I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 320 Leave it to me next

In the sky, the 'war machine' was chasing Su Rui.

As soon as Colonel Rhodes got rid of Wakanda's air force, he chased him into the mountains and forests. It can be said that he was the first superhero to target Shuri.

It's just that the environment in the mountains and forests is not conducive to flying, and Su Rui often disappears from his sight, which gives Colonel Rhodes a headache.

After all.

He couldn't kill him.

After all, Su Rui only took away the 'Mind Stone', and it was she who separated the stone from Vision.

Strictly speaking, the Avengers owe her and Wakanda a favor.

If it weren't for the fact that the 'Mind Stone' was too special, it would be of great importance.

Otherwise, this thing should be given to Wakanda.

"Don't run away, Your Highness Princess."

"Thanos is coming."

"If this rough stone falls into his hands, the entire universe will be in danger."

"Please leave it to us."

Colonel Rhodes could only persuade Su Rui earnestly, hoping that she would change her mind.

Suddenly, when the 'War Machine' flew under a big tree, Shu Rui fell from the sky.

"What the hell."

"Get off me!"

Colonel Rhodes yelled, trying to shake Shu Rui off.

Su Rui clamped his legs together, and from his ten fingers, crystal clear 'claws' popped out.

When these claws caught on the 'War Machine', Colonel Rhodes saw that the information on the visual screen suddenly blurred.

Then the system crashed, and he immediately turned into a lump of iron and fell from the air.

Fortunately, he didn't fly high and was protected by his armor, so he wasn't injured.

It means that the armor is dead, the air circulation system is shut down, and he will suffocate to death before long.

But at this time, the visor was violently removed, and Colonel Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Su Rui running away like a nimble bobcat.

Needless to say, she removed her visor, and Colonel Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief before trying to reboot the system.

In a blink of an eye, Su Rui came to a stream. When she was about to wade through the water, a red light fell in front of her.

The red light fell on the stream, causing splashes of water, blocking Su Rui.

Shu Rui raised his head and saw Vision and Wanda falling from the sky.

They fell behind Shu Rui.

Vision shook his head and said, "Don't force us to take action. Dear Princess, please give us the 'Mind Stone'."

Su Rui didn't answer.

She turned around and ran towards a cliff on the left, but before she jumped off the cliff, Su Rui suddenly flipped backwards in the air.

Two empty bird-shaped aircraft flew over and caused an explosion where Su Rui was just now.

Shu Rui landed firmly, raised his head, and saw the Falcon flying from the sky. He also got rid of Wakanda's air force and rushed over.

Wanda, dressed in red, walked forward and said, "That's it, Princess Su Rui."

"You are no match for us."

"Stop struggling pointlessly."

Su Rui didn't speak until then: "In your opinion, I am struggling in vain."

"But to me, it's valuable."

"You have no idea how great the Conqueror is. He will change the world."

"I don't think so."

A figure rushed out of the forest.

It's Captain America, Stephen.

He nodded to Vision Wanda, and then said: "The conqueror is ambitious, even if he can change the world."

"It will only make the world a worse place."

Su Rui looked around.

Above her head, the Falcon was circling, swooping down at the first opportunity.

As for the ground.

Whether it is Vision, Wangcheng, or Stephen, they are all powerful Avengers.

It is not easy to break through from them.


so what!

Su Rui rushed towards Stephen decisively.

She was not sure about either Vision or Wanda. After all, one was a super robot and the other was a witch.

In comparison, Stephen is relatively easy.

After all, he is only human.

An enhanced human being.

Stephen winked at Vision and the two and asked them to act together.

The 'Conqueror' has arrived, they have no time, and they don't know how long Thor can hold him.

Immediately, Stephen and the three of them rushed towards Su Rui at the same time.

The ‘Falcon’ in the sky also swooped down.

"Don't give me a chance for a fair duel."

Su Rui sighed in his heart, but did not panic when he was about to be hit by four people.

She suddenly patted her chest, and a circle of purple ripples exploded.

Kinetic impact!

Immediately, both Stephen and Falcon were shaken away by the kinetic energy.

Wanda used chaos magic to resist the impact.

Vision turned himself into nothingness, kinetic energy rolling through his body.


Take advantage of this opportunity.

Su Rui jumped up, caught the Falcon, stepped on his back, and jumped out of the cliff with the help of his strength.

There is a big river under the cliff. As long as Su Rui falls into the river, he can use the water to escape.

But at this moment, Vision flew over, caught her, and threw her back up the mountain.

Su Rui let out a soft cry, fell to the ground and rolled several times. When he straightened up again, he saw Stephen running over.

Su Rui immediately raised his arms and continuously radiated shock waves from his palms.

Captain America raised his arm shield and blocked continuously.

At this time, Su Rui put his hands together, and a purple kinetic energy beam burst out between his two palms.


This time, Captain America was blown away.

But at this moment, a red light flowed on Su Rui's body. It turned out that Wanda had used chaos magic to capture and control her while she was distracted.

Vision fell in front of Su Rui, his eyes lit up, and he scanned Su Rui's suit and found the place where she hid the 'Mind Stone'.

After a while.

The ‘Mind Stone’ was obtained by Vision.

"Wanda, hurry!"

Vision tossed it towards Wanda.

Wanda let go of Su Rui and exploded with all her strength, shooting out a crimson light from between her palms.

The energy of chaos magic hit the 'Mind Stone', which resonated with the same source of power and began to break at the molecular level.

Wisps of white light continued to shine through from the original stone. When Azu came to the sky above the mountain forest, he happened to see the 'Mind Original Stone' explode.

A ball of white light rose up, and the shock wave spread out, shattering mountains and cracking rocks, causing a circle of chaos.


Seeing this, Su Rui rushed towards Wanda.

Vision immediately reached out to catch Shu Rui.

But there was a hand that picked up Su Rui faster than him.

That hand is wearing the 'Infinity Gauntlet'!

"let me go!"

When Su Rui saw that he was being picked up by someone, he was furious at first, but when he saw that it was Azu, his anger disappeared and turned into shame.

"Lord Conqueror!"

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect the 'Mind Stone'."

"I obviously had it, but they still destroyed it."

Azu reached out and tapped Su Rui's helmet, smiled and said: "It doesn't matter."

"You've done a great job."

"Leave it to me next."

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