Temporary command room at the air force airport.

Wilson put his hands on the table and looked at the screen in front of him.

On the screen, a drone captured footage of the disaster scene in New York.

There is thick smoke billowing here, like a thick fog. From time to time in the thick fog, there are explosive fires or leaping and spitting lightning.

After the motherland refused to fight, the army united with the seven-man group and set up roadblocks in several important streets at the disaster site to prevent the Chimera from overflowing the blockade area.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the effect is not ideal.

The reason is that there are simply too many Chimeras.

Except for some citizens who could not adapt and died suddenly, there are still a large number of residents who have genetic mutations and become suture grids with several biological characteristics - Chimera!

An army colonel said: "Sir, we may not be able to hold on anymore."

Wilson nodded and said: "Just do your best. If it doesn't work, the Air Force is ready to carry out saturation bombing to the disaster site at any time."

The colonel nodded.

Wilson continued to stare at the screen, and from time to time he could see a black shadow flashing across the screen, or a red light breaking through the sky.

"Maybe it's not time to despair yet."

"Because we have 'Guardians'."

Wilson spoke in a voice he could only hear.

In New York City.

The fog was thick.

Chimeras of various shapes crowded forward. Some of them jumped between the street lamps like wild apes, and some wandered around the outer walls of the building like geckos.

Some are like tigers galloping on the ground, and some are like eagles spreading their wings and flying high.

Once they try to get close to the road defense line, they will be greeted by hot weapons such as howitzers, anti-aircraft machine guns, and automatic rifles.

Among the fierce gunfire, there will also be attacks released by superhumans such as ice guns, lightning, fireballs, etc.

Most Chimera couldn't withstand such a fierce attack, and often fell in the middle of the charge before they could rush to the front of the defense line.

However, Chimerali tend to be somewhat tyrannical aliens.

They cunningly use their own kind to cover themselves, and then attack the defense line to the best of their abilities.

They are not interested in fighting, and they are not interested in killing humans. They just want to break through the defense line and leave the thick fog.

At this time, they often encounter the strongest resistance.

Because both the army and the seven-man group were ordered to hold on to their positions and never let the Chimera pass.

At this time, a Chimera with a bear's head and tiger's claws and octopus tentacles growing from its back tried to attack the defense line.

It is a strange species among Chimeras, with a prismatic crystal floating between its eyebrows.

This is a sign of alienation.

Those prismatic crystals are the product of highly condensed biological energy. Chimera mutants can stimulate some kind of force field or release strange abilities by vibrating the crystals.

This makes them difficult to deal with.

Just like the current one, the crystals on the bear beast shook slightly. Suddenly, the soldiers and tanks on the defense line floated into the air, as if the earth had lost its gravity.

No gravity field!

This is exactly what this alien species is good at.

Manipulate the gravity of a local area and let the opponent fly into the air before solving the gravity-free field.

Immediately, the soldiers and chariots fell from the air.

As a result, the soldiers died tragically and the tanks broke down.

This alien took the opportunity to break out of the defense line, but luckily a beam of red light fell from mid-air.

Sweep forward.

Then he cut off the alien species and several chimeras behind it.

"A native of the motherland?"

"No, the laser of the motherland is golden."

The surviving soldiers looked up one after another and saw a figure in the thick fog, with two red lights on the figure's face.

He looks very much like a native of the motherland, but this figure is too short.

Looks like either a dwarf or a child.

This figure is none other than Ryan!

After receiving a series of militarized training from the Ministry of Defense, the boy became agile and decisive in action.

Although today was his first actual combat, he was not sloppy at all.

Ryan focused on the Chimera mutants, and thanks to him, the mutants did not rush out of the streets for the time being.

But as more and more aliens rushed towards the defense line, Ryan became a little unable to resist.


At the defense line at a street entrance, the Ice and Snow Princess' ice shield was shattered, and she flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

She lay on the ground with no strength left.

Now she can't even condense any ice slag, let alone kill the enemy.

The Ice and Snow Princess looked helplessly at the thick fog above her head, a thought rolling in her heart.

Why hasn't he come yet?

Are the people of the motherland going to give up on us?

Exclamations and screams rang in her ears. The Ice Princess raised her head with difficulty and saw that the army had run out of ammunition, giving Chimera an opportunity.

A chimera with a crocodile head opened its mouth and bit down, biting off a soldier from the chest up.

All he could see was severed limbs and blood.

The scene was like hell.

At this time, a wolf-shaped Chimera pounced forward, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the Ice and Snow Princess while spitting fishy smell.


The chimera moved for a moment, then twitched all over. It fell to the ground and hugged itself tightly.

And while trembling, the body gradually returned to its original state, and finally, a middle-aged man appeared on the ground.

Situations like this are not unique. Chimera keeps returning to its original state one after another. It seems that Chemical No. 6 has lost its effect.

At the same time, the thick fog shrouding New York City gradually dissipated.

A silver disk appeared in the night sky, and the silver moonlight shone on the earth, as if indicating that the disaster was over.

More than an hour later.

Many makeshift tents have been set up in New York City for the residents who once became chimeras.

Wilson sat in the helicopter with Lane beside him as the helicopter passed over the street.

The Minister of Defense looked at the tents gathered below and said loudly: "They must be isolated."

Dr. Kyle's voice appeared in the earphone: "You are right, Mr. Minister."

"Although they have returned to their original state, there is no guarantee that they will suddenly turn into Chimera again at a certain moment."

"I need to study it carefully before I can draw a conclusion."

Wilson breathed out: "No matter what, we finally don't have to bomb New York. This is a great blessing among misfortunes."

Ryan said with some dissatisfaction: "I just felt a little bit and it was over."

Wilson laughed and said, "Son, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

The minister's face turned cold: "Resettling the residents and continuing to study Chimera are not the most important things."

"The next big thing is to sanction the people of the motherland."

"He must pay for his arrogance!"

Two days later.

Azu read the newspaper.

The newspapers in the past two days were all about the Chimera incident.

Of course, as before, the Federation placed the blame on the so-called armed organizations.

At this time, Ashley rushed in hurriedly and said with a pale face.

"It's broken, sir."

"The Department of Defense is formally charging you."

"They accuse you of blatantly refusing orders from the Department of Defense during the 'Boiling Midnight' incident. Once the charges are taken effect, they will arrest you!"

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