I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 68 The Whole Village Is Full Of Devils! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

A dozen years ago.

Xunjuan's sister was once a glorious volunteer teacher.

But in the end, she disappeared in the mountainous area where she taught.

locals declared.

Xunfang accidentally fell off a cliff and died in a mudslide on a rainy night.

In the end there are no bones left!

But Xunjuan doesn’t think so!

She believes that her sister must still exist in this world.

So after she graduated from college.

I also came to the mountainous area where my sister taught.

On the one hand, it is to continue to complete my sister's unfinished business.

On the other hand, it is also to find his sister.

But it's a pity.

More than ten years have passed!

She found no clues at all.

Moreover, before my sister left.

Xunjuan is still a little girl only a few years old!

In my mind, the memory of my sister has been blurred.

This makes it even harder for her to find her sister!

But I didn’t expect that I would get a clue today!

God helps her!

Thought of this.

Xun Juan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

However, Xun Juan was not troubled by the excitement.

Of course she wants to save her sister!

But she also knew that if she went alone in the past, she would definitely die!

So, she thought about it.

He said to Chen Jun: "Chen Jun, you and the teacher should go see the principal!"

Chen Jun nodded seriously: "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, the two of them came to the principal's office.

The principal is a middle-aged and elderly man over fifty years old. He has been a principal here all his life and looks much older than his peers in the city.

After listening to Xun Juan's description, the principal's gray eyebrows frowned tightly.

"It turns out, Teacher Xun, you are Xun Fang's sister. Why do I feel like I have seen you before..."

"Hey, I heard about what happened back then."

"After Xunfang's accident, we also sent some teachers to search for her in the mountains, but no one was alive and no body was found."

"The mountains here are high and the roads are far away, and there are many cliffs. If we really encounter a mudslide, it's not impossible that nothing will happen.

"So, as time goes by, this matter will be settled."

"I didn't expect it, hey..."

Speaking of this, the principal's tone still contained deep self-blame.

"Then principal, what should we do next?"

Xunjuan asked again.

"Hey, this place is located in a remote and isolated place, and the people in the village have a strong feudal mentality. That's why teachers like us are so precious."

"I heard from Chen Jun that his grandma might want to sell her. In this way, in order to avoid any accidents. I will go with you now and hold them back. At the same time, we call the police and let the Public Security Department investigate them!"

The principal made a decision.

"OK, all right!"

After thinking about it, I felt that the principal's calendar was feasible.

Xun Juan also nodded.

In order to avoid accidents, they also found other male teachers to go with them.

This mountain village primary school has only six teachers including the principal.


Except for Xunjuan, all other teachers are male.

There are three middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, and a college graduate who, like Xunjuan, comes here to teach.

When they heard what happened, they were very excited.

After all, people who have read the book will not let such a thing happen!

Therefore, everyone agreed to follow Xunjuan to Chen Jun's house to see what happened.

A group of people came to Chen Jun's house.

His father and grandmother were threshing millet in the yard.

Seeing a group of people approaching, Chen Fugui stopped what he was doing and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Chen Jun, are these your teachers?"

Chen Fugui asked doubtfully.

Chen Jun did not answer.

He went straight to the cellar and pointed in the direction of the cellar door: "Teacher, my mother is locked in here!"

The sudden words also surprised Chen Fugui and grandma.

"Junjun, what are you talking about?"

Grandma scolded.

"I'm not talking nonsense, my mother is really in this!"

Chen Jun's tone was firm.

Chen Fugui accompanied the smiling face and came to several teachers: "Teachers, the children are young and are talking nonsense! Don't take it to heart..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the teachers noticed something.

Around them, some people gradually gathered around.

Those are all villagers in the village, and they are also some elite men.

They were holding various hoes, rakes, shovels, shovels and other farm tools, and slowly surrounded the teachers.


One teacher seemed a little nervous.

But the principal remained calm and still had a serious look on his face.

"Mr. Chen, since it's just a kid talking nonsense, can you please open the cellar door and let us see what's here?"

The principal's tone was also very direct.

"That's right, open the door. Let's see what's inside and we'll understand everything!"

Xun Juan also spoke after her.

Chen Fugui was stunned.

It seems that it is not the original intention,

But after a while, he seemed to see something.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

"Okay, you guys follow me."

With that said, he walked towards the cellar.

This actually made the teachers look at each other.

What does he mean?

Is there really nothing in the cellar? It’s so straightforward!

However, since Chen Fugui was willing to let them see what happened, the teachers naturally did not hesitate at all.

Follow Chen Fugui to the cellar door.

Next, Chen Fugui opened the cellar door.

Everyone came closer.

But the next second, there was a bang, and the principal fell down directly in response.

Everyone else was shocked!


Xun Juan exclaimed.

I saw a man coming up behind the principal at some point. He picked up a stick and hit the principal hard on the back of the head!

This came out of the blue.

He directly defeated the principal!

The principal fell to the ground and let out a muffled groan.

The man swung his stick again and hit him several times.

It wasn't until the principal stopped moving that he finally stopped!

The whole place was in panic!

"You, what do you want to do?!"

The young male teacher took a step forward.


"You said you guys don't stay in school to teach, so why are you here meddling in other people's business?"

"Since you are so nosy, let me make you pay the corresponding price!"

A sinister and cunning male voice sounded.

Everyone looked around and saw a tall, thin, dark-skinned man wearing a leather jacket walking over.

The man's eyes were cold.

With a strong murderous intention!

And behind him, there were dozens of people dressed in black!

Including the villagers who had just gathered around, there were hundreds of them!

In an instant, all the teachers felt a chill sweep over them.

"Get it for me!"

The man ordered.

The men in black immediately surrounded us without saying a word!

"Help, help!"

"Teacher Xun, run! We are here!"


All kinds of screams came and went.

However, it was only for a moment.

Everything is calm again!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

The so-called poor mountains and bad waters bring out unruly people!

It seems that this sentence still has some truth.

Under the feudal superstition, the mission of carrying on the family line became a natural existence in that poor mountain village!

And in order to continue the family lineage, they even do whatever it takes!

Even, do such inhuman and beastly behavior!

Imprison a female college student for more than ten years!

Such demons, of course Zhou Chen would not let them go.

The main thing is.

All this is exactly what happened today.

Zhou Chen thinks.

You must act promptly!


It can also save a few lives!

A thought came into my mind.

A death notice was issued!

Gantian Village.

Chen Fugui sat in the yard smoking a dry cigarette.

At this time, Chen Jun had been taken to his second uncle's house by his grandmother.

Chen Jun didn't want to go, but grandma took him away by force.

The principal fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood flowed from the back of the head.

His body was covered in dust and he had been beaten to death!

Xunjuan and several other teachers were tied up in a big way.

They were left aside, as if they were lambs to be slaughtered!

Xunjuan couldn't help sobbing.

Deep self-blame arose in her heart.

If it weren't for him, the principal wouldn't have ended up like this.

And other teachers will not be arrested!

Looking at the ferocious looks of these people, I don’t know how I will treat them!

"Brother Li, thank you for coming in time!"

Chen Fugui looked at the man in the leather jacket.

"Chen Fugui, I also know what happened. What did you say you did wrong? Why did you let your son go into the cellar?"

Brother Li complained in a serious tone.

"I did it on a whim, and I didn't expect these results."

Chen Fugui scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, no more talking."

Brother Li waved his hand.

He also knew that Chen Fuquan was an uneducated villager.

Telling him so much is nonsense!

Then, he looked at Xun Juan and others.

The smile on his face became even brighter: "However, being able to catch so many people today is a big gain!"

"Brother Li, what are you going to do with them?"

Chen Fugui asked.

"This girl is pretty. Is there anyone in your village who hasn't got a wife?"

Brother Li did not answer directly.

Instead he asked a question.

"My second brother, he is almost forty and he is still a bachelor!"

Chen Fugui replied.

"Well, okay!"

Brother Li nodded: "As for these men... I also know a few sick rich people over there, and they are waiting for organ transplants!"

Having said this, the smile on his face became even weirder!


Replace human organs?

Xun Juan and others heard this.

My heart couldn't help but tremble!

Are these guys actually human traffickers?

Think of the horrific news about organ trafficking you’ve seen online!

Several people were even more frightened.


They are now prisoners.

Even if you feel scared, there is nowhere to escape!

"." Chen Fugui, lock these people in your cellar first. I’ll contact the buyer and pick up the goods tomorrow!”

Brother Li said.

"Okay, brother Li, don't worry! I will definitely take good care of them!"

Chen Fugui nodded.

This Brother Li is called Li Rongfa.

Is a human trafficker.

There are too many bachelors in the village, and many of them cannot find a wife.

As for Brother Li, he often kidnapped and trafficked women from outside the mountains.

It can be said like this.

Most people in the village bought their wives from Brother Ji!

Therefore, they are a community of interests!

"Don't be arrogant. We have already called the police before we come here. Even if the mountains are high and the roads are far away, the Public Security Department will arrive soon! You will have something to watch by then!"

shouted the young male teacher.

"Public Security Department? Hahahahaha..."

"If I didn't have any ability, how could I, Ji, have been able to survive in society for so long? What a joke!"

When Li Rongfa heard this, he seemed to have heard some big joke.

He didn't take it to heart at all!

Next, no matter how much these people resist, it will be of no use.

They knocked several people unconscious.

Then, he was imprisoned in the underground prison.

As for Li Rongfa, he ordered people to clean up the scene quickly.

The people he works for are extremely professional!

In no time, the scene was handled flawlessly!


The mountain village school has a day off.

Because the village chief said that several teachers have returned to the city to have something to do.

Later, I received a call from the principal.

People from the Public Security Department came to investigate immediately.

Although the mountains were high and the roads were long, they arrived before noon. But because under the instructions of the village chief, no useful clues were found at all.


The village chief is also in the same group as them!

In fact, this entire poor and backward mountain village is a whole!


They can escape (King Li's) guilt by covering up for each other!

Same thing this time!

Seeing all the people from the Public Security Department leaving, the people in the village breathed a sigh of relief!

"The weather forecast says there will be heavy rains in the next two days. By then, there will definitely be mudslides again."

"We will tell the principal later that if they encountered a mudslide on the way back, we can continue to be at ease!"

Chen Fugui is already familiar with this routine.

Others listened.

They all nodded in agreement!

Been struggling for so long.

Chen Fugui also felt a little hungry.

He returned to the house and was about to order something delicious.

But I found an envelope on the table in the main room!

"What is this?"

Chen Fugui felt very strange.

He opened the envelope and took a look.

Inside was a letter with five big words written on it: Death Notice!

"You imprisoned women, your crime is unforgivable!"

"Tonight at midnight, Impermanence seduces the soul and Yaksha demands his life!"

Death notice?


Chen Fugui has no knowledge and has never heard of this thing!

But he saw that what was written in the letter was very bluffing, so he was still a little worried.

After thinking about it, I called Li Rongfa.

Among the people he knew, Li Rongfa was the most knowledgeable!

"DR, S?"

"Do you know what a death notice is?"

Chen Fugui asked immediately.

Li Rongfa was doing his own thing.

But suddenly, I received a call from Chen Fugui.

He thought Chen Fugui had something else going on.

But after hearing the five words "death notice", Li Rongfa was still instinctively surprised!

He is not as ignorant as Chen Fugui!

On the spot, he asked nervously: "Have you received the death notice?"

Chen Fugui replied: "Well, I just found it on the table at my house. Brother Li, what is this death notice?"

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