I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 336 Spokesperson (monthly ticket plus updates)

Under the black gem-like night sky, even though it has shrunk, the 'Destroyer' meteorite, which is still full of oppression to humans, is wrapped in countless force fields that flicker with brilliant colors and hovers in mid-air.

Admittedly, this picture is very sci-fi and shocking.

But Azu wanted to scold his mother.

What about the promised meteorite falling from the sky?

What about the promised destruction of the world?

I have written the script, but the result is good, you stopped in mid-air and couldn't get down!

Then I'm not working blindly?

Suddenly, Azu felt like he was being teased.


It is estimated that Azu is the only one in the world who is unhappy now.

Others were happy because the 'Destroyer' stopped in mid-air and made no further movements.

"Look, the 'Destroyer' stopped. This shows that the alien creatures in the meteorite did not come to destroy the earth."

"Yes, they may be here to help humans."

"The space agency's actions were too hasty. They didn't even know what was in the meteorite and just wanted to destroy it."

"Fortunately, the 'Destroyer' only destroyed the spacecraft and did not get angry because of it. It did not cause damage and did not turn around and leave."

"Everyone, I think we can no longer call it a 'destroyer'. If it is here to help mankind, then it should be called a 'gospel'!"

All kinds of opinions are spread on the Internet.

at the same time.

The Federation also made a bold decision.

Several helicopters took off from the military airport and went to inspect the area near the 'Destroyer' meteorite.

Just when people were making various speculations about the super meteorite hanging in mid-air, just when the federation was actively taking action.

In the craters that were previously hit by the meteorite rain, there were squirming masses of liquid-like things.

They use the cover of shadows everywhere to hide themselves when humans or animals pass by.

These things will attach themselves to the body of the creature and then mimic the clothes or fur worn by the host.

In this way, these things can parasitize onto suitable hosts without anyone noticing.

Then, everyone who was parasitized, whether human or animal, began to move towards New York.

The White House, New York.

The Minister of Defense rubbed his eyebrows, took a cup of coffee, and found a quiet corner to sit down.

He was so tired that he basically hadn't slept a wink in the past few days.

Now that the 'Destroyer' is hovering in mid-air, it seems to have brought about a new turning point, and Mr. Minister will inevitably relax.

Once a person relaxes, he will feel tired, not to mention that he has been busy for several days.

So as soon as he sat down, Mr. Minister dozed off.

No one noticed that something was moving in the shadow behind Mr. Minister.

It was a group of pitch-black liquid, but inside it, there was a bit of bright red gem-like light shining.

It came under the chair of the Minister of Defense, and this weird thing crawled up the chair.

When it comes into contact with the chair, its surface mimics the color and luster of the chair.

This makes it difficult to detect from a distance, let alone this late at night.

Before long, it swam up the chair, slipped in through the gap, and began to make contact with the Secretary of Defense.

It spread piece by piece from the back to Mr. Minister's back. After sufficient preparation, billions of things like fine needles like cow hair popped out from its inside.

These things easily pierced the clothes of the Minister of Defense and penetrated under the skin of Mr. Minister.

The Minister of Defense opened his eyes suddenly. He wanted to call out, but found that he could not control his body.

Then there was a voice echoing in my head.

"You are mine!"

"I am 'Black Bone', and I am your forever master!"

The Minister of Defense's eyes were horrified, and then he watched himself stand up. After a while, the clothes on his body twisted and changed, and they were no different from ordinary ones.

But at this time, he could no longer control his words and actions.

The creature named 'Black Skeleton', the billions of fine needles pierced into his body, have completely taken over his nerves and muscles.

Let him be like a puppet with strings pulled, becoming the vehicle of the "Black Skeleton".

White House.

In the Oval Office.

Archibald was looking at the screen in front of him. On the screen, the military helicopters were approaching the Destroyer.

An official recorder on the helicopter was broadcasting live with a camera. At this time, the camera turned down, allowing Archibald and other officials to see that on the rooftops of several buildings below, there were fanatics burning fires and holding high banner.

It had slogans like ‘Earth welcomes you’.

No doubt they were alien fanatics.

Then the camera turned towards the 'Destroyer' meteorite which was protected by a heavy force field. One of the helicopters was too close and suddenly lost power. While the alarm was blaring, it was attracted by the force field.

As soon as the helicopter came into contact with the force field, it twisted and deformed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball of metal scrap like a crumpled paper airplane, and it just became attached to the force field.

This prevented the remaining aircraft from getting too close.

Then, the plane's loudspeaker rang: "We are humans on the earth, and we request to communicate with the intelligent creatures in the meteorite."

The speakers are constantly changing languages, from federal English, to French, to Chinese, to Japanese, Thai, etc.

However, even if all the languages ​​on the earth have been spoken, including some ancient languages ​​that have been lost.

There was no movement in the ‘Destroyer’ meteorite.

An official wondered: "Aren't they intelligent creatures? They can't communicate."

"After all, language shouldn't be a barrier to a civilization capable of interstellar travel."

Before Archibald could respond, a voice came from outside the door.

"No, it can be communicated."

A series of glances fell on the Minister of Defense.

The Minister of Defense walked in, looked around, and finally laid his eyes on President Archibald.

"My host told me that you are one of the most powerful people on the planet and the leader of this country."

"Then I think you should be qualified to talk to me."

Archibald was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about, what host, have you drank?"

"No, I was not exposed to any alcohol."

The clothes behind the Minister of Defense squirmed and suddenly turned into a liquid that glowed red in the darkness.

It rose upwards, forming a figure without features.

The Minister of Defense opened and closed his mouth and made a sound: "I am 'Black Skeleton', the spokesperson chosen by the great 'Brother's Nest'."

"I'm happy to tell you that this planet has been recognized as a habitable planet by the 'Brother's Nest."

"The Brood will stay on this planet until all its energy is absorbed by the Brood."

"And during this period, you humans need to provide us with 'food'."

"We feed on the blood of living things, and I expect you to provide us with human hosts on a regular basis."

"We will inhabit the bodies of our hosts and feed on their blood."

"In return, we will discipline our own brethren and try to perpetuate your species as much as possible."

"So, cheers."

"At least you can survive, Mr. President."

"You will be the bridge between us and humanity, and we allow you to retain your own will."

"The premise is that you need to cooperate with us."

"How's it going? Any questions?"

Archibald was stunned.

Then he realized a problem.

"You said 'you', how many do you have?"

The Minister of Defense said mechanically: "You can look out the window."

Archibald turned around and realized that figures and various animals were standing outside the window at some unknown time.

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