The waiter standing at the front desk opened his mouth.

I want to say that this is not in accordance with the rules.

But after seeing the unique momentum of Su Yu and the others.

What I wanted to say.

But it got stuck in the throat.

I can only make an internal phone call.

After a few seconds.

The phone is connected.

"Manager Xia, there are three people here who said they want to see you. "

"Yes, there is no advance reservation. "

"But they asked me to tell you what silver bracelet to give you. "

"I'm not very sure about the specific situation. "

"Good, good. "

"Understood, I'll help you entertain well. "

The waiter hung up the phone.

Stretched out his finger and pointed to the sofa, and said respectfully to Su Yu and the others.

"The three distinguished guests have been waiting for a long time, so I would like you to come here and wait for a while. "

"I'll have someone prepare tea and snacks for you. "

"Manager Xia will be here later. "

Su Yu waved his hand and said absently.

"No hassle. "

"Let's just stand and wait a while. "

The waiter smiled faintly and nodded slightly.

"Okay. "

"Manager Xia will be here soon. "

The three of them stopped talking.

Stand aside and wait.

A moment later.

As the elevator bell rings.

A handsome man in a suit walked out slowly.

Despite the bland expression.

But the hurried footsteps had already betrayed him.

walked straight towards Su Yu and the others.

While walking.

While looking around, I wanted to see the familiar figure.

But I couldn't find it.

A deep frown of some confusion.

After walking in front of the three of them.

Su Yu was the first to speak with an expressionless face.

"No need to look for it. "

"She's not here. "

Hear this.

Xia Wei actually exhaled deeply, and the whole person relaxed.

The anxious, urgent mood of the original.

It's all gone at the moment.

It's like.

For fear of being discovered, something unseemly will be discovered.

Xia Wei finally took a closer look at Su Yu and the three of them.

He carefully straightened his collar and spoke.

"Three friends, this is not the place to talk. "

"Let's talk somewhere else. "

After speaking, Xia Wei raised his feet and walked towards the underground garage.

The three did not refute either.

Closely follow in Xia Wei's footsteps.

Walked to the dimly lit and secluded underground garage.

To say where is a good place to talk about intimate things.

Then the underground garage must be one of the best options.

After walking to the garage.

Xia Wei's whole person completely relaxed, and he found a corner casually.

Neither side was the first to speak.

Just looking at each other face to face.

The atmosphere was a little sluggish and awkward.

Xia Wei took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Take out one and light it.

He asked after taking a deep breath and exhaling a heavy smoke.

"Why didn't Zhihua come?"

Su Yu picked his ears and said sarcastically directly.

"Wouldn't it be better if she didn't come?"

"Lest thou be frightened, and thou shalt be absent-minded. "

"I'm afraid of being known to someone. "

"Your relationship with Zhihua. "

Hear that.

Xia Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spoke lightly.

"I don't know what you mean. "

"If you don't have anything else. "

"I think. "

"There shouldn't be anything to talk about between us, right?"

Su Yu was about to continue talking.

Lao Lin stretched out his hand and gently stopped Su Yu.

He took out a silver bracelet from his bosom and said slowly.

"This silver bracelet, I think you should remember it. "

"Zhihua entrusted us. "

"Give this silver bracelet back to you. "

Xia Wei showed a nonchalant look and said bluntly.

"You don't have to give it back to me. "

"It's only a few hundred dollars. "

"What's the use of giving it back to me. "

"Now even if I take it, I just throw it in the trash. "

This sentence.

Instantly made Xiang Long, who was a man in temperament, a little angry.

This silver bracelet.

It is regarded as the most precious thing in life by Zhihua.

Even after death.

It has become her obsession.

But in the eyes of Xia Wei today, it is worthless.

I can even say it.

Throw it in the trash.

One that is regarded as the most precious thing.

One that is regarded as the cheapest garbage.

This completely opposite situation made Xiang Long also hold his breath.

clenched his fists and roared with a little anger.

"How can you say such a thing. "

"This is the most precious thing that Zhihua regards, why is it in your eyes. "

"It's so worthless. "

"Ask yourself. "

"Are you really worthy of her?"

Xia Wei threw the cigarette on the ground with his fingertips, crushed it vigorously, and sneered.

"What am I sorry for her? "

"It was originally an incomparably cheap ornament, and she regarded it as so important. "

"What does it have to do with me?"

Speaking of which.

Xia Wei rolled up the sleeve of his left hand, pointed to the mechanical watch on his wrist, and said coldly.

"I have this watch in my hand. "

"Enough to buy five hundred of these cheap silver bracelets. "

"You say this bracelet. "

"In my eyes. "

"Isn't it worthless?"

Lao Lin also frowned at this time, and asked meaningfully.

"This bracelet is obviously the first time you have been paid. "

"The gift I bought for Zhihua. "

"Why is it so cheap as you say it is now?"

"Could it be that your feelings in those years are not as golden as the world?"

Xia Wei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.


"Feelings are inherently cheap. "

Or rather. "

"It's not worth mentioning at all. "

Su Yu had already roughly understood the current situation in his heart, and asked in a low voice.

"That being the case. "

"Why did you leave her a sentence and wait for you for three years? "

Xia Wei flicked the dust on his shoulders, raised his eyebrows, and continued with some surprise.

"I didn't expect that. "

"She's even told you about it. "

"Wait for me for three years?"

That's just an excuse for me. "

"Now that you know so many things. "

"Then I'll make it clear. "

"Zhihua's psychological problems, I think you should also know. "

"This is called three years. "

"It's just a cushion for her. "

"I'm worried that she can't stand the blow and looks for a short time. "

"Three years. "

"It's enough for her to forget me. "

"Time. "

"Heals all the pain"

Hearing Xia Wei's incomparably bland words.

There was a little coldness in the eyes of the three of them.

Good sentence.

Time heals all the pain.

The man's seemingly relaxed words.

But I don't know.

Zhihua is in a state of collapse.

Say goodbye to the world.

In the previous description of Zhihua.

Xia Wei should be an extremely good man.

Self-improvement, self-confidence and ability.

But now it seems.

But it's completely different.

It's even disgusting.

Although it is Lao Lin who has made some psychological preparations.

At this time, he also shook his head, deeply disappointed in Xia Wei.

After sorting out your thoughts.

One last question was asked.

"Why are you all at the point of talking about marriage? "

"Leaving all of a sudden?"

"What's so hard to say about this?"

Xia Wei laughed and spat on the ground.


"Let's be honest. "

"If it weren't for Zhihua's beauty, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her at all. "

"Just her kind of personality. "

"It's good in front of me, and it's obedient to me. "

"But I didn't dare take her out. "

"I keep my head down all day long, and I even cower when I eat and pick up vegetables. "

"I don't have any money at home. "

"I don't have any skills. "

"There is nothing good about it except for the beautiful spots. "

"Hehe, get married?"

"I never wanted to marry her. "

Speaking of which.

Xia Wei showed an ambiguous expression and smiled with a gaze that everyone understood.

"Just for fun. "

"Anyway, we men don't suffer. "

This sentence.

completely exposed Xia Wei's innermost thoughts.

A thoroughly well-dressed beast.

Su Yu's eyes were cold, and he was about to speak.

A hurried cell phone rings.

Xia Wei picked up the phone from his pocket a little nervously and looked at the displayed number.

Hurriedly picked it up and said in a flattering tone.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"No, no, just a few friends. "

"Okay, okay, I'll be right back. "

"Of course, you must be the most important thing in my heart. "

Under the gaze of Su Yu and the three of them.

Xia Wei put down his phone and said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"My new girlfriend. "

"Also the only daughter of the biggest owner of this hotel. "

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. "

"I'm just a man who eats soft rice. "

"At that time, I hadn't broken up with Zhihua. "

"I started courting her. "

"The purpose is for her family's money. "

"As for feelings. "

"Hehe, it's worth a few taels. "

"You'll never know how hungry I was for money when I grew up poor. "

"When I first graduated. "

"I also want to live a life of being able to live a life of human beings through my own efforts. "

"But when I worked hard and did better than anything else in the same period. "

"Getting promoted is still the worst performer. "

"Just because. "

His relatives, who couldn't hit him, greeted the supervisor. "

"All my efforts were ignored. "

"In this society. "

"What's the use of trying?"

"Wouldn't it be better to climb directly to a rich man and climb to the sky in one step?"

"It's also thanks to my parents that they gave me a pretty good face. "

"Just the watch I have in my hand. "

"Under normal circumstances, I would never be able to buy it in my life, let alone become such a big hotel..."

didn't wait for Xia Wei to finish speaking.

The phone's ringtone rang again rapidly.

"Honey, I was wrong, don't be angry. "

"I'll be looking for you right away. "

"Okay, okay, whatever you say. "

Restrained flattering smile.

Xia Wei straightened his collar, glanced at Su Yu, and said directly.

"That's it. "

"It's nothing. "

"It's just for the sake of the former relationship, just to talk to you a few words. "

"That's right. "

"I made it clear. "

"Remember to tell Hua for me. "

"Don't look for me. "

"Just let me die. "

"Don't look for people like you, and use any excuse to return the bracelet in order to redeem me. "

"That's it. "

"If she wants to. "

"I can buy dozens of them for her now. "

"Tell her not to bother me. "

After saying this.

Xia Wei didn't hesitate at all, and strode towards the exit of the underground garage.

At the command of the dear in his mouth.

The pace was unusually hurried.

Xiang Long gritted his teeth and gurgled.

Clenched fists.

It also represents the incomparable anger in his heart.

Just as I was about to step forward.

unexpectedly found that Su Yu actually stretched out his hand to stop him.

Su Yu, who was expressionless at the moment, had a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly.

"Ignore such people. "

"There will be retribution. "

Lao Lin was also a little angry, but he was even more sorry in his heart.

"Martyrdom with your life. "

"In the end, it's wishful thinking. "

Thankfully, she didn't follow. "

"Otherwise. "

"Even all hope in my heart will be completely gone. "

"It's not impossible to turn into a ghost directly. "

"Huh. "

"Let's go back. "

"One day he'll understand. "

"Money can't buy feelings. "

"I will regret it too. "

"I once gave up such an extremely sincere feeling. "


Until the end.

This yin dart was not sent out after all.

Because of this silver bracelet.

Two extremes are represented.

One can give one's life for love.

One is that love is just for fun, and money can buy everything.

After Xiang Long took the silver bracelet back.

I specially found Zhihua's grave.

Bury this bracelet next to her tombstone.

Since the dart has not been delivered.

Nature should also be returned to its rightful owner.

And for Zhihua.

This silver bracelet is very meaningful and represents all her hopes for this world.

Albeit in the end.

Uncover the truth.

This last piece of pure land has also become a piece of filth.

But at the very least.

She is long gone.

I don't know the truth of this so-called fact.

That memory is still the best memory of her life.

As for Xia Wei.


are enduring all kinds of abuse and ridicule from their girlfriends.

A rich girl who thinks she can climb to the rich becomes a so-called person.

But I don't know.


It's just a plaything for a rich girl.

Throw it away at any time.

It's been less than three months since this incident.

Xia Wei was stripped naked and thrown on the street.

Watch on your wrist.

It has long been taken off.

As for the position of manager.

It is even more ridiculous.

Zhihua left the last sentence before going to the underworld.

and dissipate between heaven and earth.

I really like him...

Just some people.


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