New York.

After the first wave of meteorite attacks, the city was riddled with holes.

Afterwards, although the National Guard and the police came out to maintain order, incidents of burning, killing and looting inevitably occurred.

Therefore, those who still stay in New York must be careful when going out, and if possible, bring guns.

Yelena is coming back from the relief site.

She had just received several days of food from a federal relief pantry and was planning to return to her apartment.

Despite that apartment building, most of the residents have long since left, doing whatever they can to get out of town.

Unfortunately, there are not many residents who have the same idea, and the result is that a large number of cars clog the roads out of the city.

People either got out of their cars and walked out of the city, or sat in their cars and complained.

Yelena didn't leave. Now, as long as she raises her head, she can see the super meteorite hanging in the sky.

She felt that it didn't make much difference whether she left or not.

As long as the 'Destroyer' comes, death will only be a matter of time. It is better to live well in the remaining time.

It's just that she regrets that she didn't say goodbye to her best friend.

It's getting late now.

There were few pedestrians on the road. Yelena looked at the dark apartment at the corner of the street. At this moment, a car parked on the roadside opened in front, and four or five black people got out of the car.

"Where are you going, baby."

"Come have some fun with us."

Yelena turned around quickly to leave, but two black men blocked her way.

She quickly put the food she got from the relief center at her feet: "These are all for you."

"And money."

Yelena took out her wallet and put dozens of dollars on the ground.

Unexpectedly, a black man kicked these things away: "What are you thinking about?"

"If you don't see the 'Destroyer' hanging in the sky, it will fall down at any time, and then..."

The black man made an explosive gesture: "Bang, everyone is finished."

"So we don't want money, we just want to have some fun before we die."

A black man rushed up from behind and hugged Yelena: "Well, you also want to find some happiness before you die."

"Then come and play with us."

Several black men tried to drag Yelena into an alley.

Suddenly, one of them was shaken.

Then he lowered his head and saw a hand stabbing his chest.

When the hand retracted, the black man's body turned and fell to the ground.

This sudden change caused the remaining black people to scream, get into the car like rabbits, and get up.

Yelena was in shock, looked at the figure in front of her and said, "Thank you."

The figure took a few steps forward and appeared in the light, but it was a majestic-looking red-haired woman.

Yelena said in surprise: "Maeve? Why are you here?"

Queen Maeve, who was wearing plain clothes, was wiping her hands with the clothes on the corpse. She smiled when she heard this and said: "The world is ending, so, yes, I am unemployed."

"You know, I have no family."

"I only have one friend like you."

"So I thought, before that damn boulder falls from the sky, I should come and see you and say goodbye properly."

After a while.

Two women appeared on the rooftop.

"Here you beer, that's all I have now."

Maeve took a bottle of cold beer from Yelena's hand, raised her head, and looked at the super meteorite that was bigger than the moon.

It's so oppressive.

Even on the ground, without the use of tools, you can see the undulating mountains and rift valleys above it.

"Will the people of the motherland take action?"

Yelena asked sitting next to her.

Maeve shook her head: "I don't know, he hasn't appeared since three days ago."

"No one knows where he is now."

"I think he probably won't take action, but I don't know if he is powerless or if he doesn't intend to take action."

Yelena whispered: "He is such a bastard."

Maeve smiled: "Who says it isn't?"

Speaking of this, she felt sour.

Since the Manhattan incident, she thought that she and her motherland had rebuilt their old relationship, and the reality seemed to be moving in this direction.

The people of the motherland even arranged themselves into the Ministry of Defense.

For a while, Maeve actually enjoyed this life.

But now, as the Destroyer is about to enter the atmosphere, the man is missing.

No matter what he planned, it was obvious that he didn't care about himself.

So, who am I?

Yelena glanced at her, held her hand and said, "It doesn't matter, you still have me."

Maeve trembled, looked at Yelena, and nodded.




"Mom, look, that thing is bigger than the moon now."

A girl in a yellow battle suit lay on a beach chair and looked up at the night sky.

Donna looked at her daughter, sighed and said, "Annie, I'm sorry."

"I have been forcing you to participate in various drafts. I thought this was the best for you, but I never asked you if you were willing to be a superhero."

The girl in yellow is Starlight.

Since the 'Midnight Boiling' incident, she witnessed Sonics and other teammates dying tragically in front of her eyes.

This dealt a severe blow to Starlight.

After that, she took a long leave and returned home to recuperate, where she has been until now.

After listening to her mother's words, Starlight held Donna's hand and said.

"Don't say that, Mom."

"I know it's a big blow to you when dad leaves."

"I always want to be your pride and your pillar of support."

"So I don't reject the things you arranged for me."

"It's just that maybe I'm not suitable to be a superhero."

"In what happened last time, I saw that superheroes can also be injured and die."

"I was so scared."

"Mom, I'm really scared."

"Have I let you down?"

Donna hugged her daughter, shook her head and said, "What are you talking about, silly kid."

"You have always been my pride."

She raised her head and looked at the 'Destroyer' in the sky: "I feel very happy to be able to be with you in the last days."




Eden base.

"Come quickly."

"I can't wait any longer."

Azu smiled and looked at the super meteorite above his head.

Last night, when Archibald was unwilling to accept the conditions proposed by Azu.

He planned to launch the second plan.

In this plan, Azu will stand by and watch this disaster happen.

He wants to watch the ‘Destroyer’ fall from the sky and cleanse the earth.

At that time, he will rely on the "absolute domain" to protect the Eden base and the surrounding areas and survive this world-destroying catastrophe.

When the earth has been cleaned up and the global forces have been reshuffled.

Azu had to use the Eden Base, various talents and materials that had been accommodated in advance, and the technological knowledge in his mind that originated from the Kryptonians.

Make this base, this area, the only oasis in the desert of civilization.

One can imagine.

After the doomsday comes, civilization, Eden base with resources and talents will still remain.

It will become the real paradise in this world.

At that time, Azu will be able to become a living god on this planet.

All living beings will fall at his feet.

It was precisely because of this plan that Azu asked Levin to send the president away without even wanting to see him.

"come quickly."

"Come down."

"Then the planet will reboot."




Aeronautics and Space Administration.

A staff member was lying on the table. He was no longer in the mood to work, and now he was just waiting numbly for death.

But at this time, the computer made some kind of prompt sound.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes widening.

Jump up all of a sudden.

Then he typed the keyboard quickly with both hands, and finally threw the keyboard away, holding his head and saying: "This is impossible, this is impossible."

He stood up and shouted: "Come here and see!"

"The computer has detected that the Destroyer is slowing down!"

"It's slowing down!"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

"What, that meteorite is slowing down?"

"How can this be!"

"This violates the laws of physics!"

"Where is it? Let me see."

A moment later, Director Stephen personally called the president who was far away in the White House.

"Yes, Mr. President."

"We just discovered that Destroyer is already slowing down, and even at its current speed, it will still enter the atmosphere."

"But the damage it will cause will be much less than expected. It may cause a tsunami, but it will not cause global flooding."

"Yes, the disaster will be within control."

"Well, okay, we will continue to monitor closely."

After hanging up the phone, Stephen walked out of the office and shouted to the hall: "Everyone, cheer up."

"Keep an eye on the Destroyer now."

"Every five minutes, report its speed."

"Also, have you calculated its landing point?"

"Gentlemen, we may be turning a corner."

"So stop being decadent and work! Work!"

In Stephen's voice, the people in this hall finally regained their vitality.

They rushed to their respective posts and were busy analyzing various data.

On the big screen, the front end of the 'Destroyer' had begun to enter the atmosphere. The friction with the atmosphere made the super meteorite glow red and shiny.

At this moment, cracks appeared one after another on the surface of the meteorite.

Red light emerged from those cracks, and after a moment, large areas of red light spurted out.

The computer immediately sounded an alarm.

On the big screen and in the computer-built model, it is not difficult to see that the front end of the Destroyer is disintegrating.

Subsequently, the fragments formed by the disintegration were ejected, passing through the atmosphere at extremely fast speeds, turning into dazzling meteors, roaring down to the earth, forests, oceans and cities!




Eden base.

Seeing the dots of fire appearing in the night sky above his head, Azu immediately expanded the 'Absolute Domain', not only covering the base, but also surrounding the base, an area equivalent to half of New York.

A huge field of continuously spreading rhombus-shaped light patterns separated the sky.

Let it make a huge sound and roar down, and the meteorites of all sizes cannot enter it.

As soon as those things hit the 'Absolute Domain', they exploded into pieces and made a deafening sound, but they had no impact on things in the domain.

Ryan and Cindy stood together, looking up at the fireballs and thick smoke exploding above the dome, and they exchanged glances with each other.

"Although I knew he was very powerful, I didn't expect him to be that powerful."

"Tell me, when I grow up, can I be as powerful as him?"

Ryan looked at Cindy expectantly.

Cindy shook her head in confusion: "I don't know."

"All I know is that this is no longer human power."

Meteorite rain keeps falling. They cannot penetrate the 'Absolute Realm', but if they fall elsewhere, it will definitely be a disaster.

Trees fell, forests burned, and animals scrambled to escape.

In such chaos.

In one of the craters, a liquid-like mass squirmed, lurking insidiously in the shadows.

When a wild wolf passed by nearby in a panic, the mass just clung to the wild wolf's body.

Then, it covers the whole body of the wild wolf, and then the surface assimilates into the fur of the wild wolf.

The wild wolf stopped, its eyes glowing red, then turned around and flew towards New York.

In the base shrouded by the 'Absolute Domain', Azu looked up at the sky.

The 'Destroyer' had begun to enter the atmosphere, and part of it had passed through the atmosphere. At this time, a line of information flashed in front of Azu's eyes.

[Disaster events occur. 】

[Are you willing to deal with this incident? 】

Azu chose to refuse without even thinking about it.

He just wanted to wait for the 'Destroyer' to fall, so why would he take the initiative to deal with it.

However, Azu always felt that the super meteorite was a bit strange.

I don't know if it's because of friction with the atmosphere, causing resistance.

Azu always felt that the speed of the meteorite was slowing down, and the friction with the atmosphere caused its surface to continuously disintegrate, disintegrating into waves of meteor showers.

This causes the size of the 'Destroyer' to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will successfully fall through the atmosphere and cause a disaster that may not be as serious as previously deduced by the space agency.

Even though the waves of meteorite showers have now caused huge damage to the ground, it is much less severe than what the space agency had previously predicted.

Azu frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Finally, the 'Destroyer' has completely passed through the atmosphere.

The super meteorite, which was comparable to a state, was now red and shiny all over, like a huge fireball.

But due to the continuous disintegration and cracking of the surface, it has shrunk by one-third.

Of course, even so, it would still be fatal if it fell.

As the meteorite continued to approach, Azu's field of vision could no longer fully accommodate it.

Only part of it can be seen.

Just as the figure of the ‘Destroyer’ continued to expand in front of Azu.

Azu could already see the chaotic and inverted stone forests on the super meteorite, the huge and deep rift valleys, and the surface that was still disintegrating.

But at this time.

Around the super meteorite, colorful force fields visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared.

Numerous force fields overlap each other, like sheets of glass, making the 'Destroyer' in the countless force fields look a bit blurry.

at the same time.

The red-glowing meteorite stopped falling.

It just hovered in mid-air!

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