I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 268 Walking Hotspot

‘Boiling Midnight’ is what the media called the Chimera incident two days ago.

Hearing that the Ministry of National Defense was going to sue him, Azu said "Oh" and shrugged his shoulders: "So, do I get the Ministry of National Defense to apologize to Mr. Wilson?"

Ashley said helplessly: "Sir, the Ministry of National Defense is serious this time."

"Look, here's your notice to appear."

"The Federal Supreme Court requires you to attend a hearing sponsored by the Department of Defense at 2 p.m. this Friday."

The assistant took out a letter and handed it to Azu.

Azu looked at it and saw that the envelope did have the words 'Federal Supreme Court' on it.

He snorted, tore open the envelope, took out the court appearance notice inside, browsed it briefly, and then put it back into the envelope.

Ashley cautiously probed: "Sir, will you attend?"

"Well, it depends on your mood." Azu gave Ashley an extremely desperate answer.

Soon, the matter was spreading on the Internet.

‘It’s another hearing, and I bet my motherland won’t attend just like last time! ’

'This incident is different from the last one. This incident is much worse. The people of the motherland did not stand up to stop the [Boiling Midnight] incident. He does not deserve to be a superhero! ’

‘Perhaps the people of the motherland have their own reasons for not being able to do this. ’

‘I have a lot of trouble, where did the navy come from? How can I clean up like this? ’

‘That’s it, how much does it cost to send a message to the navy? Count me in and help me make money. ’

‘Calm down and think about it, what good will this do to us? Do you want to force the people of the motherland to become villains? ’

‘Are you out of your mind? Why did he become a villain? If he didn’t stand up when the disaster struck, he is no different from a villain. Don't forget, he is a superhero. What is a hero? He is definitely not someone who refuses to prevent disasters! ’

On the Internet, the topic of whether people from the motherland will participate in the hearing remains high.

Even in the media and various talk shows, the hot topic this week is the attendance of people from the motherland at the hearing.

The whole city was boiling.

On the contrary, no one paid attention to where the residents who had returned to their original status went.

that's all.

Time soon came to Friday.

Friday at noon.

The square outside the Federal Supreme Court was already packed with people. People made puppets of their motherland and then set them on fire in protest.

Some also held up banners to accuse the people of the motherland for their inaction during the 'Boiling Midnight' incident.

Of course, there are also those who support the people of the motherland, but the number is not large, only a small part.

Wilson stood at the courthouse window and looked outside.

A wave of sound came.

"People of the motherland, get out!"

"People of the motherland, get out!"

Wilson smiled.

Next to him, an official said: "We will broadcast this hearing live throughout the city."

"Whether people from the motherland are present or not, not only will he be embarrassed this time, but he will be greatly embarrassed."

Wilson laughed and said: "We still have to prevent the motherland from becoming angry."

He looked at Ryan who was eating ice cream not far away.

"Fortunately, we have a 'secret weapon'."

At this time Dr. Kyle came over.

Wilson stepped forward and said, "How's it going, doctor? Are the conditions of those residents okay?"

Dr. Kyle nodded: "It's relatively stable at the moment, but their genes have undergone irreversible mutations."

“Let’s call these people ‘mutants’.”

"There are too many uncertainties about these mutants. All I can say is, Mr. Minister, they may never turn into Chimera again in their lifetime, or they may turn into monsters again in their sleep."

Wilson said solemnly: "In this case, we can't let them come back, we can't let them return to this city?"

Dr. Kyle sighed: "I'm afraid that can only be the case, and with such a large number, it may be difficult for me to find a way to restore them to their original state."

"If you allow me to ask for help from the international community, biologists from around the world may be able to find a way."

"No! Absolutely not!"

Wilson said solemnly: "In that case, maybe it won't be long before we have to face an army of Chimera, an army of monsters from other countries!"

At this time, a court official came: "Mr. Minister, the hearing is about to begin."

Wilson patted Dr. Kyle on the shoulder and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go to the hearing."

At this moment, there was a soft cry outside the square.

Wilson raised his head and saw a figure slowly falling over the court.

The bright red cloak was flying like flames, and the black suit reflected the afternoon sun.

The blond-haired man landed on the square in front of the court. Suddenly, the onlookers shouted loudly.

"You are a coward!"

"Get out of the country, you murderer!"

"You are called a hero in vain, you are not worthy!"

Wilson snorted and said softly: "How dare he come."

"Let's go and listen to how the people of the motherland defend themselves."

Inside the courtroom.

When Azu walked in, the flash lights kept flashing and reporters from different media desperately took pictures of Azu.

This is a ‘walking hotspot’, this week’s ‘traffic king’!

Today's hearing will dominate the headlines for the next week, or even a month.

The next week is going to be a press frenzy!



In the court, the justice knocked the hammer to silence the people.

Azu also came to the defendant's seat under the guidance of the court police.

He smiled, looked around, and when he found Wilson, he winked at him.

After a moment, the justice looked around and coughed dryly: "Then, I announce that the hearing on the motherland's refusal to perform the duties of a superhero during the 'Boiling Midnight' incident will begin now."

"Please give the accuser the floor."

Next to Wilson, a Defense Department official stood up and said.

"Your Honor, Your Honor."

"Dear members of the jury."

"And everyone attending the hearing, first of all, please allow me to introduce myself."

"I am the Chief Secretary to the Secretary of Defense, Gilbert Scott."

"I will then speak on behalf of the Department of Defense."

"We believe that during the 'Boiling Midnight' incident two days ago, as the leader of the Seven, the superhero [Motherland] failed to effectively perform his duties."

"Not only did they fail to stand up to prevent the disaster in the first place, but they also blatantly rejected the request of the Secretary of Defense, Mr. Wilson."

"Everyone, please listen to the following recording."

At the request of this gentleman, a recording was played in the court.

"You have a heart, people of the motherland."

"But now is not the time to worry about my health."

"If you turn on the TV, you see disaster happening in New York."

"If you look out the window, you'll see several blocks covered in thick fog."

"Of course you may not notice this, it doesn't matter, I have already told you."

"So when are you going to take action, Homelander?"

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