Under the leadership of Chen Fugui, Chen Jun came to the cellar.

Ever since Chen Jun could remember, this cellar had been pressed down with big rocks.

He had never seen what the cellar looked like.

I don't even know what is in this cellar.


It was the first time I followed my father into it.

And what he saw before his eyes was beyond Chen Jun’s understanding!

There's a woman locked in the cellar!

A woman chained up!

Women's bodies are dirty and smelly.

She was huddled in the corner of the cellar, pulling something out of a basin and stuffing it into her mouth.

Chen Jun saw that there were some leftovers in the basin.

They all stinked and went bad!

There are countless flies surrounding it.

It looks absolutely disgusting!

When the woman saw Chen Fugui and his son entering the cellar, she immediately panicked and hid in the corner.

She was trembling and mumbling something unclearly.

Chen Jun didn't hear clearly.

All he knew was that the woman seemed scared.

"Dad, who is she?"

Chen Jun looked at his father blankly.

"Junjun, she is your mother! Your mother is a college student!"

Chen Fugui answered with a smile.


my mom?

Chen Jun only felt that his three views had been impacted!

"No, it's impossible!"

"She's not my mother!"

The teacher said that mothers will care for their children and be gentle.

Not this dirty and smelly look!

Although he has never met his mother in person, Chen Jun feels that his mother should be the same as Teacher Xun.


Take good care of yourself!


Seeing his son's appearance, Chen Fugui actually laughed: "When you grow up, daddy will get you one too!"

At this time.

That woman stared straight at Chen Jun!

Chen Jun looked at her as if he was affected by something.

The two looked at each other.

Somehow, something seemed to be touched!


Don't know why.

The woman unexpectedly pounced quickly towards Chen Jun.



She was chained so that she couldn't reach Chen Jun at all.

Chen Jun was so frightened that he jumped 16 times!

He didn't dare to stay here any longer and ran out of the cellar in a hurry!

Behind him, his father's laughter could be heard.

That woman is so scary!

Chen Jun returned to the room, because his heart could not calm down.

After a long time, he finally calmed down.

Then, I started writing in my homework book.

"My mother is a crazy woman who was chained up in the cellar by my father..."

"Junjun, what is the country?"

Not long after, Chen Fugui's voice rang out.

"I'm writing a composition!"

Chen Jun looked in search of the sound.

He noticed that Chen Fugui had a look of exhaustion and satisfaction on his face, and he hadn't even zipped up his pants yet!

Chen Fugui came to his son.

He picked up his homework and took a look at it.

Just one look, and he was instantly furious!

"What are you writing randomly, little brat? She is not your mother!"

"Your mother is dead! She died in childbirth when she was giving birth to you!"

Chen Fugui tore his homework book into pieces!


He slapped the table hard.

Chen Jun was shocked!

He is the only child in the family, and both his father and grandmother are always very doting on him.

I've never been angry with him!

Chen Jun didn't expect it.

How could my father be so angry and angry!

For a while.

He froze in his seat.

"What are you doing? What are you doing to get so angry at your child?

Grandma ran in with a spatula.

"Mom, look what he wrote!"

Chen Fugui put together his homework book.

Grandma was not very literate, so it took a lot of effort to understand what was in the notebook.

And her face suddenly became ugly.

But she didn't get angry at Chen Jun, but looked at Chen Fugui beside her.

"Did you take him to the cellar?"

There was deep reproach in his tone.

"Aren't I kidding him?"

Chen Fugui also seemed to realize that he had done something wrong.

At this time, he smiled shyly.

"How many times have I told you not to take Junjun to the cellar!"

"Also, I asked you to sell that crazy woman a long time ago, but you just didn't listen! It's better now that you've caused this problem!"

Grandma scolded Chen Fugui.


"What should I do if I sell her? There are not many women in this village!"

Chen Fugui was also anxious.

He was so angry that he stamped his feet, slammed the door and left without saying a word.

Looking at all this, Chen Jun looked confused.

He simply couldn't understand what his father and grandma meant.

"Junjun, be good!"

At this time, grandma bent down.

She stroked Chen Jun's head lovingly: "That person in the cellar is not your mother, your father was just joking with you!"

"Then who is she? Why is she in the cellar?"

Chen Jun asked, expressing his confusion.

He noticed that the expression on grandma's face changed slightly.

However, he recovered quickly.

"Children, don't ask too many questions!"

She didn't say much, just got up and left.

this day.

The atmosphere at home was very depressing.

Grandma, father and Chen Jun were just eating at the table.

Not a word was said.

After eating, Chen Jun returned to the room.

He took out a new notebook and started writing again.

In the composition, he described his mother as someone like Teacher Xunjuan!


Take care of yourself!


Chen Jun tossed and turned in bed.

He wanted to fall asleep, but as soon as he closed his eyes, the image of that woman came to his mind.

Huddled in a dark, dirty corner.

He looked at himself with a pair of eyes full of fear.

He had never been to the cellar at home. I always thought it was for storing things, but I didn't expect that a dirty and smelly woman was locked inside!

Who is she? Why is she locked up there? Why is she chained? Why does her father say she is his mother?

Countless questions made Chen Jun tossed and turned!

Early the next morning, Chen Jun got up and found that the dirty woman had been taken out of the cellar and was huddled in a corner of the room.

Grandma and father were busy in the kitchen. Perhaps because of the daytime, Chen Jun was not as scared as he was yesterday.

But the woman still smelled bad. Chen Jun just watched from a distance and did not get closer.

The woman suddenly spoke, and Shadi uttered two words: "Come here!"

Is she letting herself pass?


"I have, I have something good for you..."

The woman spoke again.

Her language organization skills are very poor.

It seemed that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his words were unclear.

But Chen Jun still understood.

However, Chen Jun felt very strange.

She is a crazy woman, what good things can she show herself?

He is very curious!

So, he walked towards the crazy woman.

The two are getting closer.

Suddenly, the crazy woman looked hard.

She threw Chen Jun to the ground and strangled Chen Jun's neck with both hands.


A feeling of suffocation came over me!

Chen Jun only felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring, and he struggled desperately.

But this woman doesn’t know where she got such strength from!

The more Chen Jun struggled, the harder her hands became.

"You bastard, die!"

"You bastard, die!"

The woman's speech was unclear, but the words still came out of her mouth.

The survival instinct takes over.

Chen Jun grasped the woman's wrist tightly with his hand and tried to move her hand away.

At the same time, he shouted with all his strength: "Mom, mom..."

Two words.

But it made the crazy woman feel like she was electrocuted!

The strength in her hand also instantly decreased a lot.

Chen Jun noticed.

The ferocity in her eyes disappeared.

Instead, there is an infinite tenderness.


It’s like the way Teacher Xun looks at me!

She also looks like the mother in Chen Jun’s countless fantasies!

Is this blood thicker than water?

this moment.

Chen Jun seemed to understand something.

However, Chen Jun still took the opportunity to get rid of her restraint.

He rolled and crawled to the door.

But accidentally, I bumped into grandma coming from the main entrance.

"My dear grandson, what's wrong?"

Grandma asked curiously.


"No, nothing?"

Chen Jun was ready to tell what happened just now.

But when the words came to his lips, he changed his tune.


He saw that after the woman discovered grandma, she immediately returned to her previous appearance of curling up in the corner and shivering.

It seems that she is very afraid of grandma!

But grandma is a shrewd rural woman.

Her eyes were sharp, and she seemed to see through Chen Jun's heart at once.

at the same time.

She bent down and examined Chen Jun's neck: "Where did this nail mark on your neck come from?"


Chen Jun was speechless for a moment.

He didn't know how to answer!

The crazy woman was very hard just now. Her nails were sharp and long, leaving several shocking marks on Chen Jun's neck!


Grandma looked at the crazy woman.

At this moment, she seemed to understand something.

She picked up the door stick and walked towards the crazy woman: "If you dare to pinch my grandson, if you dare to pinch my grandson, I will beat you to death! I will beat you to death!"



She struck very hard.

Hit after hit, hitting the crazy woman hard.

The crazy woman was obviously frightened.

She kept screaming.

Covering his head with his hands, he let out a shrill cry.

At the same time, he hesitated and said: "Don't hit me, don't hit me! I don't dare to run away, I don't dare to run away anymore!"

But grandma didn't listen to her at all.

On the contrary, he struck harder!

Chen Jun was dumbfounded!

Listening to the woman's shrill cries, he felt a twitch in his heart.

It’s as if grandma’s series of sticks were all hitting her!

"Stop it, grandma, do it!"

Chen Jun suddenly rushed over.

He hugged grandma from behind.

Grandma stopped.

She looked at Chen Jun in confusion, wondering why her well-behaved grandson could say such a thing.

"Grandson, what are you..."

"She is my mother, grandma, please stop fighting!"

"Teacher Xun said that it is against the law to hit someone!"

Chen Jun’s voice is a bit...


"What your teacher said is bullshit!"

Grandma pushed Chen Jun down.

It can be seen that she is really angry!

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Chen Fugui heard the movement in the house and ran in quickly.

"I asked you to sell this crazy woman a long time ago, but you just didn't listen!"

"Your son called her mom just now. If this had been going on for a long time, it would have caused such a big fuss!"

Throwing down the door stick, grandma was so angry that she went directly into her house.


She slammed the door shut.

But this time, Dad did not refute what Grandma said.

He just looked at the crazy woman with extremely complicated eyes.


Chen Jun came to Chen Fugui crying.

Looking at his son, Chen Fugui felt very complicated.

The look on his face was uncertain.

After a while, he said to Chen Jun: "Junjun, don't cry. This woman is not your mother. Your mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to you! Do you remember that?"

"I, I remember..."

777 Chen Jun replied slowly.

But in fact, he had other thoughts in his mind.

Although Chen Jun is young, he is not stupid.

On the way to school, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Seeing the thin and bruised body of the mad woman.

Chen Jun couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart.

He can be sure.

The crazy woman must have been beaten by her father and grandma often!

Because when he was choked by the crazy woman just now, he could even clearly see that there were many wounds on her body that had suppurated and emitted a foul smell!

this moment.

Chen Jun firmed up his thoughts.

He wanted to save that crazy woman.


It's my mother!

But how can he save it?

He doesn't know who to ask for help!

Suddenly, a person appeared in his mind.

Teacher Xun!

Teacher Xun is a volunteer teacher from the city. She has seen the world and knows a lot!

She can definitely help herself!

Come to the classroom.

The classmates also arrived one after another.

But Chen Jun was not interested in playing with his classmates.

While get out of class was over, he came to Teacher Xunjuan's office.

The teacher was correcting homework. When he saw Chen Jun walking in, he put down what he was doing.

"Chen Jun, are you okay?"

She smiled softly.

Chen Jun felt that she was somewhat similar to the crazy woman!

"Teacher, my mother..."

Chen Jun was about to speak but stopped.

"Chen Jun, I read your composition and you wrote it very well."

Teacher Xun commented.


Chen Jun shook his head violently: "That's not my mother, that's what I scrawled. My mother is a college student and was chained to the cellar by my father..."

He finally said it!

Every word is as important as a thousand pieces!

The smile on Xun Juan's face also froze at this moment.

She looked around and realized that there was no one here.

He immediately closed the door and asked Chen Jun in a low voice: "Chen Jun, are you, are you telling the truth?"

She held Chen Jun's shoulders tightly with both hands, and her voice seemed to be choked with sobs.

"it is true!"

Chen Jun answered.

"Then, what's your mother's name!"

Xun Juan's tone was a little excited.


Chen Jun blurted out.

Although he has never seen his mother.

But he knew his mother's name, and his father mentioned it often.


Xun Juan felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Her body trembled suddenly and she almost fell to the ground.

"Teacher Xun, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Jun immediately stepped forward to help her.

He found that tears were already pouring out of Xun Juan's eyes.

Her eyes turned red.

He couldn't help but choke up.

He opened his mouth and then said: "Chen Jun, did you know? Your mother is my sister who has been missing for many years!"

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