I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 237 Chaotic high notes (Part 1)

After receiving the mother box, Steppenwolf was immediately delighted and was about to summon the 'Boom Channel'.

Unfortunately, two golden beams hit his hand at this time. The violent impact caused his arm to rise, and the mother box fell out.

Steppenwolf turned around and was about to pounce, but found that his feet were in vain to press the ground to pieces. However, he did not jump out as he imagined, but stayed in place and did not move.

"Where are you going, good dog?"

Azu grabbed an armor spike on Steppenwolf's back, and then swung it hard, throwing Steppenwolf's body of more than four meters away, hitting Vera who was flying over, and the two of them crashed into a building. middle.

Azu moved to the side of the mother box and was about to pick it up when a hook fell on the mother box. Then he retracted the long rope on the hook and caught the mother box and flew up into the air.

In mid-air, Batman stood at the jet, hugged the Mother Box, and walked into the jet.

At the same time, 'Sea King' Arthur shouted and jumped down from the hatch, pointing his silver trident at Azu, stabbing him with pressure.

Azu's eyes were filled with a look of fear, and he flew up suddenly, bumped into Arthur directly, and hit him into the jet.

A fireball exploded inside the jet, and black smoke rose up from the aircraft, spinning into a nearby building. The wings of the aircraft were like sharp blades, scraping between the buildings, causing the windows to explode one after another.

Bruce jumped out of the out-of-control plane. When Azu came to the hatch, he saw 'Cyborg' Victor flying over, grabbing Batman's cape and carrying him into the sky.

Azu came out of the plane and was suspended in mid-air, his eyes suddenly lit up with golden light.

Victor, who was flying at high speed, suddenly looked back and saw two golden beams of light coming through the air. The metal behind him deformed and turned into a shield.

Azu's 'heat ray' hit the shield, exploded into a fireball, and blew Victor away.

Bruce hit the mother box and fell down, landing on a rooftop. He rolled a few times, lost his strength, ran to the edge of the rooftop and jumped down.

With his cape raised, he glides through the air like a real bat.

But then Azu crashed out of the building, hitting Bruce in mid-air, causing Batman to fall off the street.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Bruce used his hook to grab the outer wall of a nearby building, then swung towards a third-story window and crashed in.

Crash into an office, Bruce rolled continuously, and finally stopped after hitting a pillar.

Just as he took a breath, he saw Azu flying in.

Azu fell to the ground, walked towards Bruce, stretched out his hand and said: "Give it to me, Bruce."

Bruce stood up holding on to the wall, turned around and ran away.

Azu shrugged his shoulders, his eyes lit up, and he was about to kill Batman.

Suddenly, a huge and blurry ripple burst into the building. Wherever it passed, the mud and rocks split and collapsed, hitting Azu instantly.

Azu didn't care at first, but the next second he discovered that the biological force field of the 'Cloak of Justice' was actually torn apart by the ripples.

Only then did he gather his energy and use his level 4 'biological force field' to resist, but he was still pushed out of the building by the ripples.

This dozens-of-story building was split in the middle by the blurry ripples, and the building collapsed instantly.

Azu shouted loudly, holding down the ripple that was still trying to cut him open with one hand, and twisting his other hand into a fist, he hit the ripple and smashed it into pieces.

Then he saw Vera in the distance. The woman made a kicking gesture.

Armor of Zeus—Boots of Hermes!

Feature 2: Cut through the air!

When wearing the Hermes Boots, you can kick your legs at extremely fast speeds, creating vacuum waves capable of cutting through most matter.

Azu glanced at the combat boots under Vera's feet.

What a good thing.

One blow tore apart the biological force field of the 'Cloak of Justice'.

The biological force field provided by the 'Cloak of Justice' is about the second level in strength.

When he first defeated Doomsday, Superman Clark's biological force field was about the same strength.

Vera's artifact boots can actually kick out a vacuum wave that tears apart a level 2 force field with one blow. Such an attack is already quite terrifying.

The biological force field of the 'Cloak of Justice' was torn apart, although Azu's 'Super Speed ​​Regeneration' talent could regenerate the force field.

However, the biological force field provided by the item is obviously not within the scope of repair.

We can only wait for it to recover on its own, but before that, the 'Cloak of Justice' can only save one fatal damage.

Just when Azu was getting entangled with Vera, Bruce fell on the street and was about to let Victor pick him up.

There was a sudden roar above the head, and with Steppenwolf falling from the sky, the monster saw the Mother Box in Bruce's hand.

Batman immediately fired his grappling gun and was about to move.

Steppenwolf roared, reached out and grabbed Bruce's cloak, pulled him over, and smashed him into a car.

The car was dented and the window glass was blown into pieces. Steppenwolf reached out to pick up the mother box in Bruce's hand. Two 'heat rays' struck at the same time. Steppenwolf screamed and was blown away by the 'heat ray'.

Azu and Vera then looked back at Steppenwolf, and then landed on both sides of Bruce, one on the left and the other on the right.

Steppenwolf stopped, roared, and leapt back to the scene.

Then Victor descended from the sky and appeared next to Azu, monitoring Azu's every move.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of water on the other side of the street, and then a stream of water crossed the street. Arthur jumped down from the water and came to Steppenwolf with his trident.

So, there were six people in the three camps.

Except for "The Flash" Barry Allen, everyone else has arrived.

Azu whistled: "It's really rare that there are so many people here. If it were another time, maybe I would invite you to a party."

Steppenwolf glanced at Azu, then glanced at Vera.

Among everyone, these two people were the ones he feared the most.

In the previous confrontation, Steppenwolf discovered that even if he had been strengthened by the Mother Box, he was not sure of victory against these two people.

But he still spoke with great pride: "You have no idea what you are doing. You primitive creatures, do you think you can resist the great darkness?"

"I suggest you give up this plan. In this case, you can say goodbye to your loved ones before darkness falls."

Vera laughed and said: "This is not bad for your master. As for you, don't think that you can talk to me with this attitude if you become a little stronger."

Neptune Arthur's eyes moved back and forth between Vera and Steppenwolf, and then said: "I don't like her, but this time, I admit that she is right."

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