I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 20 If You Have Evil Thoughts, Burning Incense Will Do No Good!


Hu Xiaoyan was a little surprised.

However, the surprise was only short-lived.

Because it's fast.

She came right back to reality.

Turn the other beads and prepare to use the power of these beads to deal with Zhou Chen!

Buzz buzz...

As the rosary beads are moved.

I saw a faint golden light coming from above, and even the sound of Sanskrit singing came from it.

As she moved the rosary faster, the golden light in the room became more intense.

Li Qian retreated more and more.

Soon, he had retreated to the corner.

There seems to be no retreat!

However, Zhou Chen remained motionless.

Seeing the steady appearance of this impermanent ghost, Hu Xiaoyan felt somewhat anxious.

what happened?

Isn't this impermanent ghost afraid of his own magical weapon at all?

Or maybe I’m not working hard enough!


That must be it!

Thinking of this, she clicked the rosary even more crazily.

So much so that the whole string of rosary beads made a clattering sound!

"If you have evil thoughts in your heart, burning incense will do no good!"

"Do you think you can really protect yourself by spending money on some magic weapons? It's sad, deplorable, and even more ridiculous!"

Zhou Chen sneered solemnly.

He still has 3,000 merit points!

Now, just consume it.


Lord Ma’s soul command!

This thing has the effect of seeing through all illusions!

You can also use one-tenth of Lord Ma’s power!


Zhou Chen did not hesitate.

In an instant, a huge god appeared behind him.

Angry and majestic.

Wearing golden armor and wearing boots.

It is Marshal Ma, the three-eyed spiritual officer!

However, this Lord Ma is just a shadow, not a real entity.

Not to mention the arrival of Marshal Ma himself!

But it is just a shadow, but it still contains the supreme power like a nine-day god general!

When he shows up.

Hu Xiaoyan felt a chill in her heart.

My knees weakened, and a force as strong as Mount Tai appeared in my heart!

And the originally strong golden light in the room.

It was also weakened a bit at this moment!

It seems that there is no way to compare with the vast power of Lord Ma!


No hesitation.

Zhou Chen's tongue exploded with thunder!

In the middle of the forehead of the huge phantom of Lord Ma, the third eye suddenly opened.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly changed!

A golden light shot out quickly!

Two magic weapons hit Hu Xiaoyan's hand!


It seemed like he was struck by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder!

The two magical instruments immediately emitted dazzling fire!

At the same time, there was a pungent burning smell!

Hu Xiaoyan was startled.

She quickly threw the magic weapon on the ground!

I saw that the originally golden magic weapon had now turned into two blackened wooden blocks.

The Buddha amulet cracked and the rosary beads scattered on the floor.

Where is the transcendental aura of the previous holy weapon?

"How could it happen? How could my magic weapon..."

Hu Xiaoyan was in disbelief.

She asked her wealthy businessman to spend a lot of money to get this!

Logically speaking, it cannot be broken into pieces like this!

"A person like you is not worthy of being protected by a magical weapon. Even the objects enshrined in front of the Buddha will lose their spirituality if they are contaminated with greed and evil thoughts!"

"Being punished is your only way out now!"

Zhou Chen's sentence had already judged Hu Xiaoyan's outcome.

"Please, please let me go!"

"I know I was wrong. I will burn more paper for you later. Please let me go!"

Hu Xiaoyan begged.

Seeing the two magical instruments shattered, she knew that she didn't even have the last support.

Simply plop.

He knelt down directly on the ground.

But Zhou Chen had no intention of letting her go!

The soul seducing chain was like a spiritual snake, winding and sweeping towards Hu Xiaoyan!

In an instant, Hu Xiaoyan's body was penetrated!

But the strange thing is.

Hu Xiaoyan couldn't feel any pain.

While she was still wondering, the seduction chain suddenly closed again.

Hu Xiaoyan felt her body suddenly lighten!

Then, she found herself in a very mysterious place.

Look up and see.

It turned out to be nothingness!

It seems like an endless black hole!

It made her feel deeply lonely!

Then, the screen changed.

She found that her hands and feet were put in heavy shackles!

Look around.

She discovered that there were many people around her who were in a similar situation to her!

These people are unkempt and look like homeless people.

But they were escorted by a group of men in black and headed towards a place that looked like an abandoned factory.

Seeing this group of men in black, Hu Xiaoyan understood.

They are men in black who are conducting human trafficking with themselves!

"You guys, please help me, I'm Hu Xiaoyan!"

"I'm Hu Xiaoyan!"

Seeing them, Hu Xiaoyan felt as if she had seen a savior.

She immediately rushed to a man in black.

She was familiar with this man in black.

He was the one who made the deal with her before!

However, the man in black just kicked him over.

Hit Hu Xiaoyan right in the abdomen!

Hu Xiaoyan grimaced in pain and curled up on the ground.

"What Hu Xiaoyan? What the hell are you doing!"

"I only care about money, no matter who you are! You are so beautiful, you will definitely get a good price if you sell it!"

The man in black punched and kicked him again.

A storm of fists and kicks fell on Hu Xiaoyan.

There was no way she could resist!

At this moment.

She could only bear it silently.

And all this is what Li Minghao endured before.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The opponent's attack finally stopped.

Hu Xiaoyan was finally able to take a breath.

But those men in black gave her no chance to breathe.

Instead, a few more people came, beat her up, and dragged her into the abandoned factory!

When they entered the abandoned factory, Hu Xiaoyan discovered that there was something special inside!

Under the bright incandescent lamp, there were iron sheets placed one after another. On the iron bed, there were homeless people tied up with five flowers.

Cries and curses filled the entire space.

But there is no way!

No matter how hard they struggled, it was of no use.

As the anesthetic was injected into their bodies, these people gradually became quiet.


Under the operation of white coats, human organs were taken out from their bodies one by one!

And those who lost their organs naturally lost their lives.

They were tossed aside like trash.

One after another, piled together!

Is this what happens to homeless people?

Although she has done many transactions with men in black, Hu Xiaoyan has never seen what happened to them after being trafficked...

See you today.


Of course, she didn't think the homeless man was pitiful.

But I am worried that I will be treated the same as them next!

"no, do not want!"

"Let me go, please let me go!"

"I have money, I can give you a lot of money!"

Hu Xiaoyan cried and howled.

However, no one listened to him.

What awaits him will be a very sharp blade!

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