I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 332 Negotiations break down

Due to the impact of the first wave of meteorites, many buildings in the White House were damaged and have become unsafe.

So many tents were set up in the open space outside the White House, and President Rick Archibald was in one of the tents. He issued orders here and tried his best to reverse the unfavorable situation.

At this time, the Secretary of Defense came over with a gloomy face and handed a tablet to Archibald: "Mr. President, you have to take a look at this."

"These are some fragments of the previous meteor shower attacks on the Federation."

"In addition to those meteorites that concentrated on attacking our important cities, some meteorites also fell to other places."

"It's just that the number of these meteorites is not that large, and the trajectories are not so concentrated."

As the Minister of Defense explained, Archibald scrolled through one video after another.

Suddenly, he stopped at one of the videos.

In this video, there is a base-like structure under construction.

This place was also attacked by meteorites. However, those meteors falling from the sky were intercepted by a protective shield that only appeared in science fiction works above the base.

The protective shield is composed of circles of diamond-shaped ripples, and the rhombus-shaped ripples spread in circles without ending.

Let the meteorites falling into the area smash themselves into pieces as soon as they hit the protective shield.

As a result, the building under the protective cover was not damaged at all.

Compare it to the rest of the Union, and compare it to the current situation in New York.

Such a scene is somewhat unacceptable to Mr. President.

"Is this new technology?"

"Which company developed it? Why not share this technology with the federation?"

"That way, we don't have to be in such a mess!"

Archibald said angrily.

The losses tonight are too great. Property losses are secondary, but the most important ones are the losses to the people.

According to incomplete statistics, even if the Federation has tried its best to evacuate residents of the city, more than 100,000 residents in the entire territory are still dead or missing.

And, this number is still rising.

The Minister of Defense coughed dryly: "Sir, look carefully."

He enlarged the screen on his computer.

So Archibald saw a man standing on the rooftop of one of the buildings with his hands behind his back.

The fiery red cloak was fluttering in the wind behind him, and the man with blond hair and blue eyes had a faint smile on his face.

He looked relaxed, as if he were watching a fireworks show rather than a deadly meteor shower.

Archibald took a breath: "A native of the motherland?"

"He didn't leave the country?"

"Where is he now?"

In the base named 'Eden' by Angelina, Azu has put away the 'Absolute Domain'.

After this talent has been upgraded to one level, the range it can cover has expanded. Let alone a base, it is not difficult to cover New York.

After putting away the 'Absolute Domain', Azu looked in the direction of New York: "Well, it's almost time to welcome the guests."

He flew up, left the rooftop, and fell to the ground.

Walking into an indoor arena that has just been built but has not yet been fully renovated, according to the plan, it will be open to the employees of the base for their leisure and entertainment.

Now only one corner has been renovated.

This is a golf corner.

Employees can play golf here.

Of course, since it's indoors, don't expect the venue to be very spacious.

At best, it's just a swing and fun.

Azu picked up a club, swung it gently, and hit a golf ball out. He watched the golf ball roll into a hole.

After playing for about half an hour, he heard the sound of a helicopter spiraling outside.

In the open space outside the indoor arena, several armed helicopters landed. Archibald was pressed on the head by several bodyguards and escorted out of the helicopter.

Then came to the indoor arena.

When he walked in, the president saw Azu swinging a golf club.

He coughed dryly.

Azu then smiled, but did not turn around: "How rare, Mr. President."

"I don't think you have time to come here now."

"Let me calculate how long it will take for the 'Destroyer' to arrive on Earth."

"There are probably only 48 hours left."

Archibald refused to be followed by bodyguards and other officials and strode forward to Azu's side.

"Precisely because the Destroyer will arrive on Earth in 48 hours, I should come here even more."

"People of the motherland, the Federation needs you."

"You should be able to destroy that meteorite."

Azu waved his hand and said: "Stop joking, Mr. President."

"That's a meteorite that's as big as a state. What can I do?"

"Do you want to play a trick?"

He handed the club in his hand to Archibald.

The president did not pick him up and said solemnly: "People of the motherland, I know that it was my fault for not announcing the identity of your general to the people as soon as possible."

"Please believe that the position of general is of great importance. It is not only related to the federation, but we must also take into account the international impact."

"So there's a lot of preliminary work for the Commonwealth to do before an announcement is made."

"I guarantee you that after destroying the Destroyer, I will immediately announce to the people and the international community that you will become a federal general."

As if Azu hadn't heard anything, he walked to a nearby vending machine and said, "What do you want for a drink? I'll treat you."

"People of the motherland!"

Archibald's patience was worn away by Azu, and he said loudly: "Now, as the president of the Federation, I order you to set out to destroy the 'Destroyer' immediately, right away!"

Azu kept moving and bought a bottle of drink endorsed by himself from his vending machine. He turned his back to Archibald and many federal officials and drank several sips.

He just turned around, his eyes lit up, and the temperature of the entire indoor arena rose rapidly.


"How arrogant."

"President of the Federation?"

"In my eyes, what is the difference between you and ordinary people?"

"The reason why you can still breathe fresh air is because I don't hate this world yet."

"I like the excitement, food and entertainment."

"Otherwise, with your attitude, I can send you to see God without waiting for the 'Destroyer' to come."

Click click click.

The bodyguards and soldiers raised their pistols and automatic rifles.

"Oh, I was wrong."

"I shouldn't have said such arrogant things."

"Please don't shoot."

Azu raised his hands.

Then he shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly two beams of light shot out from his eyes, and the beams swept across, and in the corners of the Minister of Defense's eyes, heads exploded.

The bodyguards lay down, the soldiers lay down.


The last soldier's head exploded and his eyes fell onto the Defense Minister's shoulder.

The fatal beam stopped a few centimeters away from the minister.

It flashed twice and disappeared.

The Minister of Defense's legs weakened and he almost fell to the ground.

Right at his feet, blood gathered into a thin 'river' and spread nearby.

Archibald turned around and looked at the corpses, his chest heaving.

"Why do you do that?"

"You know they can't threaten you."

Azu glanced at him and laughed: "A cockroach can't threaten you, so why would you want to stamp it to death when it sees you?"

He picked up the drink, took a few sips, walked to the rest area on the side, and sat down on a sofa.

"It's not impossible for me to take action."

"But it depends on your attitude and what conditions you can offer."

"The status of a general is far from enough."

Archibald's body trembled slightly and his voice was hoarse: "Father, once the 'Destroyer' comes, everything you like will disappear."

"Even if it's not for the Federation, it's not for other people."

"Aren't you going to take action for yourself?"

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't think floods or earthquakes will kill me."

"It is true that if the 'Destroyer' comes, I will probably have no food or entertainment in the future."

"But it's also very interesting to think about watching survivors struggle in the apocalypse."

"So, yes."

"I don't mind the arrival of the Destroyer."

Archibald suddenly felt mentally and physically exhausted.

He sighed, suddenly feeling a little older.

Came over and said.

"Tell me your conditions."

Azu smiled and said: "First of all, I hope the federation can hand over New Jersey to me."

“I want autonomy for the state, annual revenue”

Before he finished speaking, Archibald jumped up: "This is impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

New Jersey has a population of more than eight million, and the average family income is about $90,000 per year. It is called the "Garden State" and has pharmaceuticals, tourism and agriculture as its main industries.

Such a state actually has to be handed over to the people of the motherland, as well as management rights, financial revenue, etc.

If there are no accidents, financial expenditures will have to be supported by the federal government.

In other words, the Federation wants to give away a piece of fat for free.

How could Archibald accept this?

Azu shrugged his shoulders and said, "If we can't even agree on the first condition, then there's no need to continue talking."

"You can get out now."

"I'll give you 10 seconds."


The president's expression changed and he wanted to say something, but when he met Azu's cold eyes, he quickly stood up and left the indoor arena with the remaining people.

After the sound of the helicopter outside gradually disappeared, Azu stood up and picked up the phone: "Angelina, send someone over to clean up."

Inside the helicopter, the Secretary of Defense put on his headphones and said, "Mr. President, what should we do now?"

Archibald sighed and said, "We can only save ourselves."

"What does the aviation authority say? How is their global meeting going?"

The Minister of Defense looked at his cell phone and said, "They haven't developed any feasible countermeasures yet."

"Then don't wait."

Archibald said solemnly: "Activate the backup plan, we don't have much time."

The Minister of Defense nodded and said: "Then let's go directly to the Aviation Administration. That plan requires ground support from the Aviation Administration."


As a result, these helicopters changed directions in mid-air.

It didn't take long.

Archibald arrived at the space agency.

Walking into an office, he was greeted personally by Stephen Burton, Director of the Aviation Administration.

"Good evening, Mr. President."

"If there's no need for small talk, can we start the alternative plan?"

Archibald sat down and said straight to the point.

The aviation director looked embarrassed and said: "Time is too urgent. Although we have been preparing for this for a day, it still needs some time, Mr. President."

"When can we start."

"It will be tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Archibald nodded: "As soon as possible."

"I'll spend the night here tonight."

Stephen said quickly: "I will prepare a room for you right away."

By the next morning.

Mr. President walked into the office with a tired face, sat down and said, "How about it, Stephen, can we start?"

"That's it."

Stephen turned the screen of a laptop toward the president: "The launch base is ready, and personnel and supplies are in place."

"Now they're putting nuclear bombs on spacecraft."

"Later, we will launch the spacecraft. After reaching outer space, they will be refueled at a Russian space station and then fly to the Destroyer."

"After arriving at the Destroyer, our astronauts will install nuclear bombs one by one into the gaps in the meteorite. After all the nuclear bombs are dropped, we can remotely detonate them on the ground."

"When that happens, boom."

Stephen made an explosive move.

Archibald crossed his fingers: "What are the chances of success?"


Stephen said: "It's hard to say, Mr. President."

"But now, we have no better way, right?"

The image of the people of his motherland flashed through Archibald's mind, and the president had asked himself this question more than once.

Last night, should we agree to better conditions for our motherland?

But now, the people of the motherland refuse to communicate.

He has no other choice.

"Yeah, we have no better way."

"We can only hope in this operation."

There was a knock on the door.

An aviation bureau personnel said: "Mr. President, Director Stephen, the Independence is ready."

Stephen looked at Mr. President.

The president took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "Let's begin!"

In downtown New York, a man was pushing a bicycle with a large box tied to the bicycle, and a golden retriever following him.

The man stopped and led the golden retriever into the supermarket with the open door in front of him.

He rummaged around inside and finally found an intact can of luncheon meat.

He smiled and left the supermarket with his dog.

A man and a dog were sitting on the ground next to the supermarket. The can of luncheon meat was opened. The man gave some to the golden retriever and ate the rest himself.

At this time, there was a sound on the radio on his bicycle.

"Just now, a White House spokesperson said that the federal government has launched a spacecraft named 'Independence'."

"The spacecraft carries a large number of nuclear warheads. The 'Independence' will fly out of the earth, fly towards the 'Destroyer', and use nuclear bombs to destroy the meteorite before it reaches the earth."

"The White House spokesperson claimed that this is an unprecedented space war, and the Federation and all mankind will win!"

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