I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 345 Lack of Constraints

"Of course continue."

The speaker was Mallory, a former senior CIA operative and the immediate boss of French and others.

The black breast milk said with some hesitation: "But is this okay, madam, after all, he saved us and saved this planet."

"We still need to find weapons to deal with him, or even kill him, this."

Mallory put down the wine glass in his hand: "Breast milk, you are right."

"He saved us and the planet."

"But have you noticed that he only came forward at the last moment?"

"And my friend in the CIA mentioned to me that long before the big monster in the super meteorite appeared, Mr. President went to find the people of the motherland twice."

"The president wants to ask him to take action."

"In the first negotiation, Mr. President was kicked out by the people of the motherland because he opposed the conditions put forward by him."

"In the second negotiation, he didn't even want to meet the president."

"In addition, the CIA also investigated that the Eden base belonging to the Cayton Group, after the appearance of the 'Destroyer' and the breakdown of the first negotiation, Pu continued to send materials and personnel into the base."

"Do you know what this information means?"

Frankie put down the ice cream and opened his mouth wide: "No way?"

"Could it be that the people of the motherland are planning to sit idly by during the second negotiation."

"He wants to let the 'Destroyer' smash down the earth, thus destroying the world?"

Breastmilk frowned: "Why would he do this?"

Mallory picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "I don't know."

"But I think the same thing as Frankie."

"After the failure of the first negotiation, the people of the motherland planned to stand by and watch. Only in this way can we explain why he refused the second negotiation."

"He should know that no matter what request he makes during the second negotiation, Mr. President will agree to it."

"But he refused. The only explanation is that he planned to use the 'Destroyer' to break the existing world structure and wanted to reshuffle the forces of various countries in the world."

"As for supplies and personnel, he probably thinks he has the ability to protect the base."

"So after the meteorite destroys the world, he will be able to become the king of the new world with the materials and personnel prepared in advance."

Breastmilk was stunned: “This is crazy.”

The black man spread his hands again: "If that's the case, why did he take action again?"

Mallory put down his glass and smiled: "Because he is a proud bastard, and "Hero Hunting" offended him. Think about it, can a person like him endure being hunted as prey?"

"The answer is of course no."

"So he took action, not to benefit all mankind, not to save the planet."

"Just to teach those alien creatures a lesson."

"So you see, he's not as great as you think."

"Only those who can't see the full picture of the matter will regard him as a savior, but this bastard only acted for himself."

"Saving the world and all mankind is just a matter of convenience."

Frankie put down the emptied ice cream cup: "I agree with Madam's conjecture."

Breastmilk shrugged her shoulders: "Okay, let's continue our previous work."

Mallory nodded: "This must be done."

"Because the people of the motherland are too strong."

"Even if he kills such alien life, he is basically invincible on this planet."

"If you think about it carefully, this is such a terrible thing."

"We will all live in his shadow. Whether this planet can exist and whether humans can survive will all be determined by his happiness and anger."

"He was in a good mood today and allowed us to survive."

"If he's in a bad mood tomorrow, he might kill all of humanity."

Frankie wiped his face and said, "That's true."

"It's like if the Federation was the only one in the world with nuclear weapons, then the Federation would definitely become the enemy of the whole world."

"Although the Federation is almost like this now."

"But in general, because other countries also have nuclear weapons, they can restrain each other. As long as they are not crazy, they will not launch a nuclear war."

Mallory drank the wine in his glass: "That's it."

"Among the group of superhuman beings, the people of the motherland are too powerful. They are exceptionally powerful."

"The distance between him and the second strongest one is like a galaxy."

"He lacks a strong enough restraint. Without restraint, he can do whatever he wants."

"There is nothing crazier or more dangerous than staking the safety of all mankind on his self-restraint."

She stood up: "So, gentlemen, you are fighting for all mankind now."

"Come on, we have to do something."

"We must find weapons that can restrain the people of the motherland as soon as possible."




Eden base.

Helicopter landing pad.

Angelina, who wore a simple look, was accompanied by digital assistants and a security team.

I was watching several helicopters land on the landing pad.

In the helicopter, people came down one after another.

A moment later, Angelina met Federal President Rick Archibald.

"Welcome, Mr. President."

Angelina's smile was impeccable and she extended her hand to show her kindness.

Archibald smiled and held Angelina's hand. Angelina and her group are now very popular because of their relationship with the motherland.

Whether it is within the federation or large financial groups in other countries, they are all rushing to meet Angelina and establish diplomatic relations with the Cayton Group.

When Angelina called her motherland her master in front of the whole world, those with foresight knew that this woman would become the focus of the world next.

If I can gain her kindness, I will virtually get closer to the people of my motherland.

Who doesn’t want to get closer to a superhero who saved the world? Who doesn’t want to get close?

And today, Archibald even visited as president, which invisibly confirmed this point.

Angelina and Archibald rode in a car together and entered the base.

Even though I came once.

But this time, Archibald got to see the entire base.

Angelina also showed her kindness as a landlord and introduced the various facilities of the base to the President with a smile and the role they will play in the future.

Of course, Angelina also had reservations. She didn't reveal a word about confidential matters.

when the car stops.

They have arrived at the main building of the base, which is the heart of the entire base and the most important place in Eden.

Receiving Archibald here also indirectly shows Angelina's sincerity.

But what Archibald wanted was not Angelina's sincerity, what he wanted was the people of the motherland, so even though he was welcomed with the highest standards after entering the hall, he did not see Azu, and there was still a trace of displeasure in Mr. President's eyes.

But he didn't show it on his face, and he said casually: "It seems that I came at the wrong time today. The people from the motherland are not in the base?"

"The master is here, but he is in a bad mood, so he doesn't want to see guests. Please forgive me." Angelina said with a smile, even when facing the most powerful person in the world, she remained calm and calm.

Because behind her is the person who stands at the top of the world!

Archibald's face suddenly became very ugly.

Not only were the natives at the base, but Angelina wasn't even trying to hide it.

How contemptuous and arrogant this is.

Only now did he understand that it was not only the people of his motherland who were proud, but also the woman in front of him.

Even though her attitude was sincere and her smile was friendly, Archibald knew from what she just said that Angelina didn't take herself as the President of the Federation too seriously.

Otherwise, she would have to at least cover up the whereabouts of her motherland!

Archibald chuckled twice and waved, and someone handed him a suitcase.

The president said: "This is the general uniform and related documents of the motherland. Since he is in a bad mood and does not want to see guests."

"Then I won't bother you, and ask Miss Angelina to hand these things over to him and say hello to him on my behalf."

An assistant next to Angelina took the suitcase.

"I will, don't worry, Mr. President."

Since he could not see his motherland, Archibald was not prepared to stay for a long time. He exchanged a few words with Angelina and then left with an excuse.

It wasn't until he got into the helicopter that Archibald's expression darkened.

Next to him, General Mike said in the earphone: "Mr. President, the people of the motherland are too arrogant."

"You personally sent the general's uniform and relevant documents, but he didn't even plan to show up. He only asked his maid to show up."

Archibald snorted in his nostrils: "Isn't he always like this?"

"Don't talk about him anymore."

"How is the recovery of the bodies of those alien creatures going?"

General Mike nodded and said: "It went very well, especially the creature called the 'Mother's Nest'. Although it was cut in half by the motherland, we have recovered their bodies."

"Next, Dr. Wogelbaum will lead the study of alien organisms."

Archibald said: "Those things can turn ordinary people into superhuman beings. Maybe they contain evolutionary substances that are more stable than Chemical No. 5."

"Hopefully Dr. Vogelbaum can find a way to deal with the people of the motherland from them."

General Mike coughed dryly.

"Speaking of finding countermeasures."

"Mr. President, the CIA revealed that they have a former agent who is also working on this matter."

"Oh, who is it?" Archibald cast a surprised look.


"According to the report from the CIA, this operator once organized a team to fight against the Seven, especially the people of the motherland."

General Mike said: "Maybe they can really find a way to deal with the motherland."

Archibald nodded: "I hope so."




New York, Chinatown.

In Ada Lin's apartment, a promotional video was playing on the TV.

"People of the motherland, we can't do it anymore, we can't hold on any longer."

"Yes, people of the motherland, these alien creatures are too powerful, we are no match for them."

On the screen, Ice Princess and Starlight were seriously injured.

They were in ruins, with New York's symbols and the Statue of Liberty tilting in the distance, and countless space battleships dotting the sky.

Those space battleships are constantly firing laser cannons at the ground, creating explosions again and again.

Right in front of Starlight and Ice Princess, a star-striped cape was flying, facing the fierce gunfire. The figure had dazzling blond hair and the blue suit symbolized hope.

"Don't give up, my friend."

The ‘patriots’ said without looking back: “We are the earth and the last line of defense for all mankind.”

"If we also fall, who will protect our home?"

"Don't forget, we are a group of seven, the strongest superheroes in the world."

"Come with me, Starlight, Ice Princess."

"I will lead you to reap the fruits of victory!"

After saying that, the 'motherland' soared into the sky and crashed into space battleships.

Those space battleships exploded quickly, and the entire sky was quickly spread by flames. Then the picture became blurred, and a line of text grew from small to large, appearing in the firelight, and finally occupied the entire screen.

‘Do you also want to join the Seven? Do you have a dream to save the world? If you have this idea, then join us. ’

‘The recruitment of members of the Seven is in progress, maybe you will be the next native of the motherland! ’

Putting the bowl filled with white rice on the table, Ada Lin smiled and said: "Stop watching TV, Mr. John, you can have dinner."

Azu put down the remote control, walked over, looked at the Chinese dishes on the table, took a deep breath and said, "It tastes so good, Xiaolin, your cooking skills have improved."

Then he helped Ada Lin pull out the chair and helped her sit down.


After Ada Lin sat down, she said, "Try the soup I made."


"What are these black things?" Azu asked knowingly.

"It's seaweed. It's an algae. In my hometown, people use it to make soup. It tastes delicious. Try it."

After Azu poured a bowl of soup for himself and Ada Lin, he took a sip and nodded: "Yes, it is delicious."


Lin Aida said while drinking the soup: "Eat quickly, the food will not taste good when it is cold."

She sighed: "Thanks to the manager this time. If he hadn't taken us to seek refuge outside New York City, I might have died in the first wave of meteorites."

Of course, the person who picked up Ada Lin was not the manager of the music store, but one of Angelina's people. They just used the name of the manager to prevent Ada Lin from becoming suspicious.

It has been a week since the ‘Destroyer’ arrived.

During this time, Azu has been staying at the Eden base.

Angelina did not lie to Archibald at that time, Azu was indeed in a bad mood.

The 'Destroyer' did not perform according to his script, which made Azu feel like he had become a clown, but it was not because of this that he was in a bad mood.

Afterwards, he reviewed the entire incident and combined it with the previous incident of 'Midnight Boiling'. Azu believed that the black-robed universe he was in probably also had an 'administrator'.

In the 'Midnight Boiling' incident, he refused to accept the disaster event, so the disaster of one hundred thousand Chimera occurred. However, this disaster did not last even for one night, and the residents who became Chimera quickly returned to their original state.

In the recent 'Destroyer' incident, the super meteorite did not fall on the earth and bring about the end of the world as Azu had hoped.

Somehow, there seems to be a force controlling this world.

In other words, it is protecting the world from quickly heading towards destruction.

these later changes.

The Chimera residents returned to their original state, and a large jellyfish escaped from the 'Destroyer'.

Azu believes that these may be the result of the 'administrator' correcting the plot.

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