I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 321 The Wind Rises

Seeing that it was Azu, Stephen was nervous at first, wondering how Thor was doing.

Seeing the 'Infinity Gauntlet' on Azu's hand again, he was relieved again. The 'Mind Stone' had been destroyed. No matter what the 'Conqueror' wanted to do with the Universe Stone, it could not be realized now.

Wanda and Vision came to Captain America. The two only joined the Avengers after the Battle of New York.

Therefore, I have never met Azu.

"Captain, is this the 'Conqueror'?" Wanda asked, looking at Azu with some curiosity.

Azu was also observing her.

"Well, it's a little prettier than in the movie."

"It's just a pity."

"How could such a good girl fall in love with a robot?"

"It's really hard to understand."

He sighed in his heart, Azu's hands were not idle.

He raised the hand wearing the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and let the 'Time Stone' light up green.

Several green halos immediately appeared on Azu's hands.

He turned his wrist, and suddenly everyone heard the sound of wind outside the forest.

"what happened?"

"got windy?"

Stephen suddenly had a bad premonition. He looked outside the mountain forest and saw the chaos appearing out of thin air, and then rolled back.

Then a ball of white light appeared in the middle of the clearing. It was quite tame at first, but in a blink of an eye it was blazing white.

They quickly shielded their eyes and vaguely saw that the white light and the strong wind were converging toward the center.

Then dots of yellow light appeared in the air.

Wanda suddenly realized that it was not a yellow light, but fragments of the 'Mind Stone'.

In a blink of an eye, all the fragments came together and merged into an oval-shaped gem.

The stone of the soul!


"how so!"

Stephen and Wanda exclaimed softly.

Vision looked solemnly and looked at the 'Time Stone' on the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

At this time, the ‘Mind Stone’ had already flown towards Azu.

Azu caught it and placed it in the remaining gem slot on the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

The 'Mind Stone' itself was embedded in the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

Suddenly, Azu felt a huge energy flowing through his body.

The force was so huge that it seemed like it was going to tear his body apart.

He groaned, took a deep breath, and unleashed his strength to fight against it.


A ball of dark red flames emerged from Azu like a volcano erupting and rushed into the sky.


The forest shook violently.

Trees, rocks, everything is crumbling.

‘Falcon’ groaned, his legs went limp and he sat on the ground.

His whole body was shaking and sweating, as if facing a natural enemy, his whole body was weak and he couldn't use any strength.

Apart from the equipment, Falcon is actually an ordinary person. No matter in mind or body, he cannot be compared with other superheroes.

Stephen's performance is slightly better. After all, he is a 'super soldier' ​​and has been on the battlefield for many years. Both his mind and body have been tempered very hard.

Under the terrifying aura released by Azu, although his whole body was chilled and his muscles were twitching and shaking slightly, he was not as unbearable as the 'Falcon'.

Wanda instinctively used chaotic magic energy to protect herself. She resisted the pressure released by Azu, but her eyes could not hide her surprise. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that humans could release such a terrifying force. Strength and aura.

As a super robot, Vision does not feel fear or fear like humans do. On the contrary, he also analyzed Azu's power and finally got incomprehensible results.

Moreover, the analysis just now almost burned out his components and circuits, which surprised him equally.

They didn't know that the power Azu was releasing now was the result of 200% output of divine power.

This huge force, if Azu is willing, can bring devastating disaster to this planet.

Only now, he uses this power to fight against the invasion of the 'Cosmic Rough Stone'.

After resisting for a while, Azu activated the 'Absolute Domain'. Once this ideal defensive domain was activated, the influence of the original stone plummeted.

When Azu thought he had maintained a certain balance with the Universe Stone, he looked around.

Mountain forests have collapsed, streams have changed their course, trees have fallen, and rocks have broken.

Large swaths of the mountain were lowered by Azu's unconscious power, and the 'torrent' formed by rocks and trees was pouring down crazily.

Su Rui let Azu hold his waist and did not fall down, but because he was too close to Azu, he suffered the greatest pressure. His whole body became weak and he could not move a finger.

If someone wanted to do something to her at this time, Su Rui had no power to resist.

"Excuse me."

"It took a while."

"But it's over."

Azu smiled and looked around.

Vision was floating in the air with the Falcon on his back, and Wanda used chaotic energy to guide Stephen to the ground.

"Next, it's time to resolve the issues between us."

"But let's move somewhere else."

As soon as Azu thought about it, the 'space stone' lit up.

Several groups of black and blue flames emerged, covering Azu, Vision and others.

When they walked out of the black and blue flames, they had arrived at the battlefield where they had fought Thanos' army.

At this time, Thanos' army was no longer visible on the battlefield.

Those alien soldiers left behind a large number of corpses of their companions, and those who survived had already retreated with Proxima Centauri and others. The alien spacecraft could no longer be seen in the distant mountains and forests.

The 'Black Panther' is gathering the troops, regrouping the 'Black Iron Flow', and is planning to go to the mountains and forests to support them.

I saw Azu, Stephen and others emerging from the black and blue flames.

T'Challa was stunned for a moment, then gathered the king's guards, border troops, and all the 'Black Iron Flow' robots and rushed behind Azu.

"Lord Conqueror."

Azu heard T'Challa's voice, smiled, and put Shu Rui down.

"Take care of your sister."

T'Challa took Shu Rui over, checked her, and found that she was fine.

So he handed her over to the care of a guard, and came to Azu's side. The king of Wakanda firmly stood on the same front as Azu.

Azu nodded with satisfaction and looked at Captain America and the Avengers.

At this time, the sky roared, lightning flashed and thunder, Thor fell from the sky carrying the 'Storm Axe', and landed next to Stephen and others.

Immediately afterwards, Loki, Rocket, and Groot also gathered on the Avengers' front.

"Looks like you messed up."

Rocket was keenly aware that the Avengers were in a low mood.

Stephen nodded slightly and said to Thor: "We have destroyed the 'Mind Stone', but it was still repaired by the 'Conqueror' using some means. Now he has collected all the Universe Stones."

Thor tightened the battle ax in his hand: "It doesn't matter, we just need to grab the original stone again."

Azu chuckled: "Courage is commendable, but it's a pity that you can't do it, I said so."

At this time, there is humanity.

"So, what about us?"

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