I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 269 Azu and Curly Baboon

This is the voice of Secretary Wilson.

Many people in the court recognized him.

At the same time, this recording was also broadcast live throughout the city and online.

Then, the voices of the motherland rang out.

"Given that I am a notorious murderer, a murderer."

"Therefore, Mr. Minister, I'm afraid I have to deny your request."

"After all, I can't guarantee that I can accurately identify friendly parties or innocent civilians during operations."

"Oh my god, my motherland, do you really plan to care about this at a time like this?" Wilson's voice sounded again.

"Care about it?"

"why not."

"Forgive me for not participating in tonight's event."

What followed was a blind tone on the phone.

After listening to this recording, the whole of New York exploded.

In the square outside the court, a white man shouted excitedly: "Is this the so-called superhero?"

"He is actually worrying about what happened last time."

"Because of this, he refuses to stand up and prevent the disaster. Does he still deserve to be a superhero?"

A little boy looked at the model of the motherland in his hand and suddenly threw it out with great force.

His mother confirmed him with her eyes.

A girl looked at the T-shirt with a printed pattern of her motherland and suddenly took off the T-shirt, wearing only her underwear.

"You are no longer my idol!"

The brave girl threw the T-shirt away.

An old man shouted tremblingly: "My son died in what happened that night. Oh my God, he was calling me at that time."

"He also told me not to worry. He believed that the people of the motherland would stand up and prevent the disaster from happening."

"He still believed in the people of the motherland until his death."


People loudly accused and even cursed, and all kinds of ugly and vicious words were thrown at Azu.

In the court.

Azu took out his ears with his hands, looked at Wilson, and smiled.

"Mr. Minister, if I remember correctly."

"Our conversation shouldn't stop at this point."

"I'm curious as to why you cut out one of the sections."

"Is it because there is some hidden secret?"

There was a sudden uproar in the court.



The judge knocked the hammer and then looked to Wilson's side: "Is what the defendant said true?"

The spokesman for the Department of Defense, Chief Secretary Gilbert, smiled and said: "Your honor, there is no such thing."

"We can provide the operator's phone recordings as evidence."

The judge nodded: "I believe that everyone at the Ministry of National Defense will not mess with this kind of thing."

"Well, let's get on with it."

Gilbert nodded and said, "Okay, your honor."

"Because the people of the motherland responded passively, there were heavy casualties in the 'Boiling Midnight' incident."

"Several superheroes died fighting in the Tower of Seven alone."

"Not to mention the military and civilians."

"We believe that the people of the motherland should be held responsible for these deaths."

Next, Gilbert listed many incidents to accuse Azu.

Including the incident that was previously circulated on the Internet about the killing of civilians by the motherland while performing missions abroad.

And before that, the recording of his negotiations with Wilson during the fall of Manhattan.

These accusations spread quickly through live broadcasts, causing New York to boil again.

On the Internet, the barrages in various live broadcast rooms almost occupy the entire screen.

[It turns out that you are such a native of the motherland, and you actually use heroic actions as a bargaining chip. I am so disappointed in you! 】

[Your aggression is still too weak, come and tell me, trash, get out of the federation! 】

[Fortunately, when I was offended in the Manhattan incident, I sincerely thanked the people of my motherland. It turned out that I was just a bargaining chip for him. What did he think of us? 】

[This is the most disgusting superhero I have ever seen. No, he does not deserve to be called a hero. He is more disgusting than a villain! 】

[The people of the motherland should be burned to death, he is a heretic! 】

Also seething are the courts.

In the audience, many people attacked Azu with words.

Some people even threw whatever they could catch at Azu, but they were all stopped by the court police.



The judge banged the hammer again, but glanced at Wilson from time to time.

Wilson smiled and nodded slightly to the judge.

"Sir, the evidence is conclusive and the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. The people of the motherland will definitely be guilty this time!"

Next to him, a Ministry of National Defense official whispered.

Wilson was equally happy in his heart, but on the surface, he still said calmly.

"It still depends on how the judge decides."

at this time.

Wilson's eyelids twitched slightly.

Because he saw Azu raised his hand.

After the court fell silent.

The judge then said: "People of the motherland, do you have anything to say?"

An old man stood up in the audience and shouted: "You are not shameless enough to deny these accusations, are you?"

Azu smiled, then stretched out his hand and pushed, and the dock was completely shattered.

This startled people.

The court police rushed over nervously. They pressed the guns on their waists and shouted to Azu: "Don't move!"

Of course Azu would ignore them.

He lifted his feet off the ground and floated into the air, looking down at the people in the courtroom.

"I do not deny that many of the incidents raised by the Ministry of Defense are facts."

"That's right, I negotiated with Mr. Wilson during the Manhattan incident and saved Manhattan in exchange for the rank of colonel."

"Nor do I deny that I refused Mr. Wilson's request during the recent Boiling Midnight."

"I admit all these things."

"So, so what?"

Azu smiled and faced the camera. This image appeared on all TV screens and live broadcast rooms throughout New York.

He points to the camera.


"all of you."

"You are all just mortals, ants."

"And you actually want to judge a god?"

"I really don't know what you think?"

“Now I kind of understand what it was like for Jesus to be on the cross.”

"That feeling is probably very helpless."

"Because I saw a bunch of stupid curly baboons who didn't even realize they were doing it."

"All I can say is, God has a good temper."

"If it were me, seeing my son crucified by a group of baboons."

"I definitely wouldn't let Noah build the ark."

"You idiots shouldn't exist."

"But I'm in a good mood today, so congratulations, you can survive this day again."

After Azu finished speaking, he looked at Wilson in the court again.

"It is true that I am not a good person, but everyone in the Ministry of National Defense, you are also not a good person."

"If I need to be judged, what about you?"

Wilson suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then I saw Azu snap his fingers.

A recording was heard in the court.

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