I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 291 Dedicate your body and mind


"My name is Cindy."

said the tall woman.

Azu nodded: "Okay, Cindy."

"Here's the thing."

"I didn't intend for you to follow me, but some friends asked me to do this."

"But if it's you, I can consider it."

"So, how do you want me to prove my worth?"

Cindy's eyes were full of wildness: "It's very simple, as long as I can't kill you."

"If you are easily killed by me, it will prove that you are not worthy of my following, right?"

Azu laughed and said, "It sounds like that's really the case."


"I'm standing right here and you can try and kill me."

"But one thing is, if you can't kill me, you don't just have to follow me."

"I want you to give of your body and soul."

“Give your all.”

"If I tell you to die, you must die."

"If you can do it, then I will accept your challenge."

"If you can't do that and try to challenge me, he will be your fate."

Azu pointed at the bearded man.

Cindy looked at Azu: "Physically and mentally?"

"no problem."

"As long as you are stronger than me, I am yours and you can do anything with me."

"I mean, anything."

Azu nodded: "Come on."

Cindy took a step forward, raised her hand, and shook Azu's hand.

Azu's hair floated up.

Cindy's eyes widened: "This is impossible."

You must know that in the TV series, this woman can explode the human body with her hands and is invulnerable. She is considered a relatively powerful superhuman.

Of course she knew what she was capable of, but she didn't expect that when she caught him with all her strength, the man named John only moved his head.

"Is that all?"

"Or, you still have something else that you haven't shown yet."

"Come, let me see it."

Azu smiled.

Cindy twisted her neck, then stretched out her hands towards Azu, shouted, and held both hands at the same time.

This time Azu didn't even move his hair.

Cindy stepped back repeatedly. She looked at her hands, suddenly looked at a guard, and then stretched out her hand to squeeze.

The guard immediately felt like a crushed egg, his head exploded, and blood and minced meat sprayed all over the floor.

"My abilities are still there."

"That is to say."

Cindy looked at Azu, then took a deep breath, walked to him and knelt down on one knee.

"Master, I am willing to follow you until the end of time."

Azu nodded with satisfaction, made a gesture, and then smiled and said to the other patients: "I will leave now. I will wait for you outside. After I go out, you can start again."

"I hope the scene won't be too ugly."

After saying that, he took Cindy out of the hall of the mental hospital.

After Azu walked out of the hall, he released the control of the guards and nurses and shouted inside.

"It's time to start."

A fat man immediately yelled and bumped into a guard, causing the guard to fall apart immediately.

Next, some of these superhumans sprayed acid, some used telekinesis, and some used mutated parts to attack.

The door of the mental hospital was constantly smeared with blood.

In the hall that looked like a slaughterhouse, the lamplighter picked up a lighter and shouted: "Don't come over!"

"I don't want to kill you."

"Don't push me."

A 'patient' was crawling on the ceiling like a lizard, trying to jump down for a sneak attack.

Unfortunately, he was discovered by the lamplighter. He immediately raised his hand and sent out a wave of fire. The blazing flames burned the 'patient' and rolled him all over the ground, and he soon lost his breath.

The lamplighter sprayed flames around again, creating a fire belt to stop other superhumans, and then rushed out of the hall and onto the grass outside the mental hospital.

Azu clapped his hands and said, "Congratulations, you can go or stay."

The lamplighter looked at the mental hospital that had turned into hell, then looked at Azu, and finally turned around and ran away.

Azu didn't stop him and let him leave.

In the car, Kewen and others looked through the surveillance camera in the mental hospital and saw a scene like a slaughterhouse.

Many people ran outside the car and vomited.

Even Kenji's face looked ugly.

Ke Wen's face turned pale, he looked at Kenji and said, "Wait a minute, come out with me."

Kenji nodded in agreement.

The killing finally stopped.

Except for the lamplighter, none of the staff in the mental hospital escaped. The entire mental hospital was filled with blood, corpses and mutilated limbs.

Those 'patients' were all brought here involuntarily, and they were injected with No. 5 chemical here without permission. One woman inside was even more miserable and received special treatment from the guards.

Now that there is a chance to take revenge, naturally everyone is red-eyed.

Azu was sitting on the grass doing nothing, and Cindy stood next to him, acting as Azu's protector.

At this time, the door of the hall was pushed open, and "patients" came out of it, one after another.

These people were basically stained with blood and had fierce eyes, like wolves in the wild.

But when they saw Azu and Cindy, they all lowered their heads.

Just because they know that if they are a wolf, then Cindy is a lion and a tiger.

And Azu, that's a tyrannosaurus!

Seeing these 'patients' coming out, Azu whistled, patted his butt and stood up, saying to Cindy: "We have nothing to do from now on."

He led Cindy towards the Flash Army's car.

In the car, Kewen and Kenji got out of the car, the former looking at Azu in awe.

Azu smiled and said, "They leave it to you."

As for whether Ke Wen could convince those 'patients' to join the Flash Army, Azu didn't care. He took Cindy to the car and sniffed next to Cindy.

"Well, you need to take a shower."




In a luxuriously furnished bedroom, Wilson exhaled. He picked up a glass of wine with satisfaction and took a sip.

Storm crawled over from behind, hugged Wilson and said, "What, Mr. Minister, are you already dead?"

Wilson shook his head and said, "I've tried my best. I'm not like you. I don't have that much physical strength."


"I do not believe."

Feng Feng chuckled, then her cell phone rang, Feng Feng reluctantly picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

On the phone, the lamplighter's voice rang.

"Oh no."


"People of the motherland."

"The motherland just showed up, and he let all the 'patients' go."

"What?" Storm suddenly jumped up.

Wilson was startled by her, turned around and said, "What happened?"

Storm put down her phone, looked at the former Minister of Defense solemnly and said, "Sage Grove."

"The motherland has just been to the Sage's Grove, and he let all the 'patients' there go."

"Mr. Minister, it seems that your plan has to be moved forward."

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