Seeing Hank's leaving figure, Raven reached out her hand to retain him, but she didn't know what to say. With just a slight hesitation, Hank disappeared around the corner.

"Forget it, everyone has things they need to face, and so does Hank."

"As for how to choose, it still depends on Hank himself."

"Hopefully he can make the right choice."

Raven said softly. When she was about to go back to the living room, she saw her adopted brother walking into a room.

In the room, Eric sat in the corner, covering his head with his hands.

Although there was a light on in the room, Eric hid in a place where the light could not shine, embracing the darkness.


"Don't look inside me, Charles."

Eric said suddenly.

Charles put down the finger that was touching his temple with some embarrassment: "I just want to see what's going on with you."

"Eric, since this afternoon, I feel that your mood has been very low."

Eric raised his head in the darkness and said: "Thank you for your concern, but you can't always enter other people's hearts without permission. What's the difference between that and breaking into other people's homes without permission."

Charles laughed dryly: "I will pay attention to it in the future."

He spread his hands and said, "Do you want to say something? I'm ready to listen."

Eric shook his head and said: "I don't want to say anything. If possible, I want to be alone."

Charles coughed dryly and said: "Eric, I don't know what Mr. John did to you this afternoon."

"All I can tell you is that anger doesn't solve the problem."

"I hope you can calm down. If you want to talk to someone, I'm always here."

Eric didn't respond.

Charles had no choice but to leave.

In the darkness, Eric whispered: "No, you are wrong."

"Charles, my friend."

“Anger can solve a lot of problems.”

the next day.


"how so!"

Azu was eating breakfast when he heard Hank's huge roar, like a wild beast.

He probably guessed what happened.

Others hurriedly ran to Hank's room, and instead of seeing Hank in the room, they saw a blue-haired beast.

Raven gently covered her mouth with her hand and tried to shout: "Hank, is this you?"

"do not look at me!"


The beast roared and huddled in the corner, shielding itself with its hands.

Yes, he is Hank.

Last night, he used the serum on himself. The principle of the serum is similar to antibiotics. It will attack the X cells in mutants.

After being injected with the serum, Hank changed. His big feet shrank back and became normal.

Just when he was ecstatic, tragedy happened.

Not only did his feet change back, but his X-cells proliferated massively, turning him into a monster. In the process, the pain of mutation caused Hank to pass out.

When he woke up in the morning, he saw that he had done exactly the opposite, and he screamed, attracting the attention of others.

Hank is now very upset. Now, his muscles have swelled, his body is covered with blue hair, and fangs sprout from his mouth. He has completely transformed into a humanoid beast.

This was thousands of times worse than his previous situation.

But at the same time, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't let Rui Wen get the serum injection yesterday, otherwise Rui Wen's situation would be unimaginable.

At this time, Raven came over, squatted down next to Hank, and grabbed his hand.

"Listen, Hank."

"Maybe you'll feel bad."

"But it's not that bad."

“When God closes a door for us, he will definitely open a window.”

"I believe that you must have unprecedented talents now, but you haven't discovered it yet."

Hearing Raven's comfort, Hank felt better and lowered his hand: "But now I'm like a beast."

"But your soul is beautiful."

Raven put her hand on Hank's strong chest: "Charles said that he has seen too many people who are handsome in appearance, but extremely ugly on the inside."

"Hank, you're a hundred times better than them."

Encouraged by Raven, Hank raised his head: "Really?"

Raven nodded.

Alex leaned against the door and said, "Hank, actually this isn't too bad. At least you can go wild in the future."

Hank suddenly growled at him.

Alex was startled and stepped back, making everyone laugh.

Hank relaxed now, and with Raven's encouragement, stood up and walked out of the room.

"Oh My God."

"Are you Hank?"

Charles also came and was shocked when he saw Hank like this, but he quickly adjusted: "What did you do?"

"It's a long story."

Hank recounted his experience in simple terms.

After listening, Darwin covered his head and said, "Hank, you are really a genius."

"Your serum may amplify the X cells in our mutants, making our abilities even better."

"Just like you are now."

"If we are also given injections, maybe we can become stronger than we are now without training."

Hank shook his head: "No, that thing is unstable and completely deviated from my original intention."

"I think it's better not to try it casually."

Charles also said: "Hank's concern is right, don't study that serum anymore."

Hank nodded.

Ruiwen said: "Didn't you prepare two yesterday? Where's the other one?"

Hank walked back into the house, tried to open the drawer, and broke the table.

"Sorry, I can't control my strength right now."

He looked at Charles apologetically, and then said to Raven: "That's the box on the ground, please help me get it."

Raven picked up the serum that was meant to be used on her.

Charles said: "Can you leave it to me to keep?"

Hank nodded.

So Raven gave the serum to Charles.

Charles found a box to put it in, then put it in his pocket and left.

And all this was seen by Eric.

In the following time, the mutants trained hard, and their efforts finally paid off.

Alex was barely able to use his powers, not quite proficiently yet, but at least able to focus his energy so it wouldn't scatter and he wouldn't have to do his ridiculous gymnastic moves.

Darwin can now withstand the 'heat ray' at a temperature of 10,000 degrees, Hank has also improved the brain wave enhancement equipment, and Raven can now transform into anyone in the castle at will and is difficult to be seen through.

Just like that, on this day, on the black and white TV, the president was delivering a speech.

"Any nuclear bomb that crosses the Cuban embargo line will be regarded as an attack on our country, and we will fight back with all our strength!"

The decisive day is coming!

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