I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 69: Yaksha Demands His Life, Impermanence Seduces His Soul! The Mountain Village Has Become

Chen Fugui is ignorant, but Li Rongfa has seen the world.

Of course he knew about the death notices that were circulating on the Internet during this period!


As soon as he heard these words, his whole body felt as if he was electrocuted.

"What? Did you receive a death notice?"

Li Rongfa was so shocked that he almost jumped up.


Chen Fugui briefly explained the contents of the notice to Li Rongfa.

Hearing this, Li Rongfa broke out in a cold sweat.

After pondering for a moment, he told Chen Fugui about the judge: "This death notice has a lot of background!"

"What kind of judge? There are still such powerful people in this world!"

Chen Fugui didn't believe it at all.

Can someone kill someone in someone else's home without anyone noticing?

Can you still ignore the heavy protection of the prison?

Even the Sheriff's Department couldn't find out his identity?

This is so nonsense!

He doesn't know how to use a smart phone, and he barely learned how to use a push-button phone.


He doesn't know anything about the outside world!

I don’t even know what the Internet is!

"Some people speculate that the judge is not an ordinary person at all. He may even not be a person at all!"

Li Rongfa continued.

He felt that Chen Fugui, as a rural person with little knowledge, would probably believe in the theory of ghosts and gods!

But I didn't expect it.

Chen Fugui seems not to accept this trick at all!

"Fuck, what kind of bullshit judge? I don't believe it!"

"Even if he wants to come over, I will gather people to fight him and make sure he never comes back!"

Chen Fugui cursed.

Their village is not only ignorant and backward, but the villagers themselves are also aggressive and aggressive.

Not only is he good at competing with other villages for territory.

Moreover, he also fought against the security guards!

A few decades ago, social security was even more chaotic.

There are still people in the village who have proclaimed themselves kings!

Later, the Sheriff's Department came to investigate.

That person mobilized the villagers to fight against the Public Security Department!

Even now, there are some policies from above, but it is difficult to spread them to the villages.

People sent down from above often get frustrated!

So, in Chen Fugui's view.

They are not even afraid of the people above, how can they be afraid of a judge?

Li Rongfa was immediately speechless!

What is this?

Are fools blessed?

Chen Fugui is such a fool!

It seems that the knowledge is shallow, but there are advantages to being shallow!

"Whatever you think!"

"If you can really survive tonight, then I will bring someone to take away the goods tomorrow. Don't worry, the 190 [money that should be given to you] will not be less!"

Li Rongfa said again.


Chen Fugui responded.

Then, hung up the phone.

Li Rongfa was really panicked!

He knew that the judge was targeting Chen Fugui, so he would definitely be targeting him soon.

Li Rongfa is not that idiot like Chen Fugui!

We must find a way to save ourselves!

Thinking of this, Li Rongfa cursed secretly.


Just start using all your connections!

Gantian Village.

Chen Fugui came to the neighbor's house next door.

His next door neighbor is called Zhao Daniu, and he is a cousin of Chen Fugui.

Moreover, Zhao Daniu's wife was a silly girl bought from other places through Li Rongfa's relationship.

It's just that the woman is so stupid that she can't even take care of herself.

He was beaten to death by Zhao Daniu in a fit of rage!

There was no mercy in his heart.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what I did!

He was going to let Li Rongfa get another one for him!

Seeing his cousin coming, Zhao Daniu was very confused: "Cousin, what do you want from me?"

Chen Fugui told the story.

Zhao Daniu occasionally goes to the town to do odd jobs.

He has been exposed to more things than Chen Fugui.

Therefore, he has also heard about the judge.

After listening to Chen Fugui's words, Zhao Daniu was slightly startled and opened his mouth in shock: "Cousin, you actually received a death notice? I heard that this judge is very powerful!"

"You also know this person?"

"Then how about I ask you to wait with me at night for the judge to arrive and eliminate him?"

Chen Fugui expressed his thoughts.

But he noticed that Zhao Daniu was silent for a while.

"Why, you wouldn't dare, would you?"

Chen Fugui asked again.

Zhao Daniu frowned and thought for a while, then said to Chen Fugui: "No, no! I am not afraid of the judge!"


Chen Fugui was slightly startled.

"I think those people out there are exaggerating a bit!"

"What the hell, it's all nonsense! This person should be a murderer with high IQ! Cousin, I am willing to deal with him with you!"

Zhao Daniu waved his fist.

When he said this, he had a second thought.

That’s thinking about yourself!

Although Chen Fugui didn't say it explicitly, Zhao Daniu could basically guess why the judge was looking for him.

Mostly because of the imprisonment of Xun Fang!

And Chen Fugui and I are actually grasshoppers on the same rope!

If the judge can go to Chen Fugui, he may come to him!

Instead of sitting there waiting for death, it's better to take the initiative!


Chen Fugui ran to find the village chief again.

He told the village chief about what he had encountered.

Moreover, he believed that the judge would not only stare at himself.

Maybe even take action against other people in the village!

After all, he knew it too.

If the judge comes to find him, then most of the men in this village will be in trouble!

as expected!

After hearing this, the village chief was also quite angry: "I have heard about this judge. He killed many people outside. I didn't expect that he would target our village!!"

"I think we should organize the young adults in the village. When the judge dares to come, we will kill him directly!"

Chen Fugui said.

"Yes, that's right!"

"We finally found a wife, but we can't let this guy ruin the good thing!"

"You're right! I haven't found a wife yet, and I don't want to be unable to find a wife in the future!"

Some other young people also responded.

The people in the village work together as one, which is their way of survival.


Chen Fugui’s life is threatened!

They can easily relate to themselves.

Therefore, of course these people will not sit still and wait for death!

With just a few words, all the young adults in the village were organized by them.

Although this village is poor and backward.

But there are still a lot of young adults in the village!

There are nearly 200 adult men between the ages of 18 and 50!

They all gathered in the courtyard of Chen Fugui's house.

Holding a variety of weapons in hand, waiting for the opponent to come!


Night falls.

Under the dim moonlight.

Everyone is still ready!

Don't dare to relax at all.

As time passes by minute by minute.

Midnight is coming soon!



Suddenly a gust of wind blew.

Some people who were already drowsy now shivered immediately!

They looked outside the house.

I saw a thick fog rising around me for no apparent reason!

In thick fog.

Several figures seemed to appear.

The leader was a thin and tall figure wearing a white robe.

Holding a mourning stick and a soul-catching chain.

Jumping and jumping, he came towards them.



With every step I took, there seemed to be a sound of chains shaking.

In such a silent night, it gives people an eerie feeling!


"An impermanent ghost?"

Someone saw the face of the visitor clearly.

Suddenly, I felt a little frightened.

No one else spoke.

Because, most people were shocked by this scene.

In addition to Wu Chang who walks in the front, there are also bull-headed horse-faced, yaksha ghosts, etc. following closely behind!

Where is the judge here?

This is simply a legendary ghost!

Just for a moment.

A chill emerged in everyone's heart.

Someone looked at Chen Fugui, seeming to want to see what choice Chen Fugui would make.

I saw the corner of Chen Fugui's mouth twitching.

"Chen Fugui, come quickly!"

"The road to hell is open, you quickly go to the underworld to be tortured!"

Impermanence makes a shrill sound (bgdg).

Like a death knell from the underworld, it announced that Chen Fugui’s lifespan had come to an end!


"I'll fight with you if you pretend to be a god or a ghost!"

Chen Fugui became angry from shame.

He picked up a hatchet, waved it and rushed towards Wu Chang!

Everyone else was dumbfounded!

Is Chen Fugui crazy?


next moment.

A chain came out!

Directly penetrate Chen Fugui through the chest!


Chen Fugui let out a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, Tianmai Ma Mian also took action!

A wave of the long knife!

Chen Fugui's hands and legs have been removed alive!

A good person turned into a stick in an instant!

"If you don't repent, you are doomed to eternal damnation!"

The soul seduction chain suddenly closed.

Chen Fugui's soul was instantly pulled out of his body!

In a scream, it disappeared into the depths of the void!

This sudden scene.

Make everyone else look stupid!

Because, it is almost done in one breath.

No one could react at all!

When they came to their senses, they found that Chen Fugui had died tragically on the spot!

His eyes were wide and his mouth was open.

His hands and legs were scattered on the ground, leaving only a bare body!


"Chen Fugui is dead!"

"Help, everyone, run for your lives!"

The whole place exploded instantly.

When impermanence appears, these people are already afraid.

But now, Chen Fugui was killed instantly.

The last line of defense in their hearts also completely collapsed!

For a time, everyone was like birds and beasts.

They are ready to flee in panic!

But unfortunately, how could these people escape?

For example, Zhao Daniu.

He dropped the hoe in his hand and ran towards his home without thinking.

But no matter how he ran, he found that he always seemed to be spinning in circles!


Are ghosts hitting the wall?

Zhao Daniu was frightened.

"Zhao Daniu, I died so unjustly!"

A resentful voice sounded from behind him.

Zhao Daniu felt that this voice was too familiar.

He turned around and saw a figure covered in blood and with a split head appearing behind him.


It was his stupid wife who died!


Zhao Daniu screamed.

His legs softened, and heat flowed out of his crotch.

His body softened and he fell directly to the ground.

"Don't come here!"

"I beg you, don't come here!"

Zhao Daniu had tears and runny nose.

Not to mention running away now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up!

"Come down and stay with me!"

The silly woman came to Zhao Daniu with her teeth and claws open.

That cold and biting hand tightly grasped Zhao Daniu's arm.

At the same time, give it a hard tug.

The sharp nails penetrated deep into Zhao Daniu's flesh, leaving a shocking blood mark on Zhao Daniu's arm!

"Chunni, Chunni, I was wrong!"

"Please let me go, I will burn more paper money for you later!"

Zhao Daniu cried bitterly.

It’s even a bit incoherent!

"Zhao Daniu, I want you to come and accompany me, I want you to come down and accompany me!"

Half of the silly woman's body had already fallen on Zhao Daniu.

At the same time, pick up a stone.

Hit Zhao Daniu hard on the head!


Bang! Bang!

One after another, Zhao Daniu's head was smashed to pieces!

Just like the scene when he used a stone to open the stupid woman's head!

Except Zhao Daniu.

Others suffered similar scenes.

Someone was disemboweled by Yasha and ate the internal organs crazily.

Someone was strangled by a useless seduction chain, and couldn't even breathe!

Others were pushed to the ground with bull-headed and horse-faced faces and were beaten wildly by the formation!

More than a hundred people were killed and blood flowed everywhere!

Screams and cries!

One after another!

These people are all evil perpetrators!

Without their purchasing and abduction, so many women would not have suffered tragic accidents!

They don't even know their mistake!

He even tried to fight against the judge!

And now.

It’s just that I feel scared when I see Yaksha asking for his life and impermanence seducing his soul!

This is not a true confession!

It’s not really a mistake!

Those who are guilty shall be condemned to eternal damnation!

Even if they are not on the crime book, Zhou Chen will not let these people go!

The physical torture is only temporary.

Next, their souls will be punished for eternity!

The scene changes.

Chen Fugui felt like his eyes were blurred.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a dark space.


There are strange rocks everywhere!

In the distance, there was a shrill scream.

What is this place?

It’s too scary here!

Chen Fugui felt fear in his heart.

The next second, he found a deep pit full of sharp blades appeared in front of him.

Those sharp blades are shining with cold light. If you accidentally drop them, you will definitely be stabbed to the core!

Chen Fugui thought so.

But then, he felt someone kicked him violently behind him.

His body suddenly swayed and he fell straight down!


Countless sharp knives pierced him!

Chen Fugui let out a shrill scream!

Then, he saw figures appearing around the pothole.

Those are countless little devils with green faces and fangs!

Those little devils also held sharp spears and steel forks in their hands, stabbing at themselves crazily!

"Help, help!"

Chen Fugui was so frightened that he screamed repeatedly.

He struggled to get up, but it was of no use.

Countless sharp weapons stabbed him, and his body was riddled with holes!

As long as Chen Fugui moves, his body will be cut with wounds from the sharp blades in the pit!

No matter how many wounds he had on his body, Chen Fugui would never lose consciousness.

This is his punishment!.

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