Yin line.

The doorway is extremely deep.

All kinds of taboos are strange.

But to say.

Who is more terrifying between the wicked and the terrible ghosts.

I'm afraid that even a hidden master who has been crawling in the yin line all his life.

I can't tell.


Su Yu just opened the door of the store for a while.

Cheng Banxian's helpless voice next door sounded outside the door.

"Su Yu, are you free now?"

"If it's okay, come to my shop. "

After all that's said.

Cheng Banxian left from the door and returned to his shop.

Su Yu, who was about to make a cup of morning tea, stopped his movements.

There was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

It must not be easy to let Cheng Banxian come to him early in the morning.

So I put away the teapot.

Without the slightest hesitation, he walked towards Cheng Banxian's shop.

Just walked into the store.

saw that on Cheng Banxian's sofa, there was already a guest sitting.

Although it is not really real.

But the light fragrance that emanates from the whole store.

It already says it all.

Su Yu didn't have too much doubt.

It's not surprising that people come to the store.

If you don't come all the time, it's a big problem.

So he walked in with a big grin, and was about to speak.

A coquettish but somewhat cold voice sounded from the side.

"Should I call you Master Cheng?"

"Or Master Su?"

Hear these words that have some incomprehensible meaning.

Su Yu frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

Just a glance.

There was a rather embarrassed look on his face.

Not for any other reason.


The woman in front of him, he is no stranger.

Most importantly.

There have been very embarrassing things between the two.

This woman.

Danfeng starry eyes, eyebrows like thin willows, high nose bridge, lazy voice, and even more graceful figure.

No matter where you are.

Such a countenance, such a posture.

It's all beautiful.

Wearing a high-forked cheongsam adds a bit of temptation.

The dark fragrance that came from nowhere lingered on the tip of the nose.

It was the Yin Tattoo Master I had met in Port City before.

and Su Yu belong to the same tattoo vein in the yin line.

Tattoo Master.

Passing on women not men.

The tattoo is made of a wooden hairpin on the head, and it is only embroidered in the shade.

As for other yang embroidery, divine embroidery, and even dark embroidery, I don't know anything.

One could even say.

In addition to the yin and yang embroiderer, the tattoo bearer.

Other tattoos of various veins.

Basically, there is only one way to embroider.

I can master both at the same time.

If you don't say no, that's very rare.

As for more than two.

It's even rarer.

I thought of answering this woman's question in the first place.

It is the name of Cheng Banxian.

Su Yu's face was embarrassed for a while.

looked at Cheng Banxian, who was sitting on the side, deliberately holding a teacup and holding back a smile.

Su Yu coughed lightly twice and said slowly.

"Just call me Su Yu. "

The woman raised her thin eyebrows slightly, and spoke coldly.

"Last time, it was Cheng Banxian, but this time it will become Su Yi?"

"I just don't know. "

"Next time. "

"Will it become Wang Wu or Zhang San?"

Hear this sentence from the woman.

Su Yu was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to reply.

After all, no matter what.

Regardless of age or generation.

Attainment comes first.

So to some extent, the women who belong to the same vein can be said to be his descendants.

At the beginning, it was to save trouble.

Without thinking about it, he used Cheng Banxian's name.

As a result, he was approached by the main owner.

This kind of thing.

Needless to say, how embarrassing it is.

Cheng Banxian is a person who belongs to the top line in the yin line and has been famous for many years.

If you really want to ask.

It's not too difficult to find a city and a store.

Cheng Banxian put down the teacup in time and opened his mouth to relieve the siege.

"I can testify to this. "

"Although it is not authentic to use my name, his real name is indeed Su Yu. "

The woman then stroked her forehead hair, did not drag the mud and water, and lightly opened her lips.

"My name is Feng Xuan, the eighth generation descendant of the Yin Tattoo Master. "

"It's the same as Master Su's Yin line tattoo. "

"This time I came to Gusu from Hong Kong City, and there is also an unspeakable secret. "

"At that time, when I was in the Yin and Yang gambling game, Master Su's impermanence soul detentionist diagram made me remember it very deeply, so I hope to ask the two masters to help me take a look. "

"Can you solve my problem? "

When Cheng Banxian heard this, he touched his chin and asked.

"Let me start with that. "

"Is there something wrong with you?"

"Or is there something wrong with the bitter lord you have received?"

The woman sighed deeply and replied helplessly.

"If something goes wrong with the bitter master, then I don't have to be so distressed. "

"This time. "

"But I had a problem. "

own problems.

Su Yu and Cheng Banxian's eyes narrowed sharply.

I've said it before.

Regardless of the various lines and veins of the people in the yin line, they all belong to the accumulation of yin virtue.

And in the case of knowing that there are things to do and things to do.

Still there's a problem.

This situation.

At least eight out of ten.

There are big problems.

Su Yu understood that Feng Xuan was mainly coming to him this time.

So after a few seconds of silence.

Tapping his fingers on the table, he asked.

"You are also a member of our yin line, and there is no need to say more about all kinds of rules. "

"Can I help you. "

"We don't dare to give you a packing ticket. "

"But if we can help, we're doing our best. "

"So. "

"Now you're going to tell the truth. "

These words.

It contains two of the most important reminders.

First, it doesn't matter if you can help or not, but you will definitely use the most responsible attitude.

The second is not to tell lies, tell the truth.

As a predecessor of the same tattoo lineage.

Su Yu has already given Feng Xuan a preventive shot.

As for how effective it is.

He couldn't be sure either.

Feng Xuan bit her lip lightly.

With a somewhat unspeakable look, he took a deep breath and lowered his head and said sadly.

"It's true. "

"I feel a little ashamed to talk about it. "

"As a tattoo master. "

"Since the other day, I have not been able to hold the wooden hairpin I usually use. "

"Or shouldn't say shake up. "

"Ostracized. "

These three words may be more accurate. "

Hear that.

Su Yu showed a solemn look in his eyes.

The whole body of the tattoo master is on a wooden hairpin.

If you are punished by heaven and earth.

It is unable to hold the hairpin, which has an effect.


The swordsman broke his arm, and the drama was hoarse.

How serious.

Needless to say.

Feng Xuan hesitated for a few seconds.

Take out a delicate wooden box from your bag.

Open slowly.

A rather old wooden hairpin appeared in front of the three of them.

Feng Xuan bit her lip lightly.

Under the gaze of Su Yu and Cheng Banxian.

The right hand slowly shook the wooden hairpin in the box.

Just hold it.

A pinprick-like pain swept through Feng Xuan's body.

The pain penetrates the bone marrow and is unbearable.

Less than three seconds.

Feng Xuan let out a mournful exclamation.

Hurriedly took his hand off the wooden hairpin.

With palpitations, he spread out his right hand.

It's less than three seconds.

On the head of five fingers.

There were five blood beads the size of rice grains...

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