I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 236 The chaotic interlude (Part 2)

Vera looked down at her chest which was still on the road, smiled and said: "You are so rude, how can you push a woman into the ground? This is not a gentleman at all."

Azu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not British, so I'm not interested in gentlemanly behavior."

Just as they were talking, suddenly there was a loud buzzing above their heads, and even the light became dim.

The two raised their heads and saw a large number of demonoids flying over the street and then hovering above the ruins.


A black shadow fell from the sky and landed near the ruins, causing rubble to scatter.

The figure straightened up, and his height of more than four meters made him look like a hill.

The silver-white needle armor sparkled in the sun, and the needles on the armor rose from time to time, shining with endless sharpness.

His two horns were extremely huge, and beneath them was an ugly and ferocious face.

Holding a silver battle ax, it is Steppenwolf from Apokolips!

Steppenwolf ignored the two Azu who were not far away, and now the demonoid reminded him that the last mother box was under the ruins.

He yelled and asked the demonoid to get out of the way. Steppenwolf picked up the electric ax, raised it high in the air, and smashed it hard on the ground.

Among the ruins, streaks of red-gold thunder suddenly spurted up, melting through the rocks and exploding.

The ruins were like a volcanic eruption, with huge rocks exploding and splashing, and a clearing was cleared by Steppenwolf.

The Mother Box is in that clearing. It seems to sense the arrival of Steppenwolf. The particles on its surface are boiling, and a stronger light is released from the machine.

Steppenwolf strode away.

Seeing this situation, Vera shouted loudly, flew out of the melted asphalt road, used her 'heat ray' to force Azu away, and was about to fly towards Steppenwolf.

Unexpectedly, Azu caught the stars and stripes cape with one hand.

Azu pulled back, and Vera was pulled in front of him.

Vera's eyebrows twitched, and she saw that Azu had put away his smile and looked serious.

Azu raised his arm and clenched his fist. The pattern on the 'Hercules' Bracer' lit up, and then the fist was thrown out like a cannonball.

Vera quickly crossed her hands to protect her eyes.

Azu's fist hit her body.

Vera's vision suddenly blurred, and when it refocused, Azu had become a black dot in the distance.

She crashed into buildings, and the city kept moving away under her feet. Even so, she couldn't stop herself and could only roar.

With 80% of the output of divine power and the ten-fold increase in power of the 'Hercules Bracers', with the combined force of the two, Vera, who is also a 'patriot', cannot change herself into a meteor that is far away. fate.

After knocking away the strongest competitor with one punch, Azu immediately flew towards Steppenwolf.

At this time, Steppenwolf had already reached out and picked up the Mother Box. Just when he was about to summon the 'Boom Channel', a hand suddenly appeared on the Mother Box.

That hand simply pressed down on the mother box, and Steppenwolf could not move, as if what he was lifting was not the mother box, but a towering mountain!

Steppenwolf raised his head and saw Azu's familiar face.

"Is it you?" The image of Paradise Island flashed through Steppenwolf's mind, which was the shame of his life.

Azu smiled and said, "It's me."

Then he looked Steppenwolf up and down and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Oh, you really have changed."

"Look at those spikes. It makes you look so scary. I'm already scared."

Steppenwolf didn't understand the sarcasm in Azu's words. He blew out a stream of fishy breath from his nostrils without talking nonsense to Azu, and released surging red gold thunder from the electric axe.

Immediately afterwards, the large amount of electric light that was released quickly shrank and condensed on the surface of the axe, forming an ever-expanding red gold thunder ball.

When the thunder ball had swallowed up the electric ax and half of Steppenwolf's arm, he swung the battle ax and hit Azu hard with the expanded red gold thunder ball.

This was the powerful blow that knocked Vera down that day!

However, this time.

When the electric ax brought the red gold thunder ball down and hit it, the dazzling and scorching thunder suddenly turned into dark golden foam and flew up.

Then the electric ax, which revealed its true form, fell on Azu's shoulder, and turned into a cloud of fine silver gravel, flowing from Azu's body and between Steppenwolf's fingers, and fell to the ground.

Distort reality!

"This" Steppenwolf looked at the silver sand on the ground in shock.

At this time, Azu had already raised his foot and kicked Steppenwolf on the chest, blasting out a circle of white air waves that shattered several nearby demonoids and even kicked Steppenwolf away.

Steppenwolf shouted as he flew out: "Take the Mother Box!"

Suddenly, a large number of demonoids roared and flew towards Azu, and the darkness was like a black cloud taking over the city.

But at this moment, there was 'sunshine' breaking through the dark clouds.

‘Heat ray’!

Azu's eyes spurted golden flames, sweeping back and forth, causing the demonoids to be cut into pieces one after another, and the corpses continued to fall to the ground.

Finally, a golden fireball rose from the black cloud that the demonoid transformed into. The violent explosion caused the demonoid to scatter in all directions. With a crackle and a crackle, the flaming corpses fell to the ground.

In the flames, Azu was about to leave holding the mother box.

Suddenly his eyes blurred.

The mother box is gone.

It turned out that Vera rushed back without knowing when. At this time, she was extremely fast.

Azu took a quick glance and saw light patterns appearing on the boots under Vera's feet.

Armor of Zeus—Boots of Hermes!

Feature 1: Super speed!

Note that this feature can only be used when running, and the speed can only reach the limit when running in a straight line. When you make turns or other actions, the speed will decrease.

Azu snorted, and his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he came to Vera's side.


In addition, based on the previous method of dealing with the extremely fast movement of the Flash, as soon as Azu appeared, he set off a "psychic storm" towards Vera's mental coordinates.

This made Vera's eyes change slightly. Although she did not lose her will and fall like Barry Allen, her speed was still a bit slower after all.

At this moment when he was slightly slower, Azu seized the opportunity and popped up several magic light ribbons emitting red light.

‘Crimson Chain of Cytorak’!

This is a forcibly controlled magic. Once entangled, Vera cannot get rid of Azu.

But at this moment, Vera stretched out her hand in front of her.

The red magic light ribbons that wrapped around her turned into flying butterflies.

‘The ancient body of Hogs’!

Azu was startled.

I didn't expect Vera to have this hand, so I don't know if it's magic or the reason for being equipped with rune stones.

But there is no doubt that she has broken the 'Crimson Chain of Cytorak'!

But at this moment, Steppenwolf descended from the sky, raised his hand and blasted Vera away with the hammer.

The Mother Box falls into Steppenwolf's hands again!

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