Zhihua slowly stopped talking.

Tears are like the water bursting the embankment, and they keep falling.

Emotions are already on the verge of collapse.

Su Yu pursed his lips and finally understood what was going on.

Zhihua, who has been miserable since he was a child.

After such a sudden blow.

Bound to have an emotional breakdown.

The glimmer of hope that was originally ignited after meeting Xia Wei.

After the breakup, it also completely turned into despair.

The whole heart is dead.

It's not uncommon to embark on a dead end.

After thinking about it.

Su Yi pointed to the silver bracelet on the table and asked.

"And this bracelet?"

Zhihua replied with an extremely reluctant smile on his face.

"It was the first time we were paid. "

"He went to the silver shop and bought me a silver bracelet and said it was my birthday present. "

"It's not expensive, though. "

"But for the first time, I felt the feeling of being really cared for. "

"Now it seems a little ridiculous. "

"If you really care, how can you say goodbye without saying goodbye, and you haven't even told me any news. "

"Just one sentence left..."

"See you in three years. "

Taking a deep breath hard, Zhihua smiled miserably.

"But even so, for some reason I can't hate him. "

"With people like me. "

"Living in an atmosphere of sadness, no matter who you are, you can't stand it, right?"

"I don't blame him, I really don't blame him. "

"At least during the time I was with him, I was really happy. "

"I'm not sad. "

"I'm not sad..."

While saying that he was not sad, he had already burst into tears.

Su Yu asked with a deep sigh.

"This silver bracelet, are you still going to return him?"

"Or. "

"What else are you going to do?"

Zhihua stared at the silver bracelet on the table in a daze, and replied with a reluctant smile.

"Give it back to him. "

"This silver bracelet holds the best memories of my life. "

"But it doesn't belong to me anymore. "

"All the good things in the world have nothing to do with me. "

"I only wish he had seen this silver bracelet by the time he saw it. "

"Be able to think of me. "

"When I heard the news of my death. "

"Being able to shed a few tears for me. "

"That's the case. "

"I didn't pay in vain during that time. "

People are dead, and obsessions remain.

For the obsession of ghosts and ghosts, it is best to be able to complete nature.

If you can't do it, don't say yes.

Because I promised but didn't do it.

Karma will be wrapped around the body.

Su Yu pursed his lips and thought for a while, then turned his head to Lao Lin and said.

"So be it. "

"Let's see if we can find the boy. "

"Anyway, I just gave a lot of information. "

Lao Lin also nodded in agreement, and directly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, help me find someone. "

"The boy, his name is Xia Wei, and his family should have been more difficult..."

For masters like Lao Lin and Cheng Banxian, who have been precipitated in the Yin Line for decades.

Contacts from all walks of life have long been everywhere.

As long as you can get relevant information from Zhihua's mouth.

Then it's not that hard to find people.

Just hung up the phone.

It's less than three minutes.

Lao Lin's mobile phone rang and picked up.

"Well, good. "

"I see, you send me the address and specific information. "

"I'm sorry for you. "

Hang up.

Lao Lin glanced at Su Yu with deep meaning.

Su Yu also immediately understood what this meant.

Turning his head to look at Zhihua, who was bowing his head and sobbing, he asked out loud.

"People. "

"We've found it. "

"We can help you return this silver bracelet to him. "

"Will you come with us? "

"Seeing him?"

Zhihua's eyes flashed with tears, and he shook his head and whispered sadly.

"No, it's enough to know that he's still in this world. "

"And that's how I went to see him. "

"It's going to scare him. "

"I hope I'll always be the best in his memory. "

"Even though I didn't say goodbye, I knew he must have had something to worry about. "

"Just trouble the three masters. "

"Helping me return the silver bracelet to him is also an obsession of mine. "

"I just hope. "

"The next life. "

"I can have a good choice, I don't have to live in this kind of inferiority complex for the rest of my life. "

Hear that.

All three of them were in a heavy mood.

I don't know how to describe Zhihua.

This is a tragic woman who is still thinking about others even after she dies.

I have never received the affirmation of my parents, so that the whole person is permeated with feelings of inferiority.

When I grow up.

I thought I had met a good person, but in the end, it backfired.

Just like Zhihua said.

The world is for her.

It was gloomy.

Lao Lin shook his head and said loudly.

"That being the case. "

"I'll send you back to the Yellow Springs Underworld. "

"May you be reincarnated as soon as possible and have another new life. "

Zhihua bowed slightly, nodded silently, and was already wet with tears.

If it weren't for the grief in my heart.


Who wants to end up in such a hurry.

Lao Lin pinched the law decision in his hand and recited.

"The edict of the Supreme Lord, surpassing your lonely soul, ghosts and ghosts, four lives are governed, those with heads are super, those without heads are promoted, guns and knives are killed, diving into the water and hanging ropes, and the others are rescued and others are in a hurry to be overborn. "

"Go and reincarnate as soon as possible. "

As the ghost body flickered.

Zhihua's body slowly fell towards the ground.

At the moment when it was about to be completely submerged underground.

A poignant voice rang out.

"Please help me tell him. "

"I really. "

"I really like him..."

Zhihua's last sentence resounded in the tattoo parlor.

Lao Lin was a little complicated.

In fact, he didn't tell Zhihua the most real situation just now.

This is because.

The most real situation.

In his opinion.

It was as bloody as a wound.

Rather than let her leave lonely with pain and disappointment.

Not quite.

Let it have a good heart.


Shaking his head to restrain his thoughts, he looked at Xiang Long and said.

"Xiang Darthead, I've found that person. "

"It's in the magic capital not far from our Gusu, how do you think you go here?"

Xiang Long nodded and stood up, and said with a sound of urns.

"It would be nice if we could go right away. "

"It's going to trouble the two masters. "

Lao Lin waved his hand, signaling that there was no need to be so polite.

"Let's go. "

All three are resolute personalities.

didn't bother much, and got in the car and walked directly towards the magic capital.

Gusu and the magic capital are separated by hundreds of miles.

It's very close.

It only takes two hours to drive.

With the sound of sharp brakes.

The car stopped in front of a hotel.

Lao Lin looked up at the hotel hundreds of meters high and said helplessly.

"What do you want to say about feelings?"

"In the eyes of some, it may not be as golden as the world. "

"It's just that I pity that girl. "

Su Yu patted Lao Lin's shoulder, and also said with some regret.

"Don't talk about Lao Lin. "

"We'll find out until we meet. "

Lao Lin nodded, and then fell silent.

The three of them walked into the hotel lobby together.

Su Yu spoke to the waiter in the front hall.

"We're looking for Xia Wei. "

The waiter asked softly with a respectful look.

"You are looking for Manager Xia, do you have an appointment?"

Su Yu pursed his lips and tapped on the table, saying in an unquestionable tone.

"There is no appointment. "

"But you give me a call. "

"Just say. "

"Entrusted by someone, I came to return the silver bracelet this time..."

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