I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 292 Sword Holding Plan

early morning.

White House.

As usual, Mr. President walked into his office surrounded by several secretaries and officials.

As soon as several matters were arranged, a secretary squeezed in and whispered in the president's ear.

The president nodded and said, "Everyone, I have guests coming. Please go out first."

After the others left, a figure walked in, Wilson.

The president took out a box of Cuban cigars and took out one: "Want one?"

Wilson shook his head and said, "Mr. President, I'm here to ask you to allow me to launch the 'Sword Plan.'"

The president paused for a moment, then cut open the cigar cap and said, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Wilson shook his head again: "Only half sure, sir."

The president asked back: "Are you even half sure that you want me to authorize this plan?"

"Wilson, what we are facing is the most powerful superhuman in the world."

"I'm afraid not even a nuclear bomb can kill him."

"Tell me, how do you kill an invulnerable superhuman who has been bombarded by cloud blasts but still can't die?"

Wilson pointed to the garden outside the office: "I would like to ask professionals to answer this question."

The President lit his cigar, turned around, and watched as several flashes of lightning appeared in the garden, and then a woman fell from the sky.


The president immediately changed his color, stood up, and looked at Wilson warily.

He suspected that Wilson had surrendered to the enemy. After all, Storm belonged to the Seven and Wilson had come together with her and might have joined forces with the enemy.

Wilson said quickly: "Don't be nervous, Mr. President."

"The storm has the same goal as ours. She also wants to kill the people of the motherland."

"That's right, Mr. President."

Storm walked into the office with a smile: "The people of the motherland are our common enemies. If he is not eliminated as soon as possible, I believe he will threaten the federation."

The President gave him a questioning look.

Wilson took out his cell phone and played a video.

It was the massacre at Sage Grove Asylum.

The president looked at it for a few seconds and then raised his head: "This is it?"

Storm explained the nature of the Sage Grove, and then said: "Mr. President, the motherland has released these experimental samples, and now he has an army of superhumans on his hands. You can no longer hesitate."

The president smoked a cigar and said: "Back to the question just now, how are you going to kill the people of the motherland?"

"His eyes, Mr. President."

Feng Feng pointed to his own eyes and said: "The eyes of a motherland are his greatest weakness."

"If you can hit him in the eye, even with a pen, you can get in, stir his brain, and kill him."

"Of course, it's not easy to do that."

Mr. President asked doubtfully: "How do you know?"

Wilson introduced: "Storm is the first superhuman created by Chemical No. 5. She is the wife of the founder of Vought Company. She understands the people of the motherland better than anyone else."

Storm held up the two corners of his cloak and bowed in vain.

The president said in surprise: "You are actually that person's wife? Then aren't you very old now?"

Feng Feng laughed and said: "Mr. President, it's so hurtful to say this. Age is always a pain for women."

"I'm lucky. I seem to have a long lifespan and stay young forever."

"I was at my daughter's funeral not too long ago and it was a really sad thing."

"I hated my near-immortal life, but now I know what mission it has given me."

"God has allowed me to live until now just to kill the people of my motherland and solve this huge threat to the Federation."

The president exhaled a cloud of smoke: "This does shock me, but are you sure you can kill the people of the motherland?"

Storm glanced at Wilson: "Mr. Minister mentioned the 'Sword Holding Plan' to me. If there is the support of this plan and one person, I believe there is still a chance."

The president looked at Wilson: "Guardian?"

Wilson nodded: "Yes, Mr. President."

The president frowned and said: "He is still a child, and he is a child of the motherland. Can he do it?"

"He's always ready for this day, and being a kid from his country gives him an advantage," Wilson said.

"He will soften the hearts of his country and show his flaws."

The president closed his eyes and pondered for a moment: "Even if there are storms and guardians, how do you plan to get the people of the motherland to go to the site of the 'Sword Project'?"

Wilson suggested: "The federation can invite him to the planning site, as long as this excuse can impress him."

"A few days ago, people proposed that a person from the motherland should be the minister of defense. Otherwise, use this reason?"

The president said decisively: "No."

"Wilson, I hope you understand."

"Even if you say you are 100% sure that you can kill people from the motherland, I must be prepared for the failure of your plan."

"Therefore, neither I nor the Federation have any involvement in this matter."

"If you fail, I don't want the people of the motherland to be angry with the Federation or me."

"Not only do I want to cut ties with you, but I also want to stand by the motherland when you fail."

"Only in this way can we ensure that the Federation will not be destroyed by that demon."

"I can provide all the assistance needed for the plan, including personnel, but whether it is weapons, supplies or personnel, it cannot have anything to do with the federation."

"So, you have to think carefully about how to allow people from the motherland to go to the project site."

Storm suggested: "Perhaps, little Ryan can help us with this."

Suddenly, the President and Wilson looked over at her.

in a room.


"I do not want!"

The eight-year-old boy flew into the air with excitement, his eyes lit up red: "I don't want to go back to the devil who killed my mother, absolutely!"

Storm stood in front of Wilson and said with a smile: "Little Ryan, this is only temporary."

"If you can gain his trust, then you can let him go to the site of the 'Sword Holding Project'."

"That way, we can kill him."

Wilson also said: "Ryan, think about your mother."

"She managed to escape that demon and lived a peaceful life with you, but he ruined everything for you."

"He killed your mother. Don't you want to avenge your mother?"

When Ryan heard this, his eyes became even redder: "Of course I want to!"

"Then you must learn to restrain yourself."

"You need to learn to be patient. Only in this way can you have the opportunity to take revenge with your own hands."

"Ryan, you can do this."

At Wilson's urging, Lane hesitated, but finally nodded.

Storm exhaled and said: "Then next, I have to write a script for Ryan so that he can have a legitimate reason to come into the sight of the motherland."

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