Chen Zi said this.

It was as if I had summoned all the courage in my heart.

At this moment, he gasped for breath and shrank into a ball of fear.

It has been passed down by word of mouth since ancient times.

There is no resurrection from the dead.

But if the dead are really resurrected, they will appear in front of them unharmed.

Even if the deceased is his own father.

That feeling of horror and consternation will not change in the slightest.

Su Yu's fingers tapped on the tabletop, his eyes narrowing slightly.

A few seconds later.

poured Chen Zi a cup of tea, and comforted him in a calm tone.

"Take a breath with a cup of tea. "

"If there is anything else you have discovered, continue to tell me carefully. "

Chen Zi nodded silently.

Holding the teacup with both hands, still trembling slightly, but it was also much better.

Sip the tea.

Eat with a fragrant tea.

Chen Zi breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"When I found out that my father had hidden in the refrigerator late at night, I was terrified. "

"I've been trying to numb myself and tell myself not to think too much. "

"But every time I close my eyes. "

"My mind is full of images of my father hiding in the refrigerator. "

"And. "

"Just a few days. "

"I've never seen him eat or drink. "

"Even going to the toilet. "

"I haven't even seen him. "

"Sometimes. "

"I deliberately asked him to come to dinner together, and he always shirked that he had already eaten at the company. "

"There are blue-black spots on the arms. "

"Every day that passes. "

"There will be more and more spots on the body. "

"That night. "

"I even saw him bring back a bottle of concealer. "

"There's not even any complicated speculation. "

"I can guess that maybe the spots have grown on his face. "

"He buys concealer for use. "

"That is, to prevent others from discovering those extremely weird and disgusting spots. "

"At that time, I deliberately looked up on the Internet. "

All the answers were almost identical. "

"Those blue-black spots, yes..."

"Corpse spots. "

"And as time goes on, the corpse spots will only increase. "

"Until it's all over the body. "

Chen Zi shook his head, unable to sit still.

Forcing himself to calm down, he clenched his fists to his chest and said in horror.

"I have to think about one thing seriously now. "

"Don't you say. "

"Is my father really dead?"

"But he's still walking, he's still working, he's still calling my name. "

So I decided to use a last resort to verify it. "

"Day 3. "

"I was deliberately spilling water on the living room. "

In front of his father, he deliberately pretended to be in a hurry. "

"Intentionally stepping on the floor and slipping on water stains. "

My father came to me in a panic, and hurriedly asked me what was the matter, and even stretched out his hand to pull me up. "

"In the beginning. "

"I'm still a little glad that my father cares so much about me, how can he be dead. "

"But when I took his hand. "

"I finally panicked. "

His hands were cold, as cold as ice. "

"On top of that, there's no pulse in the wrist at all. "

"Until then. "

"Most of the speculation in my mind has been verified. "

"But I still don't give up, after all, he is my father. "

"So I. "

"Slipped on purpose again. "

Leaning towards his chest, holding his breath and pricking up his ears. "

"Three seconds later. "

"I finally despaired. "

"I was in my father's chest, and I couldn't hear the slightest heartbeat. "

"I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "

"It's sad to cry. "

"My father thought I was hurting from a fall and kept comforting me. "

But I don't know. "

"I'm crying for him. "

"I don't know when. "

"He has no heartbeat, no pulse, no body temperature. "


Chen Zidou's big tears dripped down one by one, choking and sobbing.

Su Yu exhaled heavily.

At this moment, he finally understood the general situation.

The living are dead.

But there is consciousness, memory.

It can still walk like an ordinary person, and there are not too many weird things about the movement form.

But there are still some symptoms of corpses.

Dead spots, stinking corpses, and nail loss.

This situation is even rarer and weirder than zombies.

Zombies are not conscious at all, acting entirely on instinct.

It's basically a different kind of creature.

But Chen Zi's father.

Like a human being is not like a human being, like a corpse is not a corpse.

It's a bit weird.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yu said with a solemn look in his eyes.

"So be it. "

"Just listening to you, I can't make an accurate judgment based on the specific situation. "

"Can you call your father to come to me? "

"If only you could see it with your own eyes. "

"Specifics. "

"I can basically see it at a glance. "

"I promise you. "

"If I can save your father, I will save you. "

"What do you think?"

Chen Zi wiped away the tears in his eyes with his palm and nodded quietly.

Take your phone out of your pocket.

Make a call.

Turn on the speaker and place it on the table.

As soon as the waiting tone rang, the phone was picked up.

"Hey, Azusa. "

"What's wrong? Suddenly called Dad. "

"Aren't you in school right now?"

Chen Zi sniffed and choked.

"Dad, I'm not at school right now. "

"Are you free now?"

"Can you come and see me?"


"You're not in school!"

"During class, where are you when you're not at school!"

"Why are you so ignorant!"

"One day, something happens to Dad. "

"How can you rest assured that you are alone!!"

Hear that.

Chen Zi's originally suppressed emotions couldn't hold back any longer.

Whimpered and burst into tears.

The crying is heart-wrenching.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong Xiaozi, where are you now?"

"Did someone bully you?"

Even though it's over the phone, you can feel the deep sense of love.

Su Yu sighed deeply.

After sorting out his thoughts, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Your daughter is in my shop. "

"Come to the tattoo parlor on the street and come to her. "

"As for why you are crying. "

"You need to reflect on it. "

"Why are the dead left in the world..."

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