Hang up.

Heavy blind sounds resounded in the shop.

Chen Zi held his calves with both hands, his chin against his knees, looking extremely helpless and pitiful.

It's like a puppy that has nowhere to go home in the cold of winter.

Frightened, he curled himself up in a ball in the corner.

Seeing this, Su Yu didn't comfort much, but just sighed deeply.

Close your eyes and meditate.


There was a rush of footsteps in my ears.

Chen Zi, who was originally in a daze, quickly stood up in a panic and looked out the door.

Seeing is not the person you think you have in mind.

Chen Zi's eyes instantly dimmed.

Silent sat down on the couch again, curled up in a corner.

The worry and nervousness in my heart is self-evident.

Su Yu also raised his head at this moment, and asked with a puzzled face.

"What's the matter, Cheng Banxian, suddenly came like this?"

Cheng Banxian, who was about to walk in with a grin.

Seeing Chen Zi, who had just stood up, he also understood that Su Yu was a guest at this time.

I didn't go to the store.

Standing directly at the door, he said to Su Yu.

"Su Yu, my eldest nephew's daughter is coming to Gusu in the afternoon. "

"If you have time. "

"Can you pick me up at the airport?"

Hear this.

Su Yu was a little puzzled all of a sudden, and asked out loud.


"Cheng Banxian, your niece is coming, and you won't pick it up yourself, why should I go?"

Cheng Banxian coughed twice in embarrassment, and quickly explained.

"Aren't I out of time in the afternoon?"

"And you young people are easier to communicate, I'm old, and I don't understand the world of you young people. "

"Su Yu, you also know this, I'm half-grounded..."

Sensing that Cheng Banxian was about to start talking about it again, Su Yu waved his hand and hurriedly replied.

"Alright, alright. "

"I'll pick it up for you, pick it up for you. "

After hearing Su Yu's affirmative answer, Cheng Banxian quickly changed his appearance.

"Then it's settled. "

"Don't forget. "

"She was on a plane at one o'clock in the afternoon, and it was about three or four o'clock from Kyoto to us, so remember to go. "

Su Yu pursed his lips helplessly and nodded to indicate that he knew.

Cheng Banxian laughed ambiguously, and looked at Su Yu with unclear eyes.

Shaking his head, he returned to the store.

As for his statement that he was not available in the afternoon, it was of course just an excuse.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and for some reason he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

But I didn't think about it.

Because it was less than five seconds after Cheng Banxian left.

There was a dull sound at the door.

"Xiao Zi, are you here?"

Su Yu suddenly frowned and looked out.

A man dressed in black, wearing a black fisherman's hat and a wide mask on his face, his exposed upper cheeks were extremely pale.

Despite the use of concealer.

There were still some blue-black corpse spots looming on his face.

He wore pure black motorcycle leather gloves on his hands.


Whole body.

Except for the eyes, there is no other place to show it.

Even though it's early winter.

This dress still looks extremely weird in the vast sea of people.

It will make people subconsciously avoid.


Even if it's just standing in the doorway, the strong smell of inferior perfume.

It's still incredibly pungent.

Flooded all over tattoo parlors.

Even the faint sandalwood scent of the soothing incense was washed away and it was difficult to smell.

Don't think about it at all.

This inferior perfume smells.

It was nothing more than to cover up the strong smell of corpses on his body.

Chen Zi was stunned for a moment.

Hearing this familiar voice, he quickly stood up and choked up


The man stared at the various equipment in the tattoo parlor, his eyes were a little strange, and he whispered a little angrily.

"Xiao Zi, why are you here in such a place?"

"Come back with me. "

"If you don't go to school and run around, when will you be able to save me snacks. "

The man who came to the tattoo parlor didn't care at all about what Su Yu said at the end.

Or so to speak.

I already know my own situation, and I am deliberately avoiding it.

Tears welled up in Chen Zi's eyes.

Facing his father, who was a little strange at the moment, he opened his mouth wide but couldn't say a word.

Some men were afraid to walk into the tattoo parlor, as if there were some taboos.

With a somewhat anxious expression, he beckoned to Chen Zi and urged again.

"Xiao Zi, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Come out quickly. "

"I'll take you back. "

"Don't stay in this kind of place..."

Before he could finish.

Su Yu frowned and said in an unquestionable tone.

"You know. "

"Your daughter is here for your own good. "

"Although I don't know your specific situation now. "

"But you are a dead man, and you are forced to stay in the world. "

"Even now, it doesn't seem like a big deal. "

"A little while. "

"Waiting for you to hide the corpse in the refrigerator can't stop the body from rotting, and inferior perfume can't hide the strong corpse smell. "

"When the skin is peeling off, the muscles are shriveling, and even the concealer can't cover it up, what can you do?"

"It's not just you. "

"Even your daughter is being talked about behind her back, saying that her father is a corpse. "

"How should she deal with herself?"

"And the most important thing is to wait for the yin qi in your body to become more and more majestic. "

"Chen Zi, who gets along with you day and night, is the first to suffer from the erosion of yin qi. "

"If it continues, it will inevitably have unforeseen consequences. "

"Don't you say. "

"You don't think about yourself, even your daughter. "

"Don't you think about it either!!"

Su Yu's words were extremely harsh.

Because judging by the current situation alone.

The man in front of him is estimated to have been dead for some time.

I don't know if it's because I'm obsessed, or if I'm thinking about someone, or if it's something else.

It caused this to happen.

It is against the harmony of heaven and the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

The karma to be borne will also be enormous.

It will not appear for a while.

That doesn't mean it's the same afterward.

Not to be processed.

It won't be a few days.

Of course, all kinds of karma are coming.

When the time comes.

It's not that simple.

Standing silently Chen Zi.

At this time, Ben Collapse began to cry and cry out pleadingly.

"Dad, please, please. "

"Let Master Su take a look, take a look. "

"I don't want to!"

"I don't want to!!"

"I don't want you to be like that!!"

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