyan just said that and left early.

My girlfriends thought it was strange, but in the end they didn’t say anything.

Encountered such a thing.

No one is in a good mood!

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