I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 18 The specially recruited Starlight

Maeve, black, deep sea, invisible man.

Well, Azu only saw three.

"Invisible man, put on your clothes and come back." Azu said with his eyes closed.

An awkward voice sounded from an empty place: "Yes, boss."

After a while, the invisible man walked in after putting on clothes.

Maeve was the first to ask: "What's the reason for summoning us?"

Azu pressed on his phone, and two figures appeared on the screen in the command hall.

"Ice Princess."

"Electric Man."

"They are the new members I have chosen for the Seven. I will meet with them later to personally test their abilities."

Shen Hai said with a flattering look: "Boss, the person you picked must be the best. I agree with my hands."

Azu said calmly: "I didn't ask for your opinion, I was informing you."

Deep Sea touched a soft nail, smiled awkwardly, nodded and straightened his sitting posture.

Maeve shrugged her shoulders: "If you want to notify us, just send us a text message to tell us."

"Yes, so I called you here for other reasons."

Azu stood up, clasped his hands behind his back, stood at the window and said: "Next, I will rectify the group of seven, and survive the fittest."

"In other words, if anyone does not meet the standards, I can only ask him to get out!"

Deep Sea and the Invisible Man couldn't help but exchange glances.

Black didn't move.

Maeve frowned: "What is the so-called rectification?"

"Reimagining the Seven."

"I want to bring this team back to life."

Azu turned around and raised the corner of his mouth: "The reborn seven-member group will not make any more movies, make no announcements, do no tours, endorse products, and will not participate in any activities."

"We will return to the origins, return to the job of superheroes, return to the role of 'hero'."

Everyone looked blank, except for the black color, and he couldn't see his expression while wearing a helmet.

"Everyone, maybe you have forgotten that you are a 'superhero'."

"You are all used to the company's arrangements."

"You're all past the days of scripting and putting on a show for the cameras."

"I've said enough."

"Yes, that's enough."

"We no longer want to be clowns, we no longer want to be the company's string puppets."

"We're going back to square one, and Vought has to do what they should have done a long time ago, which is serve us, serve the heroes, instead of letting us be damn idols and stars!"

Azu smiled slightly: "So, starting from today, I will conduct an assessment on you."

"I want to build a real team of heroes, an elite team that obeys my orders, not a group of superhuman stars waiting for announcements."

He looked at Maeve: "Of course, Maeve doesn't need to be tested. I believe in her ability."

Deep Sea raised his hand timidly: "Boss, what is our assessment?"

"Don't worry, I will test you in the areas you are best at."

Azu pointed to the deep sea: "For example, I will fight with you in the sea."

He pointed at Xuan Se again: "We'll see you on the battlefield."

Finally, pointing to the invisible man: "I will play a game of hide and seek with you."

"Ashley will inform you of the specific assessment time and location later."

Azu put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and said with a smile: "I just hope you remember that I am serious."

"If you think I'm joking, then I just hope you can laugh in the end."

"Meeting dismissed."


Azu looked at the invisible man: "Let me know that you are peeping in the ladies' bathroom again. Trust me, I will skin you."

"This is not a metaphor."

Beads of sweat broke out on the invisible man's forehead: "I understand, boss."

Azu waved his hand.

Except for Maeve, everyone else left first.

In the corridor, the invisible man whispered: "Is he crazy?"

“Let the company serve us?”

"Why does he think the company would be willing to do this?"

Shen Hai glanced at him and said, "You'd better not talk nonsense."

Then he left quickly.

When he came to his room, Shenhai took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a moment, he said: "Mr. Edgar, I am Deep Sea, I have something to report."

In the command hall of the Seven-man Group.

Maeve stood up, spread her hands and said, "So, is this the company's new plan?"

"A secret reality show?"

Azu smiled and said: "It's my plan, dear Maeve, don't you want to be a real hero, just like you originally wanted to be?"

"What I'm doing now is to take off our shackles and make us real heroes, don't you like it?"

Maeve narrowed her eyes and did not respond.

Azu walked up to her and said, "If you have time tonight, we can talk openly. You will know that I am not joking."

Maeve shrugged her shoulders: "Let's talk about it later."

She walked towards the door, stopped, turned around and said, "Thank you for letting me go straight through. You know, I quite need this job."

Azu smiled and nodded.




"Annie, this way."

Donna waved her hands anxiously, asking her daughter Anne, who was wearing a white uniform with yellow trim, to walk a few steps faster.

"What happened, Mom?" Annie's facial features are three-dimensional and beautiful, her young face is still green, and her eyes are bright and lively.

Mother Donna said anxiously: "There must be a mistake somewhere. Go in and talk to them."

Starlight looked confused and said, "What went wrong? What should I say?"

"They knocked you out."

Donna pointed to the office in front: "I just heard someone from the organizing committee say that you were eliminated, Annie."

Xingguang said in disbelief: "This is impossible. They even said in the last game that I have a good chance of entering the finals."

"I felt the same way, so I was wondering if there was something wrong."

"Anyway, hurry in and see if there's anything else you can save."

Donna pushed her daughter into the office. In the office, several members of the organizing committee were discussing something. When she saw Donna and her daughter coming in, one of the committee members immediately said something.

"Sorry, this is not a place you can come in."

Donna rushed to say: "This is my daughter Xingguang. She performed so well, why should she be eliminated?"

Several committee members suddenly looked embarrassed.

Xingguang was stunned: "So, this is true, I was eliminated?"

One committee member coughed dryly: "I'm sorry, Miss Anne."

"You're great, really."


Donna shouted anxiously: "Why should we eliminate her? Is it because she did something bad? Let's change it, let's change it!"

"Mom." Xingguang pulled her mother, not wanting her to be so embarrassed.

The committee member could only say: "Anyway, I'm sorry."

"You guys go out."

Coming out of the office, Donna still refused to accept the fact.

On the contrary, Xingguang comforted her: "Mom, it's okay, I can participate again next year."

Donna shook her head: "There will never be such a good opportunity again."

At this moment, a group of people in black suits came over, and the leader said: "Is this Miss Anne?"

Annie raised her head: "I am."

The man nodded and said: "I am from Walter Company. I am now happy to inform you, Miss Anne, that you have been specially recruited into the seven-person group."

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