I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 347 The ultimate mission is released!

Azu didn't wait too long. After a while, the sound of a bell came from deep in the hall.

At this time, Parikh, who was sitting next to Azu, whispered: "Mr. Reed is here."

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly and saw a small door opened deep in the hall, and a figure flashed behind the door.

Soon a group of women in black robes walked out from inside.

These women are all very young, almost the same height. Their faces are covered with veils, they hold wind lanterns in their hands, and they walk barefoot on the floor. They have a strange beauty.

There are many tricks.

Moreover, this pomp is more exquisite than mine.

Well, I don’t seem to have had any pomp and circumstance.

The thoughts in Azu's mind popped up one after another like bubbles.

Parik next to him dutifully introduced: "They are 'Light Holders', and each 'Light Holder' has been affirmed by the 'Light Holder' Mr. Reed."

"And Mr. Reed personally presided over the purification ceremony."

“They become pure in body and soul and belong to their country forever.”


Why does this sound more and more like a crooked organization?

The corner of Azu's mouth twitched slightly.

As the eight so-called 'Light Supporters' came out and stood in two rows.

Then I saw a very handsome man in his early thirties wearing a black robe walking out with a smile.

Parikh immediately pulled Azu off: "Mr. Reed is here, stand up quickly, hurry up, don't waste time."

Azu stood up with him, and everyone else did the same, bowing slightly to the man.

"Welcome, my dear brothers and sisters."

Reed looked at the crowd and said, "In the name of my motherland, I give you my blessing, and you will definitely receive his protection."

“In his glory you will enjoy everlasting health, free from sickness and poverty.”

"And all you need to do is to be pious and believe in him and believe in me from the bottom of your heart."

Azu's face suddenly darkened.

This guy is blatantly using his own name to cheat.

And he used the same tactics as the man on the cross.

Thinking of those entrance examinations that Parikh said.

What about donating, contributing to organizations, and women being purified by ‘glorifiers’ and so on.

It's obviously money-making, free labor, and deceiving women physically and mentally.

If he hadn't done this in the name of being a citizen of the motherland, Azu wouldn't be too lazy to meddle in other people's business.

But this guy named Reed is profiting from his name, and Azu has sentenced him to death.

"Okay, I have other things to do tonight."

"Let's hurry up."

"So, who is going to join our 'Guild of Protection' tonight?"

Reed smiled and looked around.

"I would like to join, sir."

"Me too, I'm homeless and I hope I can get help from the Protectorate Council."

"I haven't had anything to eat for three days."

One hand was raised.

Including Azu, there are a total of four people who want to join the 'Guild of Protection' tonight.

In addition to Azu, there was a young girl, a black man who looked like a homeless man, and a gray-haired old woman.

Reed looked at Azu and the young girl the longest, followed by the black man, but the old woman glanced at him.

"Okay, next, I need to ask some questions."

Reed first looked at the old woman: "Old lady, what should I call you?"

"June, you can call me June."

"Okay, Mrs. June."

"I want to know what you can do for the Protectorate?" Reed smiled.

Mrs. June thought for a moment and said, "I can make something delicious for everyone. My apple pie is very good and everyone in the family likes it. Unfortunately, they are no longer here."

"Now I'm the only one left."

Reed chuckled and said, "I think we don't have much demand for cooking."

"anything else?"

Mrs. June said tremblingly: "I heard that as long as a woman is a woman, she can pass the purification ceremony and become a member of the Protectorate?"

Reed laughed loudly: "That's what happened, but madam, you may not have heard clearly."

"Lightholders can only be women who are no more than 25 years old. Their bodies and minds have not been too polluted and they still have the opportunity to be purified."

"As for you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you are not qualified."

Mrs. June looked disappointed: "Then what should I do to join the Protectorate?"


Reed showed a charming smile: "Donate your property and let me see your piety and determination."

Mrs. June said in embarrassment: "My home is gone, and the remaining property I have now is less than 100 US dollars."

Reed shook his head: "That's really a pity. The minimum donation to join the Protectorate is $1,000."

"Perhaps, you can seek help from others, and then come to me after you have saved up the minimum donation standard."

"Donnie, please take this lady away."

The tall man with a braided beard from before came in and took the old lady away.

Reed asked similar questions to the girl and the homeless man.

The girl voluntarily became a 'Light Holder' and was willing to accept Reed's 'purification'.

The homeless man is willing to work for the Protectorate and complete various tasks assigned by Reed.

Reed was very satisfied with the answers given by these two people.

at last.

He looked at Azu.

"What do you call me sir?"

Before Azu could answer, Parikh rushed to speak.


"Mr. Reed, his name is John."

Reed nodded: "So, Mr. John, what can you bring to the Protectorate?"

Parikh added: "He will donate, Mr. Reed."

As he said that, Parikh winked at Azu desperately.

Azu took out a stack of U.S. dollars from his pocket, which made Reed's eyes shine.


He gestured.

A girl in black robe came over and said with a smile: "Thank you for your generosity."

Then reach for the money.

But the stack of U.S. dollars didn't move at all in Azu's hand.

Parikh couldn't help but said anxiously: "Do you still want to join the membership? If you want to join the membership, please pay the money."

Azu looked at him with a smile and said, "No wonder you asked me just now if I had any money with me, and it was 1,000 yuan."

"No wonder you said it's up to you to answer the question."

"I guess after the Protectorate Association receives the 1,000 yuan donation, it will distribute dividends to you."

"How much is it, $100?"

Parik's expression changed and he said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm here to help you."

Azu chuckled, put the dollar bill back into his pocket, and looked at Reed with a smile: "I have a question. I want to join the Protectorate because I want to get help."

"After all, you said you could help members solve their financial difficulties."

"But to join the Protectorate, you need to donate at least 1,000 US dollars."

"If I have $1,000, why should I ask the Congress for help?"

I don’t know if it’s because I’m interested in Azu’s money, or for other reasons.

Reed explained patiently: "All the income of the Protectorate will be used for members and brothers and sisters."

“But to maintain the operation of an organization, funds are needed to maintain it, so we need to donate.”

"Also, if you don't want to donate, you can also choose to work for the Protectorate like him."

He pointed at the black homeless man.

The man nodded repeatedly.

Azu shook his head and said, "That's really nice to say."

"But I heard that applying for financial aid requires your approval."

"What if you don't approve it, or what if the relief funds you distribute are reduced?"

"As for the labor assessment."

"I guess you'll say that to this gentleman after you've taken advantage of it."

"I'm sorry, you didn't pass the test."


He then looked around and said, "I would like to know if any of the members here joined through working for the National Protective Association?"

Azu asked this.

A middle-aged man said: "I donated 1,000 yuan to join the Protective Association."

"I donated 1500"

"I am 1200"


Those who attended the rally, except Parikh, other members spoke out.

They were surprised to find that Azu was right.

Everyone joins the Protectorate through donations.

The black homeless man immediately pointed at Reed and said, "You liar!"

Reed's expression changed and he said loudly: "I am the agent designated by the people of the motherland!"

"The people of the motherland saved the world and saved you."

"Now I'm just asking you to donate a little money. Is this too much?"

"Ask your conscience."

"If there were no people from the motherland, how many of you would be able to sit here now!"

After being bluffed by him, people became quiet again.

Reed suddenly looked at Azu and said coldly: "You are not here to join the Protectorate at all, you are here to cause trouble."

"Now I ask you to donate all your property to the Protectorate and the people of the motherland."

"This way, I can still intercede for you in front of him."


Azu laughed: "What if, otherwise, will the people of the motherland kill me?"

"Let's not talk about whether the people of the motherland will kill me."

"You said you are the agent of the motherland, can you invite him here?"

Reed's expression changed again, and he said in a deep voice: "What do you think a native of the motherland is, someone who is always available?"

"If you want to meet people from the motherland, I will naturally arrange it, but not now!"

Azu nodded: "Yes, after all, you need time to prepare."

"Which actor was used? Could it be that he was a stand-in for someone from the motherland?"


"Donny, search him for the money and throw it on the street!" Reed shouted angrily, while giving Parik a fierce look.

Parik felt guilty and couldn't help but shrink his head.

The big man Donnie came over at this time, took out a saber from his waist, put it on Azu's neck, and then reached out to put his hand into Azu's pocket.

Azu said with an unchanging smile: "I advise you not to do this."

"Then what should I do? First cut your neck and then take the money from your body?" The big man laughed ferociously.

at this time.

There was a loud bang at the entrance of the hall, causing everyone to look back.

Then they saw a monster enter the hall.

It's a werewolf.

Gray hair, sharp claws, and two golden eyes.

Screams suddenly broke out in the hall.

'Druid' Levin walked to Downey's side, stared at the saber on Azu's neck, and swung his claws fiercely!

Donnie's head suddenly split into pieces.

The girls in black robes who were filled with a holy and mysterious atmosphere just now were so frightened that they threw away their lanterns and scattered screaming.

Reid even sat down on the ground, all the muscles in his body were trembling.

Azu calmly found a sofa and sat down, and saw Levin gently lifting Reed's chin with a paw.

"answer my question."

"Who asked you to do this."

"If you dare to hide or lie, that's your example."

Levin pointed to Downey's body.

Reed immediately shouted: "Don't kill me, I said, I will tell you everything."

"The Protectorate was founded by me and has nothing to do with the people of the motherland. I just saw him saving the world, so I wanted to make some money under his banner."

"I'm very sorry."

The previously frightened members and girls all looked at Reid with wide eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Did you lie to us?"

"The creation of the Protectorate Association is not the intention of the people of the motherland at all?"

The girls even rushed over and grabbed Reed.

"So, the purification ritual is also a lie?"

"You said that only by marrying you can we get close to the people of the motherland and share the glory of the motherland. Is that also a lie?"

Reed glanced at the werewolf, gritted his teeth and nodded.



The girls in black robes immediately punched and kicked Reed.

Azu smiled, stood up, looked at the members and said, "Why are you still standing there? Call the police."

A few members just woke up from a dream.

Azu winked at Levin, and then the two left.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive.

Reed, who was beaten until his nose was bruised and swollen, was eventually taken away by the police.

Even the accomplice Parikh is no exception.

A few days later.

In Ada Lin's house, a piece of news was being played on the elevator screen.

"Just three days ago, the police busted an illegal organization called the 'Guild of Protection'."

"Reed Anderson, the leader of the organization, used the name of his motherland to defraud and is suspected of illegally amassing money, harming others' bodies, and illegally having relations with the opposite sex."

Listening to the news, Lin Aida held a cup and whispered: "The Protectorate is actually a liar."

"Oh my god, I almost believed it."

"Fortunately I didn't join."

Azu glanced at her and smiled: "Actually, this liar is quite capable. He took advantage of people's anxiety and pain after the disaster, and thus successfully developed an illegal organization to a certain scale in a short period of time."


It's a pity that you shouldn't use my name.

Azu closed his eyes and took a sip of coffee.

Lin Aida said angrily: "Anyway, he went too far."

"He actually took advantage of the people of the motherland to defraud him. He deserves to be caught."

Azu smiled and was about to tease her a few words when suddenly words appeared in front of his retina.

【Ultimate mission released.】

Azu's whole body was shocked.

I almost spilled the coffee in the cup.

without any precautions.

[Ultimate Mission] has been released!

So, the ‘administrator’ of the Marvel Universe indeed reported his ‘wishes’, and they were approved!

It’s the end of the month, if you have a monthly pass, don’t waste it.

In addition, I hope there will be recommendations next month, otherwise I will be in trouble.

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