I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 19 Magic Weapon Protects The Body, Hu Xiaoyan Is Confident!

All afternoon.

Hu Xiaoyan seemed to have disappeared.

No one knows where she went.

Someone wanted to talk to her about something, but the phone couldn't be reached at all.

Until nightfall.

Hu Xiaoyan then returned to her home.

And the panic on her face also disappeared a lot.

Instead, there was an extremely calm expression!

She was ready.

Next, we are waiting for the judgment to come!


Midnight is coming.

As the time got closer, Hu Xiaoyan became nervous.

She even had the feeling that everything was under control!

Although she went to do some preparation work in the afternoon.

But when death actually came, Hu Xiaoyan was still quite uneasy.



There was a sudden wind in the house.

Hu Xiaoyan's heart skipped a beat.

I didn’t open the window, so why was there wind in the house?

At the same time, she looked elsewhere in the room.

"That is……"

Hu Xiaoyan discovered.

Two figures appeared in a dark corner.

Is it my imagination?

She couldn't help but think so.

However, the two figures gradually became clear.

And slowly approaching himself!

Not an illusion!

Hu Xiaoyan suddenly shrank on the sofa.

The two figures seemed to be a man and a woman.

The man was wearing white clothes and was more than two meters tall. Coupled with a pointed high hat, it looks like the legendary Impermanence Ghost!

In his hands he held the mourning stick and the soul-catching chain.

Making a splashing sound.

It is Zhou Chen who is the incarnation of impermanence!

Beside him stood a woman in red.

Her feet were in the air and her hair was disheveled.

It looks exactly like the female ghost in red in the movie!

It's Li Qian!

"Hu Xiaoyan, you have done many evil things and caused many people to suffer."

"Now that your life is over, follow me to the underworld to be tortured!"

A faint and resentful voice rang out.

It was like a cry from hell, making Hu Xiaoyan seem to have fallen into an endless ice cave abyss!

Is this the judge?

Is the Judge really a supernatural ghost?

Various thoughts arose in Hu Xiaoyan's mind.

No matter how evil she does, she is still an ordinary person.

An ordinary person sees such a terrible sight.

You will definitely feel scared!

She is no exception!

But for some people.

When fear reaches its limit, fear often changes.

For example, Hu Xiaoyan is like this.

She swallowed, and then said angrily: "I'm right! Li Minghao deserves to die! He brought it upon himself, why do you come to seduce my soul!"


Zhou Chen frowned slightly.

He felt a little curious.

What happened to Hu Xiaoyan?

Why did he suddenly become so fearless!

"Master, let me come!"

Li Qian said lightly.

At the same time, she rushed in the direction of Hu Xiaoyan.

I want to enter Hu Xiaoyan's body and control her body!

But suddenly.

A golden light shot out of Hu Xiaoyan's body!

Li Qian exclaimed and immediately took a few steps back.

"Master, she has a magic weapon to protect her body!"

Li Qian looked at Zhou Chen.

At this moment, Zhou Chen finally understood.

Why is Hu Xiaoyan so confident!

She is protected by treasure!

Hu Xiaoyan also saw the golden light just now.

She couldn't help but feel happy.

Then, he quickly took out those two things from his pocket!

It’s a Buddha amulet and a rosary!

This is a magic weapon given to her by a wealthy businessman she is in love with. It is said to have the effect of warding off evil spirits and suppressing ghosts.

According to the wealthy businessman.

These two magical instruments have been enshrined in front of the Buddha for many years and have been consecrated!

Have great abilities!

It is simply not comparable to the inferior industrial products sold by money-grubbing monks and Taoists online!

This kind of thing can be regarded as a primary magic weapon!

See this scene.

Zhou Chen couldn't help but feel angry in his heart!

Good people are not protected.

But people like Hu Xiaoyan can spend money to buy real magic weapons!

This is a huge irony!

It’s true that the Buddha has saved the Yuan people, but he has not saved the poor!

With the protection of two magical weapons, Hu Xiaoyan finally became bolder.

She was not sure whether this thing was useful before, and she was a little worried.

But now it seems that this magic weapon is really useful!

The female ghost in red was ejected directly!

Therefore, Hu Xiaoyan laughed.

"Come on, aren't you capable? Then come on!"

"Didn't Li Minghao claim to love me very much? Then he should die for me! Isn't dying because you love someone the highest state of love?"

"Moreover, Li Minghao lost his life in just a few words. This was because he was stupid and mentally retarded. What does it have to do with me?"

"You are such an old man, why don't you have any brains at all? It is said that there are many love brains among girls. I think a licker like him deserves to die!"

"And those homeless people I sold! Their humble lives have no glory. Living in the world is nothing but pain, polluting the environment, and affecting the appearance of the city!"

"If they are sold by me, whether they have their human organs cut off or sold to the mines, they can still use some residual energy! It reflects their value as human beings!"

"What's wrong with this?"

"So, I was right!"

"You can't do anything to me!"

Hu Xiaoyan was even a little unscrupulous and arrogant.

She laughed wildly and belittled Li Minghao in the most vicious words.

Demeaning Li Minghao like dirt!

It seems that with the protection of this magic weapon, she can do whatever she wants!

They say ghosts are afraid of dawn.

So as long as you support yourself until dawn, you don't have to worry about them, right?

Hu Xiaoyan thought to herself while continuing to mock Li Minghao unscrupulously!

"You are so disgusting!"

"Your boyfriend died for you, and you're belittling him like this!"

Li Qian really couldn't listen anymore.

She roared angrily and rushed towards Hu Xiaoyan again.

But then I saw another golden light shooting out!

Li Qian felt a burning pain all over her body!

She immediately took a few steps back, showing an embarrassed look.

She is a very yin soul.

As for magic weapons, there is no doubt that they have a restraining effect on the soul.

This is exactly why Li Qian can't get close to Hu Xiaoyan!

"Hahaha, I have a magic weapon to protect me, you can't hurt me at all!"

Hu Xiaoyan laughed wildly again.

at the same time.

The fear in her heart seemed to completely disappear.

He actually stood up from the sofa and walked towards Zhou Chen and Li Qian with the magic weapon in hand.

As she approached step by step.

Those golden lights are gradually approaching!

He slowly retreated, but Zhou Chen stayed put.

Because Zhou Chen didn't care.

If it were him in the past, he might still have some scruples.

But after taking two soul pills, his impermanence template strength improved.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much about dealing with these two magic weapons!

Zhou Chen raised his hand slightly.

An invisible force was released.


The instrument gradually heats up.


Just hear a crisp sound.

One of the rosary beads actually broke in response!

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