Inside the Sheriff's Department.

Yu Bin has already explained everything.

He raised his head and looked at the detective opposite: "You...will put me in jail, right? You won't let me die at the hands of the judge, right!"

The person responsible for interrogating him was a young detective.

The detective found it ridiculous.

There are still people in this world who actively want to be jailed!

Ouyang Meng and the director stood aside and watched with their arms folded.

After hearing what Yu Bin said, Ouyang Meng finally stepped forward: "That's right, we won't let you die in the hands of the judge. Because we still have to go through the procedures!"

The judges have punished so many evil people.

Although they all deserved their punishment, it also made the people in the Sheriff's Department feel that they had been challenged.

This Yu Bin!

He must be sent to jail!

Even after Ouyang Meng discussed with the director.

It was decided to send Yu Bin to prison first before he was convicted.

Although according to the rules, he should be detained in a single room in the Sheriff's Department until he is actually tried and convicted.

Only after trial and conviction can they be sent to prison.

But everyone knows how capable the judge is.

I'm afraid the little cubicle of the Sheriff's Department can't stop him at all!

The prison's high-walled compound and heavy guards can certainly protect Yu Bin's safety to a certain extent!

They don't believe it.

The judge can even break into the tight protection of a prison!

the other side.

In Guyun Temple.

Jiang Chen also got the news through contacts.

Yu Bin will be sent to prison for protection, waiting for the final trial and conviction!

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen looked at Monk Fayuan: "Master, I think that in this case, should we take action?"

"Amitabha! Mr. Jiang's idea is just what the poor monk wants!"

Monk Fa Yuan nodded slightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen finally laughed.


This time, you will never come back!


After everyone got the news that Yu Bin had been transferred to prison, they all started a very lively discussion.

Although the Sheriff's Department did not say so.

But everyone is not a fool!

Of course I know what their purpose is!

Some people think that the judge will definitely not be able to kill Yu Bin this time!

But others think so.

No matter how far Yu Bin fled to the ends of the earth, he still could not escape the judge's punishment!

For a while, the two sides were at loggerheads.

A large-scale conflict almost broke out because of this!

But no matter how much they argued, it was in vain.

What exactly happened will be revealed tonight!

Soon, it was dark.

An island in the suburbs.

The prison compound has high walls.

On that huge observation deck stood a guard with a well-armed and live ammunition!

There were hundreds of guards standing guard all around.

High-power searchlights search everywhere, not missing any signs of trouble!


It was the time for the judge to kill Yu Bin.

Therefore, the prison also specially mobilized several times the number of guards than before.

Just to protect Yu Bin’s safety!

And in an unknown corner, there is a figure standing quietly.

It is Monk Fa Yuan!

He accepted Jiang Chen's money, so of course he had to help Jiang Chen solve his troubles!

Yu Bin was detained here.

The judge will definitely appear here!

If he waits here, he will definitely be able to wait for the other party!


The time has come.

In the sky, the full moon is obscured by dark clouds.

In the empty wilderness, a dark wind blew for no reason.

Monk Fa Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged, raised his eyebrows: "Here he comes!"

Outside prison.

Two shadows slowly appeared.

One white and one red.

It is Zhou Chen who has transformed into impermanence and Li Qian in red!

It looks like there are many guards, but in fact there is nothing that can stop them.

They didn't even need to show their bodies in front of ordinary people, they could easily enter the prison and take Yu Bin's life!


Seeing them getting closer and closer to the prison.

But I heard a Buddha's call suddenly rang out: "Amitabha, the poor monk has been waiting for a long time. Where is the monster, why don't you kill it quickly!"


At the same time, there was a series of knocking sounds of wooden fish.

The sound seemed to have endless penetrating power, spreading throughout the entire wilderness in an instant!

I saw a figure walking slowly from the darkness.

It is Monk Fa Yuan!

Monk Fa Yuan holds a wooden fish and chants the Buddha's name.

The whole body emits golden light, as if the Buddha is alive!

"Master, this monk is so powerful!"

Li Qian exclaimed.

Although she is much stronger, Monk Fayuan's strength cannot be underestimated!

"Stay back for now and leave this place to me!"

Zhou Chen gave an order.

"Master, be careful!"

Li Qian said a word of concern.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, it's just that she can't help!

After all, the opponent's strength is indeed too powerful.

"rest assured!"

Zhou Chen smiled slightly.

Immediately, he looked at Monk Fa Yuan: "Where is the thief bald from? Get out of the way!"

Monk Fa Yuan remained unmoved and continued to chant the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, evildoer shall die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the wooden fish club in his hand into the sky.

The stick turned into a golden light and shot directly towards Zhou Chen!


Extremely fast!

In an instant, kill Zhou Chen's vitals!

And Zhou Chen showed no fear at all.

The mourning stick rushed forward, the two sides collided, and an astonishing wave of air burst out!

I have to say that he is indeed powerful!

Zhou Chen couldn't do anything to win over the other party.

It seems that the impermanence template cannot prevail!

Then try this!


With a roar.

The bull head template appears!

This is the first time the Bullhead Template has played!

The steel fork in his hand stabbed Monk Fayuan directly!

Compared to the Impermanence template, the Bull Head template is undoubtedly more powerful in combat!

Monk Fa Yuan also frowned.

He immediately clasped his hands together.

At this moment, the surrounding golden light seemed to turn into a shield.

Monk Fa Yuan was wrapped in it!


The steel fork hit the shield, but there was no way to break it!

"Monster, you can catch me without any effort, but the poor monk can still let you live and save you from reincarnation. If you persist in your persistence, the poor monk will kill you without mercy!"

Monk Fa Yuan's voice is as loud as a bell.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a sharp breath.

Then, there was a roar.

This roar is like the roar of a lion!

Powerful sound waves vibrated out, wrapped in thousands of golden lights, and exploded in the air!

Even the bull-head template actually trembled slightly at this moment.

It seems that there is nothing you can do!

This monk is really not simple!

He looks like he is full of energy, but he actually has real skills!


The strength is not bad!

"Poor monk?"

"Looking at how fat you are, I don't know how much dirty money you have collected!"

"How dare a person who helps the tyrants to do evil like this call himself a poor monk?!"

Zhou Chen sneered again and again.

The opponent is quite powerful, but he is not a vegetarian either.

Zhou Chen also has a soul command of Fengdu Ghost King in his hand!

Now is the time to use it!

The Ghost King of Fengdu is here!

As the Soul Order exploded in the air, a magnificent Yin Qi also burst out!

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