I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 278 Magneto Breaks the Limit

"It's been a second."

Xiao, who was still a doctor, pointed his revolver at Eric's mother and gave friendly reminders.


Eric had forgotten that he was an adult. He seemed to have returned to his helpless childhood and looked at his mother.

"It's fine."

"I trust you."

His mother, an ordinary woman, spoke tenderly to her child even though she was pointed with a pistol.

Eric's hands were facing the coins on the table. However, he could already move large metal objects, but now he couldn't even move this small coin.

This made him feel frustrated, ashamed and scared from the bottom of his heart.

"Two seconds, kid."

Xiao leaned back and gave a reminder.

Eric looked at his mother again. He was about to collapse. He was afraid that he would not be able to move the coin. He was afraid that his mother would die in front of him again.

That kind of pain, once is enough.

Not to mention twice.

"It's fine."

"Eric, everything is going to be okay."

Eric could only turn around, gritted his teeth, and used all his strength to move the coin.

His mother kept saying from behind.

"everything will get better."

"everything will get better."

Xiao looked at his watch and looked at Eric with a regretful look: "It's been three seconds."

For a moment.

Eric heard no other sounds.

Only a clear gunshot was heard.

The sound of this gunshot would always echo in his ears every midnight dream.

And now, it rings again.

So clear, so deafening.

Eric could even smell the gunpowder.

Then he looked behind him.

Seeing the middle-aged woman lying on the ground, she saw blood gradually pouring out from under her mother's body.

The blood was so bright red, so dazzling, like a sharp knife, stabbing deeply and forcefully into Eric's heart again.


The volcano erupted!

In the castle, Charles, who was reading a book, suddenly felt Eric's emotions fluctuate violently.


Pure rage!

The anger that wants to tear everything apart!

The anger that was about to destroy the world suddenly burst out.

Then he heard Eric's roar and saw all the metal products in the room flying up and twisting in the air.

"What the hell."

Charles quickly ran to the terrace and saw Eric below raising his hands to the satellite signal receiver in the distance.

The earth was shaking, just like Eric's anger at this moment, and the huge white 'cauldron' was 'uprooted' by Eric.

Eric made a throwing motion with both hands, and the receiver flew out and fell far away, throwing up a lot of dust and smoke.

This earth-shattering blow caused the earth to shake, causing people in the castle to run out one after another. Then they saw the satellite signal receiver lying on the ground in the distance. Some held their heads and shouted softly, while others covered their mouths. unbelievable.

Eric gasped for air.

He looked at his hands in surprise.

It seems that he can't believe that he can actually do such a thing.

At this time, a hot tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. He touched his face, which was covered with tears.

Azu patted his shoulder and smiled: "Congratulations, you have exceeded your limit."

"Remember how you felt just now, and you will be invincible."

Throughout the next day, everyone was talking about Eric.

"Eric is so cool. That kind of power is invincible!" After a day of training, Alex's hands are shaking even when holding a water glass.

There was envy in his eyes. He also wanted to be like Eric, but unfortunately, one day's training could not allow him to control his power immediately.

Hank looked at Azu: "Mr. John, how did you do it? How did you help Eric become so powerful?"

Azu smiled and said: "That is only useful for Eric. The rest of you should follow the method I designed for you."

At this time, someone shouted softly outside the door.

Everyone turned around, only to see Hank standing outside the door.

Azu immediately looked at the person in front of him: "Ruiwen?"

Sure enough, the Hank in front of her suddenly turned into Raven, and she showed Azu a naughty smile: "How about it, Mr. John, can I follow suit?"

"not bad."

Azu nodded: "I didn't notice it just now."

Of course, if Azu wanted to, it would be easy to find Ruiwen.

Although Raven can take on different forms, her soul is unique.

In the movie "World of X: Days of Future Past", Professor Charles relied on this to find Raven.

So it is actually very simple to identify Raven, just mark her heart.

Of course, this is only for people with psychic abilities like Azu or Charles.

For others, it's still very difficult.

Hank also sighed: "You look like me, it's so similar, I thought I was looking in the mirror just now."

Raven winked at him: "Thank you for the compliment."

Hank said nervously: "Riven, can you come out for a moment? I have something to tell you."

Raven walked out of the hall curiously, and Hank whispered: "Do you remember the idea I told you when we were at the CIA base?"

Raven blinked, thinking for a while, and then suddenly realized: "You mean serum."

"A serum that can turn us into ordinary people?"

Hank nodded vigorously: "Yes, I developed it."

"With the serum, we can become normal people again and no longer need to be regarded as freaks or circus clowns."

He still broods over being laughed at by agents while at the CIA.

Then, Hank took out two pieces of light green serum and handed one to Raven: "Here."

If it was before communicating with Azu, Ruiwen might be willing to give it a try, but now, she has other ideas.

"Thank you, Hank."

Raven shrugged her shoulders and said, "But I think it's good now."

Hank was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you say before that you don't like people looking at you strangely?"


Raven turned back and glanced at Azu in the hall: "But after I talked with Mr. John, I changed my view."

"Mr. John is right."

"We neither have to hide ourselves nor promote ourselves."

"We just have to live our lives the way we want to live."

"I think Hank, you could also talk to Mr. John. Really, he's very wise."

"He can show you the way forward, trust me."

Hank was a little disappointed. In fact, when he met Raven, he liked this girl who had many things in common with him.

He originally thought that if he developed the serum, Raven would be very happy, but now Raven has rejected him.

"All right."

"It doesn't matter."

"This is your freedom."

"However, I still don't want to be looked at as a monster."

Hank raised the serum on his hand: "So, I will use it myself."


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