Aeronautics and Space Administration.

President Rick Archibald was sitting on a chair. In front of him, two windows were opened on a large screen.

One is a picture from the Independence spacecraft. From this picture, you can see the astronauts and the situation in the cab.

The other is an electronic chart showing the flight trajectory of the "Independence". From this window, you can see that the "Independence" has left the atmosphere and is approaching the Russian space station.

"Ground command center, this is Independence. We have arrived at the space station and will replenish fuel. This will take about 30 minutes."

On the screen, astronauts report to the aviation bureau.

Stephen, the director of the space agency, picked up the intercom and said: "The ground command center has received it. Please leave the Independence as soon as possible after completing the fuel replenishment."

As he spoke, Stephen looked at an electronic clock next to him.

It shows that there are still about 35 hours until the Destroyer enters the atmosphere.

What follows is a long wait.

In the past, half an hour could be said to have passed in the blink of an eye.

But today, it is very difficult and very long.

As long as a century.

In front of Rick Archibald, in an ashtray, a mountain of cigarette butts has been piled up.

At this time, a new message came back from the 'Independence' on the screen: "Ground command center, this is the 'Independence'. We have completed the fuel replenishment and are leaving now."

The President finally stopped smoking and looked at the big screen.

On the big screen, another window showed the re-departure of the Independence spacecraft.

This time, new routes were marked.

According to the computer's plan, the Independence will cut in from behind the Destroyer meteorite and then land in more than three hours.

Undoubtedly, this is another long wait.

Time passed like this bit by bit.

During the time that the Independence was heading to the super meteorite, people on the ground basically had nothing to do except monitor the readings.

If it were normal times, there would probably be many people here leaving their posts to relax.

But today's situation is special. No one wants to take a rest, and no one can take a rest.

After all, if the Independence was a little negligent on the way, the earth would be doomed.

When Rick Archibald made a phone call to his family and came back, Director Stephen said nervously: "Mr. President, the USS Independence is approaching its destination and will attempt to land in 15 minutes."

The president nodded, sat down, and looked nervously at the screen.

On the screen, the ‘Independence’ kept reporting the latest situation.

"Ground command center, we will try to land now."

"Everything is normal for now."

"Turn on all radars and observe the situation on the ground."

Listening to these reports, Rick Archibald's eyes kept moving back and forth between the two windows.

Suddenly, outside the office, someone in the command center hall suddenly jumped up and shouted: "There are unusual energy readings on the Destroyer."

"This it a vibration, an earthquake?"

"An earthquake on the Destroyer?"

Director Stephen nervously picked up the intercom and said: "Independence, stop landing."

"Abnormal energy readings have just been detected on the Destroyer. It may be an earthquake. Please wait for further instructions."

Then the director rushed to the window and shouted: "Find the source and earthquake zone of the earthquake, quickly."

"I want to know which area of ​​the Destroyer can be landed now."

Just as the director finished speaking, new news came from the ‘Independence’ on the big screen.

"Ground command center, this is the Independence. We found a flash of light on the surface of the Destroyer, and it is suspected that an explosion occurred inside the meteorite."

Stephen looked sharply at the big screen.

"Can the explosion be seen on the Independence?"

He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Independence, leave immediately, stay away from the Destroyer!"

At this time, the video window of the spacecraft suddenly shook.

The voice of the space shuttle on the "Independence" shouted intermittently: "Ground command center. Let's evacuate the debris."

From the looks of it, it seems that an explosion occurred on the Destroyer, causing the surface of the meteorite to shatter.

As a result, those fragments will be ejected high into the sky, threatening the Independence.

Now that the Independence is being hit by this debris, communications are becoming difficult and it looks like they are in danger.

Rick Archibald looked at Stephen and said, "Why can the fragments on the meteorite hit the Independence? Aren't they very far away?"

Stephen nervously explained: "Mr. President, there is no air resistance in space, and the gravity of the earth is negligible. Therefore, the fragments formed by the explosion on the surface of the 'Destroyer' will be scattered at extremely high speeds."

"The power and damage range are much larger than normal. Even if the 'Independence' and the 'Destroyer' are far apart, they will be affected."

"But you can rest assured that the 'Independence' is made of titanium alloy and is not so easy to be destroyed."

The president nodded.

After 10 minutes, the communication of the 'Independence' returned to normal.

"Ground command center, this is the Independence, we have stabilized."

"The current damage to the aircraft is within an acceptable range and will not affect return."

"Now we are waiting for the meteorite surface to return to normal before we can land and bury the nuclear bomb."

Archibald was relieved after hearing this news, but at this moment, someone in the Independence said "Huh".

"Look, there seems to be something moving on the Destroyer."

Stephen immediately picked up the intercom and said, "Independence, what's going on now?"

'Independence' quickly replied: "We have observed abnormal shadow changes on the surface of the Destroyer. It may be that the dust generated by the explosion refracts sunlight. The details need to wait for further observation."

Stephen put down the walkie-talkie and shouted out the window: "Where is the report I want?"

"Why hasn't that damn report appeared in front of me yet?"

At this time, there was some commotion in the Independence.

Since the lens of the screen was facing the spacecraft, they didn't know what they saw, but Rick Archibald could see that the astronauts on the screen seemed to become nervous.

"what is that?"

"Is it a tornado?"

"I'm not sure."

"Wait, it seems to be going up."

"It's closing in on us."

"Calculate its orbit, quick."

Stephen, who also heard the sound, quickly raised the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Independence, what did you see?"

But the people on the Independence did not answer. Several spaceships seemed to be attracted by certain situations on the Destroyer.

"Look, it's accelerating. That's against the laws of physics."

"It is some kind of machine, and only a machine can change its speed freely."

"Oh my God, it's coming."

"Go! Go!"

"No, it's too fast."

"It's too late, we don't have time to hide."

"God, what is this."

"This is not a machine, this is."


Communication was suddenly interrupted.

On the screen, the picture of Independence was frozen.

Stephen took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Independence! Independence, what happened!"

"This is the ground command center, please answer! Please answer!"

"Damn it!"

After calling several times and getting no response, Stephen threw the intercom and ran to the window and shouted.

"Can anyone tell me what happened on the Independence?"

Immediately, a space agency personnel reported: "The signal from the Independence has disappeared, Director."

Stephen's whole body trembled and he said, "Are you sure?"


The director took two steps back and looked at Rick Archibald with difficulty.

Mr. President closed his eyes and sighed: "It seems that our action failed."

Stephen rubbed his eyebrows, not knowing what to do next.

Footsteps sounded.

Someone opened the door and walked in: "Mr. President, Director Stephen, you have to take a look at this."

He put a laptop on the table. On the screen were the nervous figures of several astronauts in the cab of the Independence.

The staff member said: "After we processed the last frame sent back by the 'Independence', it became like this."

He typed on the keyboard and a picture appeared on the screen.

The picture shows an astronaut wearing glasses.

At this time, his glasses acted as mirrors, reflecting the scene outside the cab.

After magnification and clear external processing, it can be seen that in the space outside the cab of the Independence, a twisted and thick tentacle is heading straight for the spacecraft.

On that tentacle, there were densely packed human arms on its surface.

The scene that only appeared in nightmares was now vividly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

Stephen cried: "This is impossible!"

"A tentacle with countless human arms destroying the Independence? Ridiculous!"

"Don't you want to tell me that this tentacle comes from the Destroyer, so the Destroyer is not actually a meteorite, but some kind of giant alien creature?"

The word alien creature made Rick Archibald tremble.

He suddenly remembered what the Minister of Defense said to him last night.

Mr. President raised his head, looked at Stephen and said, "Last night, your space agency didn't come up with a guess."

"You may guess that last night's meteorite attack was premeditated."

"Do you still think that this may be an event of contact with extraterrestrial life?"

Stephen was speechless.

Of course he knew this.

But now that he suddenly saw the 'evidence' right in front of him, it was emotionally difficult for him to accept it.

Rick Archibald tapped the terrifying tentacle on the screen with his finger.

"Now, your suspicions have been confirmed."

"It seems this is not a natural disaster."

"But war."

"We're about to have an invasion."




Eden base.

Cars one after another, including trucks transporting supplies, kept driving into the base.

Azu stood on the rooftop of a building, overlooking the base, and watched the convoy finally stop under the building.

"Master, the people and supplies you requested have been delivered."

Azu nodded, turned around and saw Angelina in professional attire.

"You did a great job."


"I have something to reward you."

Angelina's eyes suddenly became fascinated and a little shy.

"Is it here?"

"Well, I can do it anytime the master wants."

Azu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you talking about?"

He took out the 'She-Hulk Gene Enhancement Capsule' from the inventory and said, "Eating this will make you stronger."

This strengthening capsule has been gathering dust in the inventory for a long time, and Azu has never found a suitable partner.


According to his plan, the world may become different next, and it is necessary to enhance Angelina's ability to survive.

After all, she can be said to be Azu's right-hand assistant.

Angelina didn't hesitate, took the capsule, threw it into her mouth, and swallowed it.

She has absolute trust in Azu and believes that Azu will not hurt her.

After eating the capsule, Angelif's eyes suddenly turned a little green.

She groaned, and then green gradually appeared on her skin.

She began to change.

Azu covered her with a layer of 'Absolute Domain' to prevent her from causing damage to the building.

At this time, the phone rang, and an online message popped up.

'At three o'clock in the afternoon, the White House will hold a press conference and broadcast it live to the world. The press conference will announce the results of the Independence incident! ’

Three o'clock in the afternoon?

Azu looked at the time, there were still 10 minutes left.

This little bit of time flies by.

Although there was no TV here, the press conference was also broadcast live on the Internet. Azu randomly picked a live broadcast room and entered it, and saw the press conference begin.

The background was the White House, and the press conference was held outdoors.

When President Rick Archibald appeared in front of the camera, the flashes never stopped for a second.

After the reporter took the photo, Archibald read the manuscript, then looked at the camera solemnly and said.

"Here, I regret to announce that the Independence operation ended in failure."

"We were attacked."

"Yes, the 'Destroyer' is probably not as simple as a meteorite."

"It is very likely that it is a vehicle for some kind of alien life to invade the planet."

"This is the picture sent back before the Independence was destroyed."

Camera switch.

A photo appeared on the screen.

From that photo, you can see that a twisted and huge tentacle appears in space, and this tentacle is covered with countless things that look like human arms.

Weird and terrifying.

The barrages in the live broadcast room immediately flew like rockets.

"What is this, has Cthulhu finally arrived?"

"Alien life! I didn't expect that I would see alien life in my lifetime!"

"This can't be P's, can it? Don't tell me this thing grows in meteorites?"

"The end of the world is here, brothers. The big one has already arrived. This is the Day of Judgment!"

The live broadcast room was in chaos.

And such chaos occurs not only on the Internet, but also in reality.

Since the White House press conference was broadcast live globally, there was an uproar around the world.

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