I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 346 Protectorate Council

Azu felt uncomfortable when he thought that there might be an 'administrator' watching in this universe. This meant that all his actions were being watched closely by a pair of invisible eyes.

If what he does does not meet the expectations of the 'administrator', it will be corrected.

‘Midnight Boil’ and ‘Destroyer’ are two prime examples.

What if one day, the ‘administrator’ suddenly ‘corrects’ himself?

Or maybe there's a bug in the 'program'?

Will he be suddenly erased?

This thought has been lingering in Azu's mind since the end of the 'Destroyer' incident.

This also caused him to be depressed during those days.

It took him several days to adjust slightly.

And these things strengthened his idea of ​​becoming an 'administrator'.


In the Marvel Universe, use the 'Infinity Gauntlet' to meet the 'Administrator' of that universe.

The other party promised to report his 'wishes', and if passed, he would get an 'ultimate mission'.

After completing the task, you can become an 'administrator' and should be assigned to manage a multiverse.

According to the saying in the previous life, only by becoming an ‘administrator’ could Azu jump out of the Three Realms like Sun Monkey and be no longer among the Five Elements.

"What are you thinking about, Mr. John?"

"Why don't you move your chopsticks?"

"Isn't the food I cook delicious?"

On the other side of the dining table, Ada Lin couldn't help but ask after not hearing the sound of Azu eating for a long time.

Azu came to his senses and said, "No, it's none of your business."

"I just have too many worries lately."

Azu said, picking up the vegetables with his chopsticks.

Lin Aida didn't know his troubles, so she nodded and said: "I have really had a lot of troubles recently. Although the super meteorite incident is over, the city has suffered such great damage."

"There were many casualties, and only a few people were as lucky as us."

"Some people are homeless, and some have lost loved ones. Every day when I pass by the church, I hear someone crying. It's so tragic."

Azu took a few mouthfuls of rice and said, "If there were no people from the motherland, it would be even worse."

Lin Aida nodded: "You are right, thank you to the people of the motherland, otherwise, more people would die."

"By the way, Mr. John, I wonder if you have heard of such a thing."

"Protect the Council."

Azu was startled: "What is that?"

Lin Aida lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "This is a charity organization that only appeared recently. It was established by an agent appointed by the people of the motherland."

"The purpose is to provide relief to those who were traumatized by the disaster, heal their emotional pain, and provide as much financial support as possible."

"I heard that the people of the motherland don't want to be too public, so this organization keeps a low profile and does not publicize it in newspapers or magazines. It just spreads on the streets."

The corner of Azu's mouth twitched.

When have I appointed an agent?

When will the bullshit Protective Council be established?

Isn't this just using my name to show off?

Damn it, don't let me catch that agent.

Otherwise, you will definitely look good!

After dinner at Aida Lin's house, Azu helped wash the dishes before saying goodbye and leaving.

the next day.

He entered the Tower of Seven.

It feels like I haven't been back for a long time.

As soon as he entered the seven-person tower, the originally noisy lobby became quiet.

Then someone shouted "Long live the motherland", and then the cheers of "the motherland" started one after another.

Everyone clapped vigorously and gave Azu a thumbs up.

Azu put his hands behind his back and smiled in greeting, but without stopping, he walked directly into the elevator.

When the elevator door was about to close, someone outside shouted: "Please wait a moment."

Then a hand came in.

The elevator door opened, revealing Xingguang's charming face.

Starlight put back on her original suit. Although it was not as sexy as the suit designed by Walter Company, it still had a fresh and girl-next-door feel.

When she saw Azu, her eyes were bright and her breathing was rapid, and she said nervously: "Motherland people, can I come in?"

Azu smiled and leaned to the side: "Obviously, there is still a lot of space here, come in."

Starlight flashed in.

The elevator door closes.

In the car, there were only Azu and Xingguang.

The atmosphere became a bit strange.

Azu didn't look sideways, but he knew that Xingguang was constantly looking at him carefully and secretly.

Azu coughed dryly: "Are there flowers on my face?"

Xingguang said "Yeah" and quickly shook his head: "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so rude."

Of course Azu would not argue with her. After all, they had already talked about it, so he casually said: "I heard from Ashley before that you took a long vacation. What, the vacation is over?"

Xingguang raised his head and looked at Azu and said: "During the Midnight Boiling Incident, I watched SuperSonics and other teammates die in front of my eyes. I was very scared at the time, so I took leave and went home."

"I originally thought that I might not be able to continue being a superhero."

"But you inspired me, sir."

Starlight's eyes were shining, with a look of admiration on her face.

Azu was stunned for a moment: "Did I encourage you?"

When have I inspired you?

Why don't I remember.

Starlight nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's you, sir."

"I see Miss Angelina, on your behalf, declaring war on those alien invaders."

"Your perseverance made me understand what a true hero is."

"A real hero should be like you, never flinch in the face of desperate situations, and never surrender in the face of powerful enemies."

"Fight to the end and look forward to death!"

Wait, girl.

I think you misunderstood something.

Azu coughed awkwardly: "Is that so?"

Starlight's breathing gradually became heavier: "Yes, that's right."

"So at that time, I decided to follow your example."

"So I went back to the battlefield, and in that battle, I managed to conquer my fear."

“I also found my original intention again.”

"I am very grateful to you, fellow countryman."



Starlight bit her lip and was about to say something when the elevator door opened.

They have reached the target floor.

Outside the elevator door, Ashley was about to come in when she saw Azu cheering.

"My motherland, you are finally back."

"I have a lot to report to you."

"Please give me 5 minutes."

Azu walked out of the elevator: "I'll give you 10 minutes, miss."

"You are so generous." Ashley said with a radiant face that seemed to glow.

After they left, Xingguang stepped out of the elevator. She touched her forehead with her hand: "Annie, what on earth are you thinking about."

"Do you think you are still young?"

"This is not a school, and people from our country are not your favorite basketball captain."

"This is your place of work, please stop those boring delusions."

As soon as she finished speaking, a voice behind her said: "Do you like people from the motherland?"

Starlight was startled, and when she looked back, she saw a young girl with a work permit with the word 'intern' hanging on her chest.

"I don't."

Starlight quickly defended herself.

The young girl smiled and said, "It's normal to like people from the motherland. I like him too."

"He is the hero who saved the world and the dream lover of all women. I have not only dreamed about him in my dreams, but also opened my arms for him."

"It's normal for you to have that idea, Miss Starlight, would you like to join our 'Motherland Support Group'? You are not fighting alone."

Xingguang said quickly: "I still have something to do, sorry."

She walked quickly to the command hall, thinking that girls nowadays are really crazy.

Crime Analysis Section.

Azu walked in with his hands behind his back and found that half of the staff in the analysis department were missing. It was unclear whether they were on vacation or died in the disaster.

Fortunately, the person he was looking for was still alive.

Annika was listening to music with headphones on as usual.

Because she was the only one nearby, the girl took off her shoes and put her two long white legs on the table next to her.

Azu saw her holding an almond chocolate bar and eating it.

How much does she like chocolate.

Azu walked behind her and took off her headphones.

Annika tilted her head back and was startled when she saw it was Azu. She stood up hurriedly, but fell to the ground. Her buttocks in the one-line skirt was raised high towards Azu.

"Sorry, boss, I didn't expect it was you."

Annika got up hurriedly, covering her head, not daring to look at Azu's face.

Azu shook his head and said to this careless girl: "Help me investigate an organization, the Protectorate Association."

"I heard that the founder of this organization borrowed my name and said he was my agent."

"I suspect that the other party is using the name 'Motherland' to make money. If you find any evidence, please notify me immediately."

Annika nodded repeatedly: "I will start investigating immediately, and I will inform you as soon as I have any news."

"Well, do it well."

Azu patted her shoulder lightly and then left the analysis department.

When he arrived at the command hall, Maeve was alone in the hall.

She seemed to be in a very low mood. She was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, wondering what she was thinking.

Azu had already heard about her from Ashley and walked to Maeve. He looked at the city outside the window and said.

"I'm sorry about your friend."

Maeve looked back at Azu and said with a smile: "You can actually comfort people. I even wonder if you are someone else pretending to be you."

Azu said without changing his face: "You deserve what I do."

Maeve's eyes moved slightly, and after a moment of silence she said, "I want to take a vacation."

Azu nodded: "You really should rest and adjust. Go ahead and come back whenever you want. I will tell Ashley."

He then took out a credit card and said, "You can buy whatever you want."

Maeve smiled and pushed the credit card back: "I have money."

"And not long ago, I just received a federal award, a total of 100 million tax-free dollars."

"But thank you anyway."

She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Azu gently on the face.

Azu smiled and did not look back, but watched Maeve leave from the floor-to-ceiling window.




A few days later.

"I have arrived."

On the streets of New York, Azu looked around, then asked into the phone receiver: "Where are you?"

After taking over Azu's mission, Annika spent a lot of time and finally found the way to join the 'Guild of Protection' on the Internet.

To join the 'Guild of Protection', one needs to be recommended by a member.

Annika found a member for Azu, and the other party said that as long as he provided certain benefits, he would help recommend membership.

After getting the contact information, Azu took the initiative to contact the other party and made an appointment to meet here.

Not long after Azu put down his phone, he saw a sneaky man wearing a peaked cap emerging from a nearby alley.

And waved to Azu.

Azu walked over, thinking that if this guy dared to play tricks on him, he would kill him, and then severely deduct Annika's bonus for this quarter.


asked the man named Parikh.

Azu nodded, took out a few U.S. dollars from his pocket, and put them in Parik's hand.

Parik clicked, stuffed the dollar bills into his hat, and walked forward: "You are very lucky. There will be an induction event for new members of the Protectorate Association tonight. I can recommend you to join."

Azu followed and asked, "Can I really get financial help by joining the Protectorate Association?"


Parikh said: "But new members cannot do it. New members will have an assessment period ranging from one week to one quarter. The assessment period depends on your contribution to the Protectorate and determines the time it takes for you to pass the assessment."

Azu smiled and said, "What is the content of the assessment?"

Parik said as he walked: "If you want to pass the examination as soon as possible, you only need to donate to the Protectorate Association. The donated styles will be registered and given to brothers and sisters who have difficulties and pass the examination."

"You can also complete various tasks issued by the Protectorate Council."

"If you are a woman, you can pass the test immediately as long as you undergo the purification ceremony."

"But whether you are qualified to undergo the purification ceremony requires the certification of 'Light Singer'."

"Who is the one who sings the light?" Azu asked casually.

"It is Mr. Reed, the appointed agent of the Fatherland."

"He is also the founder of the Protectorate Association."

Azu smiled and said: "How do you know whether he is really authorized by the motherland?"

After all, I don't know Mr. Reed.

Parikh glanced at him impatiently: "You don't need to know that much."

"Besides, at the rally two days ago, people from the motherland appeared and personally admitted this matter."

"Many brothers and sisters saw it at that time, so there can be no mistake."


Are the people from the motherland still showing up?

So I became the leader of an organization and I didn’t know it?

The more Azu learned about it, the more absurd he felt.

"By the way, do you have any money on you?"

"At least 1,000 yuan?"

Azu nodded.

"That'll be easy."

At this moment Parikh stopped and knocked on a small red door.

The small door opened a crack, and a pair of eyes looked out.

"It's me, Parikh, man."

Then the door opened.

Parikh pointed at Azu and said, "He is the member I recommend tonight."

Behind the door, a big man with a braided beard nodded and turned sideways to let them pass.

Azu followed Parik through the passage covered with graffiti and came to a spacious hall with a wall opened.

There are many sofas scattered in the hall, and some tables with candles are placed here and there. Seven or eight people are already sitting on the sofas.

Parikh took Azu to one of the sofas.

"Wait a minute."

"The rally will begin soon."

"Remember, don't say anything."

"I will answer your questions for you. If you want to successfully join the club, you'd better listen to me." Parikh warned.

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