Strength boost.

New effects have also been added.

Secondary impact, every attack is accompanied by a 'secondary impact' effect.

Although it is limited to attacks of a physical nature,

"This feeling of actually getting stronger is really pleasant."

Azu smiled, turned around and flew towards the video store.

After a while, Azu returned to the video store.

"Welcome, O people of the motherland!"

When Huey saw Azu in blue uniform, his eyes shone with admiration and said, "What happened just now has been on the news. You saved everyone again. You are so handsome!"

Azu waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing, and then said: "My things?"

"Here it is."

"Here you go, a credit card to pay back."

Huey handed the wrapped teddy bear to Azu.

Azu took it, thought about it and said, "Mr. Huey, if that bearded man comes to see you again, would you like to give me a call?"

Huey was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "Of course."

He then lowered his voice: "Is that bearded guy a terrorist?"

Azu laughed and said: "Of course not, he is a paranoid and wants to kill me, but he is not a terrorist."

"Do you have a pen?"

Leaving behind his mobile phone number, Azu walked out of the video store holding the gift, flew into the air with a roar, and left.

In a cafe a few streets away from the video store, Butcher took off his sunglasses and looked out the window at the people coming and going, thoughtfully.

He suddenly said: "Don't pat my shoulder unless you don't want to hold your hand anymore."

Behind the beard, a white man wearing glasses smiled: "You are so cautious, Mr. Butcher."

"I watched your live broadcast, and I have to say that you are the bravest man I have ever seen."

Butcher turned around and said with a smile: "If you don't tell me your purpose of approaching me quickly, believe it or not, I will cut off your hand and stuff it into your butt."

The man with glasses took out a business card and put it on the table: "Mr. Butcher, we have a common enemy."

"If you want to have the power to fight against the people of the motherland, you can consider coming to me."

"Have a nice evening."

He waved and left.

Butcher then picked up the business card, which read 'Olga Weapons Research and Development Company'.




Returning to the Tower of Seven, Azu knocked on the door.

The door opened, and the young and beautiful Angelina looked confused.

"A gift for you."

Azu walked into the room forcefully without asking her permission, tore open the outer packaging, and placed the teddy bear with the camera in a conspicuous place in the living room.

"Master, when can I take revenge?" Angelina closed the door.

Azu smiled slightly: "Soon."

"You have to be patient."

"At the same time, have faith in me."

Angelina thought for a while: "Are you going to stay here tonight?"

"If this is your invitation?" Azu shrugged, "I don't think I will refuse."

Angelina bit her lower lip gently: "I'm going to take a shower."

The next morning.

Azu took one look at Angelina's beautiful naked back and got off the bed with satisfaction.

After a while, he walked into the command hall.

As soon as he came in, his assistant Ashley followed.

"That's great, folks."

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​using live streaming to create a people-friendly image?"

"You must have thought that a hero with flaws would be more down-to-earth, so you specially found that bearded man to do a reality show with you, right?"

"Who is the director?"

"Who wrote the script?"

"Can you tell me? I think this crew can work together for a long time in the future."

Azu closed his eyes slightly and raised a finger: "First of all, that is not a reality show."

"Secondly, you're too noisy."

Ashley quickly shut her mouth while one thought after another came to her mind.

‘It’s actually true? ’

‘The motherland slept with that woman named Beka? ’

'It seems he spent the night in Miss Angelina's room last night. ’

'It would be great if I could have something happen to him. ’

'That must be exciting. ’

Shaking her head, Ashley continued: "Although it is not a reality show, the effect is surprisingly good. Today your male support rate has increased by 27%, and the female support rate has also increased slightly."

"Our opinion poll shows that people think you are brave enough to do what you did last night, and many people think you make people feel safer."

Azu smiled, he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

In the face of absolute power, it really doesn't matter whether people support it or not.

Does a lion care if a group of ants like him?

So what if you don’t like it?

Just slap him to death.

"Ashley, I picked two members of the Seven. You arrange a time. I want to meet them."

Ashley said quickly: "Okay, 'Ice Princess' and 'Electric Man', I will arrange for them to meet you as soon as possible."

"Are you free on Sunday afternoon?"

Azu nodded.

Ashley took out the memo, wrote down the matter, and continued: "By the way, the identity of the criminal who held passers-by hostage last night has been found out."

"It's Nathan, Locomotive's brother."

"It seems that he wants to avenge his brother. What a stupid act!"

Azu waved his hand and interrupted her: "Go and call the costume design team over for me."

Ashley was stunned for a moment: "You want to design a new battle uniform?"

A moment later, the costume design team of the Seven-person Tower saw Azu in the command hall.

Azu ripped off the stars and stripes cape from the back.

"I want you to redesign a suit."

"First of all, I don't like the design of the Stars and Stripes cape."

The leader of the design team frowned and said, "But, dear motherland, the Stars and Stripes can reflect your patriotism and echo your name."

"That's not my name."

"That's just a title."

Azu corrected him: "I am who I am. I am not anyone's property. No one can define me, not even this country!"

"I am not negotiating with you now, but giving orders."

"I order you to come up with a feasible plan next Monday."

"My request is that the new uniforms no longer have anything to do with the country."

“It had to reflect myself!”

"Do you understand?"

The design team all nodded like chickens pecking at rice, not daring to stay, and walked out of the command hall with their heads lowered.

Azu's eyes lit up, he adjusted the power, and burned the star-spangled cape with a laser beam.

"After rebirth, I always feel like I missed something."

"I feel comfortable now."

Looking at the burning Stars and Stripes, Azu raised the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a voice from the deep sea rang: "Oh, oh, boss, what are you doing?"

Azu looked up and saw that the members of the seven-man team, led by Maeve, walked in one by one.

Asking for a monthly ticket (\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;lt;)

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