I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 51 Gods And Buddhas Will Not Protect Those Who Help The Tiger! (Available At 6 P.M.)

this moment.

A stronger wind appeared on the entire island.

The sound of ghost cries also burst out in the air!

in such a voice.

Monk Fa Yuan also frowned slightly.

It seems that something is wrong!

next moment.

in front of him.

Figures gradually appeared!

Impermanence, bull head, horse face...

All show up!

And Zhou Chen, who used the soul command, also transformed into the Fengdu Ghost King at this moment!

The Ghost King of Fengdu.

In charge of the Underworld Division.

Be the sect of all ghosts in the world!

The Ghost King of Fengdu appears.

Hundreds of ghosts go out at night!

At this moment, a huge figure was sitting upright!

It is dozens of meters tall, and it seems to be the template for the Fengdu Ghost King!

Although the Soul Order is only one-tenth of the power of the Ghost King, it is still enough to suppress Monk Fa Yuan!

this moment.

Monk Fa Yuan finally became a little panicked.

But he still chanted the Buddha's name and stood proudly.

Golden light burst out all over his body, protecting him within it.


As the surrounding Yin Qi becomes stronger and stronger.

The area that Monk Fa Yuan can control is getting smaller and smaller.

In the countless strong winds, shadows rushed toward Monk Fa Yuan.

Those phantoms are all kinds of scary ghosts with green faces and fangs!

They looked at Monk Fa Yuan as if they were seeing prey.

Roaring, hissing...

In an instant, Monk Fa Yuan was surrounded.

Monk Kefa Yuan is here.

Still looking calm and composed!

I saw him reciting: "Do you think that evil spirits and evil spirits can harm a poor monk by such means? It is difficult for evil spirits to survive in front of my Buddha!"


He also showed off his unique skills.

I saw Fa Yuan taking one step forward.

The golden light around him suddenly skyrocketed!

However, Zhou Chen burst out laughing.

"It's a pity that you have done many evil things. From the moment you choose to help the tiger, your Buddha can no longer protect you! Kill!"

Give an order.

All the ghosts suddenly went crazy!

Those golden lights were no match for the strong Yin Qi!

At this moment, I was squeezed inch by inch.

Monk Fa Yuan is unbelievable!

How could a mere monster possess such powerful power?

What I practice is the authentic secret method of Buddhism!

Eliminate all evil!

But why...


At this moment, the Bull Head and Horse Face also took action.

The steel forks and long knives in their hands both struck Monk Fa Yuan head-on!

At the same time, Monk Fa Yuan’s heart trembled.

Because he suddenly realized.

This powerful force cannot be resisted by oneself!

As the attack from the Bull-headed Horse Face came, the sound of piercing the sky also burst out in the surrounding air!

But even so.

Monk Fa Yuan is not willing to surrender!

At this moment, he tried his best to boost his energy.

His body was like a rapidly rotating machine.

All potentials are fully stimulated!


Monk Fa Yuan no longer has any scruples.


His whole body burst out with an unprecedented dazzling golden light!

However, the opponent's offensive.

But it’s overwhelming!

"In front of the King of Ghosts, no remnant will survive!"

But he saw the huge Fengdu Ghost King slowly raising his hand.

A vast and endless Yin Qi condensed in his palm.

at the same time.

The big hand suddenly came down like a cloud hanging from the sky!

It was an understatement, but it caused Monk Fayuan to suffer a devastating blow!

That’s right!

It's a devastating blow!

The next second, the protective golden light was completely destroyed!

Monk Fa Yuan's entire body was exposed to Zhou Chen!


With a bang.

Monk Fa Yuan's body flew out upside down.

He vomited blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Although he still survived, the damage caused by this wave of blows was too great for him!


That blow just now.

But it directly destroyed all his body-protecting golden light!

This caused the energy and blood in his body to surge!

After taking a deep breath for a while, he finally stood up with difficulty.

But the next second.

The bull-headed and horse-faced attack suddenly came to him.


Monk Fa Yuan could not avoid it.

Under the attack of the bull-headed horse-faced man, he finally realized that all his methods were in vain!


With the sound of shattering.

Fa Yuan was cut in half by Ma Mian's long sword!

Blood sprays!

And before he even had time to suffer, the bull-headed steel fork roared towards him!

This steel fork penetrated directly through Fa Yuan's chest, nailing him to the high wall of the prison alive!


The blood is flowing!

But even so.

He's still not dead!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

At the same time, Wu Chang let out a sinister smile.

Impermanence smiles and lives are lost!

The soul-catching chain was like a spiritual snake coming out of its hole, and instantly came to the front of Monk Fa Yuan!

At this time, Monk Fa Yuan opened his mouth wide.

The severe pain made him scream in agony.

And the soul seduction chain slipped into his mouth!

Directly stabbed Fa Yuan's body from top to bottom!

Then, it suddenly closed.

Fa Yuan’s soul was pulled out of the body!

This series of attacks can be said to be completed in one go!

As Fa Yuan's soul left his body, his body finally fell to the ground.


A broken body fell heavily to the ground.

The blood and water mixed with the soil on the ground made Fa Yuan's body look as inconspicuous as garbage.

This eminent monk of Guyun Temple who used to be aloof and made countless money.

Now, he is finally dead!

Turn into a handful of dung!

While fighting Fa Yuan, all the guards in the prison were temporarily unconscious due to the influence of Hyakuki Yakou.

Therefore, they had no idea that such a melee broke out outside the prison.

After solving the French circle.

Zhou Chen returned to the impermanence template.

The bull's head and horse's face disappeared one after another.

He took Li Qian through many high walls and entered the prison!

In a cell in the deepest part of the prison.

There are dozens of armed guards here!

But now, they all fell to the ground unconscious.

Behind the heavy iron door, it was Yu Bin who was imprisoned.

On the iron bed, Yu Bin couldn't sleep.

Although it was late at night, Yu Bin still couldn't sleep!

Because the surroundings are too dark.

There was no clock or anything like that for him to tell the time.

He didn't know what time it was.

I don’t know if the time has come.

It was this pain of waiting for death that made him feel extremely tormented!

But at this time.

But Yu Bin suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from his ears.

The sound was extremely strange.

As if, as if it were a whisper from hell.

He couldn't help but think of something clever and immediately sat up.

But he just got up.

His eyes just met a figure!

A white figure!

It is Zhou Chen who is the incarnation of impermanence!

"Yu Bin, the time has come, you must be punished!"

Zhou Chen's voice sounded like a death knell!

"Ah, help!"

Yu Bin was so scared that his face turned pale.

Suddenly, all the terrible things from before emerged.

For a moment.

Yu Bin was so frightened that he curled up into a ball.

He was trembling and his face turned pale.

But Zhou Chen didn't talk nonsense.

He walked forward slowly and directly pronounced Yu Bin's death!


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